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; ! I I I I I ; I EARLY PRICES FOR EQUINE STARS The Derby winner Priam Wtt the tiist "" yearias -t-i taid by aoctiaau lie wa aae of a batch sold ai Newmarket in lMJS, and William Chifney DOOght him for BS.B0O. In ls::i Priam eras sold to Lord thestei field far Slo.OOd. and in ISM Mr. Tatleisail. acting for an American ciiei.t. gave si7.."oo for the liilliani son of Kmilius. The necoad lour figure yearlings was .lenlivet. hy Bawtoa. sold la 1KHT io tiie Pake of Bichaaaad ror SS «»■"". He was a great diaappalataaeut as a roe barae.