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I ; j I SCALES OF WEIGHTS FOR JAN., I922 JJ 5 H ~ 3 ■ 1 Agea. IS » I i : One-IIaU Mile. T"" real alda |JJ . . so Three vcmoPN |9jg KM n l ranr-year-elda p.»t; 117 s. live -year-olds and upward lLti 1J1 lC Thrcc-Quartcrs Mile. Two-year aldh Three-year-olds tl.i MM lln Poiir-year-olds 13, 1151 ,-.- I Me year-olds and upward Uf£ |9J| ij One Mile. Three year ..Ids i- |faj lot; Pouryear-cld- .... IJJJ |fj ij:; Five-year-olds ami apward liO HB ljs One and One-Half Miles. Three year-otda f or, an Pear-year alda |2g |2g 117 Five year-old- Vjs |2| vjt; SU-yesr-eida and apward l.s i.t, ijs Two Miles. Three-year-olds io_ 03 9.". Pour year elds Uij |tjj ] | ,; Pi .• year-ohm n s 123 p o Biz-year-alda and apward VM 121 l-j Tin: .10CKPV ckit;. la race? of intermediate I agths the weights for tiie aberter distance be can led. la races exclnsirelj far three year slda or fonr-year-oMa the weight siinii he 130 pounds, and far : no year-olds lL,-_ lioamls. Except in haadicapa and in races where tiie renditions expressly aisle Is the contrary, tillie; two years old shall be allowed three panada and fillies and mares three years old and Howard sltnll |,P allowed "• pounds before September 1 and :t pounds thereafter. No horse dull carry le- s than b l p. mids. Welter weighta ahall be 28 pounds added Ie the weigh t-for-age. la beasj Imadicapa the lop weight shall not be lesa than 1 nt poands. la all handicaps, when the added moacv exceeds 1922.sh00, iu« top weigal shall net be less than 126 pounds No gelding three years old and over -hall be ■ pialified to star: in any r.ue closing, aerenty-twe hours or more before the date ef raualag, except nan. .leaps and seUing races. This rule thai] not apply is heritti geeded prior to Pebruary 13. 1849. KENTUCKY STATR RACING COMMISSION la races of Intermediate leagtha the weighta tor the ahorter distam •• he rarried. In races exelasiTely tor tine. •year-olds at four-year-eMa Hie weight shall ]« 126 aaaaads, and for two-] .-. ir-.. ids 122 naanfn Exre|it in handicaia ami in races where the ran rtitiona ex|*resslj atate lo the esutnrry. tiiiie. tare rears old si,aii be allowed three Bounds and fillies and mares three years oM and upward ahall be aJ lowed .". pounds before September 1 and ;i pound thereafter. So horse shall carry la 1 than 84 poota Welter weighta shall be 28 asauaa added to Use areighl tor-age. In heavy handicaps the lop weight shall sol he less tlian 1 lit pound . In all handicaps, shea the added money exceeda 1922.sh60; the lap weight ahall net lie less than 1LI pounds. CANADIAN RACING ASSOiTATIONS. Ia races of Intermediate lengths the weighta for the shorter distance be carried. In races exclusively for thie c-year-olda or rear-i ear olds the weight shall bo 1J0 p. amis, and for two-yea r-oliP ll: pound--. Except in haadicapa and la races where the conditions express! atate to the contrary, fill io-- taro years aid shall ! • allowed three pounds and fillies ira I mans tin years old ami apward shall l.o al lowed 9 pounds iirot" Seittember t and :» paundH thereafter. Hare* of all ages snail i... aUewed three pounds. Welter Weights --1:1 1 ! !••■ 28 p.llllds added to the " eight -fin -ace. In heavj handii 111 the top weigh! sliall not be Ifcss lhaa 140 poaads. ia all haadkapn, when Hie added money exi -eda 00, the top weight hail not be I-j than 126 pound CUBA AMERICAN JOt K I.V 1 I. PP. la races of interatediate length; the weighta tot shorter distaarea shall be carried. in races exelasiTely for Iwe-year-olds, lis pounds in races exclusively tor three year-els, ISSpoaants. In races exclusively for four-yea r-ehts, 120 punads. Fillies Iwo yens old allowed three poind--. Kiltie* and mares three year* old and upward allowed five pounds before September I. Fillies and mares thrte ..ears old and upward allowed three pounds after September I. LOWER CALIFORNIA JOCKEY CLUB In races of nl m tin • lengths the a eight I * the shorter distant e *!iall he 1 .11 rled. in a race exclusively for two-yeat etda Ike weighta shall be IIS pounds. in a race exclusively tor three-year -okla at four-ycar-olds the weight* ahall he 122 pounds. Except la haadicapa and ia races where the weighta are fixed ab.«tute!y ia the conditions, filla - two years old and geldings of all ages hall Be allowed three pounds, and fillies and Daares three year* old and upward ahall be all wed five pceads • .■ September 1 and three pounds thereafter. Welter neighta ahall be -s poaada added to the weight tor-age. in heavy handicap* the top weight ahall aot »• h m than 1 1 pound*. NEW ORLEANS RUSINESS MENS RACING ASSOCIATION AND JEFFERSON PARISH 1 All; ASSOCIATION. In race* of intermediate length* the weighta for the ahorter distance thall be carried. la races exclusively fot two-year-eld* the aaaighta siiaii i e ill pound*. iii race* exclusively tor Ibree-year-elda or fenr-! .: olds the weights shall be 126 pounds. in handicaps, when the added money exe Is 1922.sh00, the top weight shall 11 .i be lesa thaa 1D pounds. Except in haadicapa and in races where Ike can ditlons state :.. the coatmry, fillie* two yens old and mares three year* aid and upward shall he allowed flvi poaada before Bepteaaber 1 and three P unu~ there* fter. BTBEPLECHASE WEIGHTS. At the eastern tracks all steeplechase rare* are a eider the rules of the National Steeplechase and Hunt Associstisa, which provide* these weizts: For ateeplechaae* lesa than three miles — From January 1 to August "1 iactnsive, three yea1*, I3-i poumls; four years, 1 id poinds: rie years, 131 pounds; m years and over, IdJ ponads. P*rom Bep-tember 1 ;• December :;1 inclusive, for three years. 1",7 pmincK: four years. 154 peaauie; five years. MB pounds; lis yean and over, v; pound-.