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TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA, MEX.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1921.— One mile. Twenty-ninth day. Tijuana Jockey * Club. Winter Meeting of 125 or more days. Weather clear; temperature 85°. Presiding Steward. Francis Nelson. Associate Stewards, J. W. Coffrotta and Leon Wing. Starter, " Harry Morristtey. Racing Secretary. Leon Wing. ■ Raciug starts at 1:55 p. m. Chicago time 8:55 p. m.L W indicates whip. S spurs. R blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and " weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. ." rQQQI FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20. 1920— 59— 4— 107. Purse 00. All Ages. OvOO-L Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. S100: third, 0. r Index Horses AWtPPSt % M "• Str Fin Jockeys Owners E |uiv. Odds Strt § 59083*DOROTHY wn I lofi E 1 1= U 1= 1*| B Parke .1 L Brannon 250-100 r 59231 •DOlBLK VAX wn 4 Ml 7 I 6h M 4" 2" R Duggan G H Abbott 230-100 2 59260 SQUASH wn 1 i"1 I * V 2-1 2= ::• T Wilson O Sidney DOO-loO J 59207»*JOSENIA «iH] I 5 3U 3=3 : 4- P Caron L Williams 360-100 1 59211 »ROSIE ROGON m "10! :i 8 ." h 51 B| ."1 J Hunmer ONeill S- Caron 1440-10O - 53245 BAS BLANCS a I 114 14 * 8 7- «4 R Carter Baaeett Bros SOBO-M* ". 59053 SQL HAWKIK8 WB S 114 1 7 ~i 7-J 62 73 .1 Met ■alf W Kjtapfj Ll.O-ino i 59231 ELLEN SMYTH W 8 111 2 ! 4" 6 8 | P Martln-z C B Irwin MM-IN t Time. 25%. 53, 1:07%. Track heavy. I S2 mutuels paid. Dorothy. .00 straight. .80 place, .40 show: Double Van. .40 place. .00 " Fhow; Squash. . 10 show. Equivalent booking a4Mi -Dorothy. v.50 t 100 straight. 90 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: Double Van, . 70 to 100 place. 50 to 100 sljo-.v: Bejaash, 70 to 100 show. Winner — Oh. f. bf Rruiumel-Snoorwi 11. by St. Blaise trained by J. L. Braunon: bred by Mr. W. V. Thraves. Went to post at 1:52. At peat 2 minute-. Start gsed and stow. Won easily; second ami third driv- s «ng. DOROTHY twtk the lead at once and easily won all the wav. DOUBLE VAN closed a gap and s finished with a rush. ■QUASH raced in doeeet pur-nit to the last sixteenth and tin tl. but finished gamely. JOSENIA tired after racing well to the stretch. The others were always outpaced. Overweights — Josenia. I pounds. CCQ9Q9 SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 20, 1920—59 4 107. Purse 00. All Ages. :, DtfOUMl Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, S100; third, 0. • Index Horses AWtPPSt -.4 U •", Str Fin Jsckeya Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 58808 CHOIR MASTER WB 6 114 1 1 ":, I] 1 1! T Murray .1 Kern 280-M0 | 59246*FOND HOPE w sit 4 109 3 - 1*14 2» V B Park.- B Creech 30-MO ; 59167*MTER FRNKLIN w I 109 .". 8 74 r. | 43 I* E Nobb- W H Moore 1200-M8 ■ B9185*MOOREWOOD 10 109 6 7 8 7* V L J Hunmer W Morrison 1420-140 | 59207VODKA v. 6 109 8 4 31 :.- V V% A Jacobs C E Matthews .70-KO j 58 128* HE LEX LUCAS W 3 M Z E 6*4 4* 6-1 I* A Ar iu lOAnk ISMO-M0 - 44288 CLA8ST CURL W I 114 7 3 El I 7 7" M Wood W Wood 8868-100 = 59211 VALNTIXE LADY v 4 111 4 I 1 I I K Hartnn T G Morris 8M-M0 | Time, 25%, 52 %. 1:06%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Choir Master. .«0 straight. .20 place. .40 show; Fond Hope. .4*41 place. . SO show: Master Franklin. 84.00 show. Equivalent booking odds- Choir Master. 230 to 100 straight. M to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Fond Hope. M to 100 place. 40 to 100 show : Master Franklin. 10O to 10O show. , Winner — Ch. g. by Inch — Nethersole. by Tournament trained by .1. Kern: bred by HeMTB. Headley ; and Miller. i Went to post a! 2:20. At post 1 minute. Start gooil aad slew. Won easily: second and third driving. CHOIR MASTER was saved close up until after rounding the far turn, then forged to the front and drew away in the last eighth to win in a canter. FOND MOPE showed the moss early speed and made B game BSrish. MASTER FRANKLIN closed a big gap in a game finish. MOOREWOOR made up ; ground. VODKA and VALENTINE LADY tired badly. | KQOQO THIRD RACE— 5-3 Mile. May 20. 1020 — 59 — 4 — 107. Purse 00. All Ages. Ot/OOO Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % _. % Str Fin Jockeys tuner- Lqutv. Odds Strt ■•9211 -JACK I.EDI 11J ! .". 5!; 4*1 l*i 1* T Murray Blackwell and Crtppaa ISO-NO • 59260- -ROSA ATKLN WB 3 MO I I Z J 1* 2 S3 B Noble C E Bai:er SW-W8 . WMS**INFIBLD rlM SI 1* V 3| B Parke W Boechwood 49VM0 i 59211 MEX ara 9 114 2 S 8*3 • V P C Cross ]; Btowell uOB-IM . 59259-CHAIIMAN I wa 3 !"•• 2 ": 4J 5* ; WltaBBB A No.- • "i; 100 ! 5922.TDAISV X. m I Mi • Z l I ■, •■ !• R Duggan G UcCaalin Z8SA-M8 53971*IIT/.CI:RALI» WB 11 1441 7 R S S 7-17" .1 Hunmer P S.uididg. 3S4aV144 59226 JAOOBRL .sGlii 17 77 s s R Carter L Galhratth osu.-i m Time. 25%, 52, 1:06%. Track heavy. ,«2 mutuels paid. I o k Lt di. SS.aS atraight, IS.4B place, SS.4S ahaw; Rasa Atkm. si. so place, s;.to ; show: Infield. .40 show. 1 Einivaleut baoUag addf lack Ledl, 180 to nm MraigBt so to M0 place. 30 to loo show: Etosa Atkin. i llo ts 100 place, 70 to lo i show: latchL 70 to 100 show. I WimeT -B. g, by J. II. Uooghtoa — Myrtle I.edi. by Campus trained by G. W. rippea; bred by Mr. J. A. Hlaekwelll. Went to post at 2:44. At past 5 minute-., start | 1 and Blow. Won easily: second and third driv- : :ng. JACK LEDI was oiimm atlv. but raced in the best going on the ouCide and. moving up fast after rounding the last turn, took a quick lead after enteiin. The atretefe Bad wen in a eanter. ROSA ATKIN • foreed the early pace and. after relinquishing the lead to the winner, hung on gamely to Bare second place. INFIELD set the early pace and ran a gaate race. HEX ctoaed a big gap in a fast finish LHARMANT. after stumbling at the start, showed sj :. but tired in the final quarter. ■cratehed -9MM Mi Hilda II., ill Overweight — Jai k I.edi, 1 pound. ; KQQQ/I FOURTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24. 1916—1:45 — 3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds Ot!/«L «L TC and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt IT St , :. % Str Fin -b. keys Owner- Equiv. bids Strt i 59247 3*MISTRESS PLLY w 4 1"7 1 E i*| ■■ •" ; 4- !» G Wliaius D S Fountain "lOO 59247-*XEBRASKA wh 7 107 7 4 Z* 2*2*11" Z« R Duggan G H Abbott 250-108 • 59247 AUDREY K was • 140 1 Z 4*1 4" 4- ;s; ::= D Hum C B Irwifl S2O-M0 59210*C. bTEHLEBACH WB 8 M Z 7 E* E| I • 5 ; 4 . B Park.- V Mannale 1108 180 , 59247 » HAPPY "L1:Y waa I US E :: I] I1 1" Zl "-1 T Xolaii .1 G Arviu 888-108 59210"*RHYMp;R wa 7 107 6 1 V S*| 3*1 8*» 81* A Jacobs G W Atkinson 580 108 59245*BILL SPARKS w i MS 807777TB Xoble .1 IfcCool 3438-MO Time. 26%. 52. 1:19%, 1:49%, 1:56%. Track heavy. S2 mutuels paid, aUstreaa Folly, oiio straight. SS.00 place, 82.40 show: Nebraska. s::.20 place, .10 show: Audrev K.. 8S.M show. Kquivahut bookiag odd- Mistress Folly. 210 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 20 to M0 show: Ne- • braata. 08 to loo place, 30 ts 100 show; Aadreji K.. 40 ts 100 show. Wittier B. m. by Uiv.i. I. lly lrini. by Pirate of Ienzanre trained by D. S. Fountain: bred by , Messrs. Cailaher Bras.. Went to past at 8:00. At past 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same MISTKKSS POLLY raced far hack ia the early running, but moved up fast SB the outside en the . turn and. tiiii-hiug with rare galeae as, got up to win in toe final stride. VBBRA8KA, after raciag lapped on the paeesaaher for three-ajaarters, rushed tote a dear lead [a the last eighth and finished reao- . liiteiy. but could not .tiiti with-tind the whaaers rash. AUDREY K. raced ctsaeat ts the inner rail throughout in the deepest going, but finished with a great rush and ran an excellent race. GEORGE I MITEHLEBACH made up ground. HAPPY VALLEY show, d the BMSt early speed, but tired hadly in . tin la.-t eighth. RHYMEB ran veil for three-quarters, then qait badly. frQQQCr: FIFTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20. 1916— 1:17%— 3— 110. Purse 00. All Ages! OuOOl Claiming. Net value to winner 90: second. 40: third. 0. TnTiex Horses AW IT st :. _• -. Str Fin Jockeys Owaers Bqais. Odds gtrl •St4»*RAPID STRIDE wa 4 11 1 i i 1: 1* 2*1 14 B Parke J L~ Earl "~~8 Ptm 59229 SAM RBH WB 3 118 I 3 2*4 2* 1 2" P Martinez. If Walters 880-108 SSSSS*HOR LERCfi waa I 103 ! 4*1 4» 4* i G Wliam- C B Davison 1520-M8 59218 ORCHID KING wa 8 108 3 ! 33 1*1 8*1 4» ii B B*wer W Walker 610-108 5!»249m;1.EX WELL w 4 104 S I " H, .•: "• .1 Hunmer Btobee Stable 540-100 lilt! TUTT waS MS 8 ; 8 i 8 t; E Xoble Smith and WIUiaBM 2280-108 Time, 25, 50%. 1:19. Track heavy. 82 Miutnei- paid, Rapid stride. .20 straight. 83.40 place, ¥2 20 -how; Sam Reh, M-20 place, 80-20 •bow; Rsrace Lerch. -00 shew. : Eqatoaleat bookiag odds Rapid stride. 00 to loo straight. 20 to loo place. 10 to MS show; Sam Reh. 110 to 1 m place, «o to 100 show; More- Lerch, 100 to 100 show. ; Winner Ch. c, i-v Sapid Water — Lady Oraaaaa, by Oraaaseat trained by W. st. Yincent: bred by ; Mr. George W. .1. Bbmelll. Wen; to post at SJ8B. At past 1 miruite. Start gasd and .-low. Won easily; second and third driv- ; ;ng. RAPID STRIDE began fast and showed the Blast early apsed, then was taken back and saved on Ike laM turn, but eanie .i.iin and passed BAM RBH unl"f a gentle hand ride. SAM RBH raced in ctaeeet parsait from the start aad took the lead arhea an eighth oat, but was as match for the winner ; in the final drive. HORACE LERCH ran a good race for the first time out here, lini-hing fast and ; gaasely ORCHID kinc showed apeed, but was -pent after eateriag the stretch. I tQ°Qfi SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24, 1916—1:45—3—110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds OuOOO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 0. Index Ho,-- AWtPPSt *4 _■ ■ ,_Str Fin Jockeys Owners E |"uiv. Odds Strt , 59261 COMMANDER w-:irr.~lli 1 I P S| :!, I1 l4 D Hum C B Irwin E3M80 ; 59189*SAXS PELR II. W S 104 Z 4 4- 43 4 4 2* J Hur.m.r C Vail US-MO I ."9249",MII IA a ! 884 I I - - L! 8* I* A Jacobs V Mannale 8B8-M0 I 59261 YKRMAK v Slot; I 1 |* l- -_ gj 4 G TTIlBBM .1 A Parson 11o-ino 59247*STEE w 4 ! 9 .", I 5 5 5 Pull. up. C Studer R Emrie H80-M0 ! Tunc. 26%. 52%. 1:19%. 1:48%. 1:55%. Track heavy. S2 paid. Csatasaader, 2.00 straight. .4o place, . go show: PJaaa IVur II.. 8S.M place, I 02S0 show ; Midia. fS-20 ahaw. " Baaivaleat I k; il- ajldi fnasaiBBaVr. ■"•:!» to 1 K» straight. 220 to loo place, so to loo show: Sans Ieur II.. 90 to 100 place, 40 to 100 -how: Midia. 00 to 100 show. Winner---It. g, by RrsSBSStick -Folly Flinders, by Burgomaster trained by C. S, Irwin: bred by Mr. j Harry Fayne Whitneyt. Went to post at 4:00. At peat 1 minute. Start good .and slow. Won easily; second find third driv- J ;ng. COMMANDKi:. after being iorwardly placed, task the lead with a rush on the last turn and drew J tar away o win in a canter. SANS PBUR II. was in repeated trouble and. when dear, finished fast on ; tue inside and was easily aecoad best. MIDIA raeed forwardly and persi-tently and outstayed YBBM A Iv in the final drive. YFIJM.Mv showed a good order of speed in paeemakiug. but tired badly in the last eighth. STEVE was pulled up arhea it was apparent he bad no ehance. Scratched— 59262-War Smoke. 10t . prQQQPT SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05%— 3— 118. Purse 00. All tltfOt 4 Ages. Claiming1. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt jj % TsT" *" Jokeys Owners "~~i:i|iii~ dds Strt . aS2Sl**MABEL RULE w i ia-. ;. 1 pal iu jt, jm. . Jacobs Xeal t- Barthotoaaeat IiTpTuv 59251 ■•RAFFBBTY B I I HI 6 I 41 ::j 2= 2and ■ Noble Tadgett and Daugherty 120-100 i 59260 iliOLDIE ROSE w 4 Ho 4 7 7i 7i 4b ":i J Hunmer H James 490-100 : 59187 CAFETERIA at •" 1F! 7 S :t fl 5- 4 C Gross J McDaniel 1540-100 59228-*ERMITAXA w fi 111 9 8 ",i B* =5* 53 B Parke J Kern 700-100 5922»*lRANUTM tvsii • UJ 1 * is 41 6i «- T Nolan J G Arvin f:l.6»-100 59228*SEA BEACH WS X 111 2 4 :i:: 21 7» 7- H B Bwer W Walker 1000-100 " 59167 OCR LEADER W 12 113 8 :: 61 fr* S1 S» D Hum H Walters t 59186 -E A HARR1GAN w 5 188 S 8 8* 8i: I !• G Wliam- W Leeds !UO-ino + Mutuel field. Time. 25%, 52, 1:06%. 1:13%. Track heavy. mutuels paid. Mabel Rale, 2.20 straight. .60 plate, .80 show: Rafferty. BjS.00 place, . SO hhow: ioldie Rose. S4.00 show. Kquivalent booking odds Mabel Hub. 1010 to 100 straight. 230 to 100 place. 190 to 100 show: Kaf- " Party, 70 to lOO place. 40 to RK show: Goldie Rose. 100 to 100 show. Winner — B. f. by Montgomery — Gimli. by Solitaire II. trained by J. Stewart: bred by Mr. A. Neal. I Went to post at 4:28. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the « same. MABEL RFLE. close up from the start, raeed into the lead on the last turn and, finishing gamely. -could have won farther off had her rider desired. RAFFERTY loomed up menacingly on the last turn, but tired right nt the eud and was doing bis best to withstand the belated rush of lOI.BIE 8MXSR, The I latter closed a gap and finished fast and gamely. CAFETERIA also elaaai a big gap and was running I fastest of all at the end. LRANHM set the early pace under sufferance. SEA BEACH raced close up -1 to the last quarter, where he quit suddenly. I Scratched— 59246 Mistake, 108; 59126 Stiletto, 113; 59261 Tom Caro, 108. £