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i i j i ; | | j ■ | : ■ j MORE IN ENGLISH STAKES a American Entries Numerous in the Second Grade of Fixtures. a- Candidates From the Stables of Marshall Field, James W. Cor- rigan and Foxhall Keene. American owners continue to patronize I.riti-i futures as shown by the entries to sack events in the curreut English calendar. The horses in the stables of Marshall Field of Chicago and James W Corrisan of Cleveland. Ohio, both now in New York. are in many important stake events at the principal English courses for both 1922 and 1923. A list of the American owned entries in otle--than the classics for three year-olds are printetl below. The classic encasements of the aaaae American owners, as weU as others, have ahead] been published: Lpsom — Westminster Stakes, tivo-year-olds. five eighths: Jaaaea W. Cotragaaa Bay Crusader — Hoi nets Pet filly. Epsom — Cateriiam Stakes. tivo-year-olds. five-eightha: James w. Carrhjaaa Bay Craaader— Bar nets ph niiy. anil Friar Marcos— -Saata Clara filly. Marshall Pietda TorUatea, l f. by Torloisk —Loyal Cheer. Lpsom — Acorn Plate. twe-year-sMa, five •eighth -.Marshall Fields Princess do yuart. b. f. by The Tetrarch— Alt. in: eheataal filly, by Golden Sun Blundella: Torlisten. I.. f. by lorloisk— Ix yal Cheer. Newaaarkel Granny stak.. two-yeor-ahla; Mar-shall Fields Torlisten. NeAinnrket First Bpriag Btakea, two-year-old-.lames V. Cortisaiis Friar Marcus — Santa Clara filly. Marshall Fields Baaiwlai. br. c. by Sun star DeaaBooaTa Baae. and Tarltatea. Foxhall Keeaea Taahaat, b. e, by Amadis — Paaa in Baata. Newaaarked- -Exeter stakes, two-year-olds: Mai shall Holds Mankato. eh. «. by Tredeaais — Tippy loea. New mark, t Fuiliouine Stakes. two-year old-: : •Ian- Corrigaaa Bay Craaader Carina filly; Marshall Fields Booewiaaaj and Piiateua da Qaart Newmarket- MM-aaaaaaev Btakea. three-year-olds. Marshall Kields Golden Corn. br. f. by Golden Sun Corn C • kle, and Cistercian, t.r C, by Friar Marcus - Cissy Btaa a Newmarket -Hopeful Stake-, two year-olds: Jam.-. W. Corrigraaa Gay Craaader— Cariaa f ill v ; Marshall Fields T rlistea Mewmarkei Boos Memorial stakes, twa-yaar-aads: Mai -hall Fields Melody, b. c. bj Friar Marcaa Sweetest Melody. Kewaaarket — Cbevely Park Stakes, raaayear-athhi: James W. Corrlgaaa Bay Crusader — Cariaa filly: Marshall FieWt Primes* du Quart. Torlisten and BluadelU filly. Newmarket -Preadergosi stake two-year aidd: Jaaaes w Corrfaraaa Caatoa, !■. e, by Cannobie — Latou Girl, bj Kil.lare 11. Newmarket — Middle Park Stakes, two-year olds: James V. Corrfajaaa bay colt, by Cor.vri Mou-j cbette; Marshall Fields Maakata Biawi a lat and j Friars Melody. Newmarket Moulton Btakes, two year-olds: Marshall Fields Princess da Qaart. Newmniket -Braaville Btakea, inn aad three year-old*: 1. 1 in s ay, Corrigaaa Caatoa; Marshall Fields Uoldea Corn and Cisteniati. scoi Queen Mary Stakes, t w . . ■■ • aMs: James ! W. Corrtjrans Bay * i uaaili i -Cariaa filly ami ! !ii. ii Marcaa Baata Clara filly. Marshall Fields ! Princes* du Qaart, Torlisten and .olden Sun — Blun- deiia filly. A-1 oi New Stake-, two yaar-oldst James . Cor- . . .- as Corcyra Moocbetl I. FoxhaB Kecnes Ti pboot. Maraball Fields Bosewinjj, Maakata and ! . i , s Mi el-- Duocaster -• hampagae Stakes two-year-olds: Foa nail Keeaea T.p,M, ,t. Jaaaes w. Corrigaaa Car ryta- Moachette eoJt, Maraball Field- Baoawtog, Friars Melody, Maakato aid Priaceas du Quart. Poacaatei Tattersalls stake- sevea elghtha, two yeor-aaia: Marshall Fields Mankato; Jaaaea B Corrigaaa Gay Craaader — Cariaa filly. For tin- ! ij; ftxtares at ■ hvaod. Newmarket. Ihjaacaater and Ascot, which have closed American owners have aaade entries .* follows: Uoodwood Lavaat stake-., three-year-olda .lane W. Corrigana Corcyra Moaacbette rolt. Foxhall Keenes Topboot. Marshall Fiejds Friars Melodj Bosewiag and Princess du Qt Uoodwood Molt1 combe Stake*. tbree-j ar aids James IF. i or: iu. in* i intoa ami Gay Crasadrr i ariaa filly. Marshall Fii Ids Mankato. i.oedwood Nassau Stakea, ■•!. .in. I uac uoarter mil.-- threi year-oMs: James v. Corrigana Bay Croaadei Cariaa t" . 1 i Marshall Fields Frin.-e- . du Quart. Torlisten ami Bland ;!a. hily. Newmsrkel Dewbarl Stakes. three-year-old Jaaies av. Corrigaaa Corcyra — Mouchette call Marshall Fields Mankato aad Friars Melody. N araaarkel St. I ••-■ -r. on.- and three -uaart *r miles, three-year-olds: Foxhall Keeaea Tagaaat Marshall FieMa Maakata Newaaarkel Oak*, eae aaad ow half mil a, I i year-eld-: Maraball Fields TorUatea and Bolde Baa — Blaadella. filly Ascot Prince of Wale- Siak*. one Bad I . ■■ eighths miles. Maraball Fieada Maakato Ascot Derby, one and em- half •- year old-: Marshall Field* Boaewiag ami Friar* Mel ady. Ascot Waterford Btakes, a mil • fir year ohht and over: Marsht 11 Fields 1 real le. l . i ;.. by Treslenais hare, Uoldea Cora lad i terriaa li... i. aster Btakea. oae and oneli.ilt mile*, three year-ahta: Maraball Fields Maakato Baaeaster Iark Bill S!.,.- . tin, rca ft I lies, St. Leger Coarse: Jaaaea W Covrigai Lay Crusader Carina till] Maraball Fields Toi listen. Priaccaa du Qaart and GaUea Baa— Blaadella, fill.