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EER AUSTRALIAN HORSE NAMES » vim is aad broaden often follow aaeer notions i aaailag their bar urn. Owe af the add ptaaa . that ol the laie .lamts Arthur af MeHwarae, rilii. There were always seven letters in the ■s af his horaea. Be acoaaed t-i Ihtok some , raataral rirlae waa attached la that aaaa*"* .«M» so many paod horses had n-iiues n.u inj; i-.-.iti lettcts. Anions winuets of the Mel- ine Cup were Uintern, Saryaopj, The I.atli. ilei. Warrior, IKm Jaao, Haricot, Biieele, Cheater, . Mia, Araaaal, taiiiim-. Aararia, Revenue. . a-ia. Piaatre and Baaaaof. One wonders whether r bur ever took the tionlde to roast the niimh-r r horse- that taied under seven-let It-red nainiw i d a certain whal aereeatage of them were waa- rn, not to s.iy aaad winn.ts. The result of an i Mitigation of that sort mirht have dislurbe.l 1 eaperatltiOB* fondness for the figure. No such I erican ataa would xaeai la ha at all leoahbr. . ibe 141 winners of Ho- Darby ai Bpaaai tweaty- - o lian- hat ne names of seven loiters, the inosl t moos beiii:; Orlaado, Gatopia. Onaobde, Qaaaraa. . .t-mbeix, SJin.tar. Tagilie, Ab.,veur and IoUiiuern. There Is an illimitable field of research here for r ■nine statistical fiend!