Havana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-01-08


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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA. CUBA. SATURDAY. JANUARY 7. 1922. —Oriental Park 1 mike. Fortieth day. Cuba-Amer-ie.in Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meeting of 100 or more days. Weather clear: tempetatuza 8G . Steward--. J. Haeluneist. i, r. II. Laasdale and E. Iurke. Judges. C. Cornehlsen and Edward Jasper. Starter, .lanes Milton. Baring Secretary, Bartia Nathaauuu. Kainr starts at 2:3 p. m. Chicago time 1 :" p. m.i. *liali,ates nnnteatlce allowanee. K£CI A TT O FlKoT RACE— 1-4 Mile. Jan. 24. 1919—22—2—112. Purse C0. 2-year-olds. Ovi 4 *3 Special Weight.. Xct value to winner C550: second, 5100: third, 0. llldT HoTiT JvWtriS J4 j -i St~FTii .lo.Tes Own~s 5 II C I s rloiosTLOR. MAF.cci.LIA w 117 .". 2 1* l» W Liltey B A JaUea tl l l l-o out 59358 BKTHS LEMON rill 7 ■". 2- rfj C MeCklel-: K Ainjor 4 4 9J 7-7. out CABBONELL w 113 11 A McLhUnGoldappla Stb J2 21 2 .1-5 out 59358 PALLADIUM m 110 2 3 4, p. a Tryon Williams Bros «SJ 21 2J 4-7. out TENDER SETH W 111: 1 fi 51 5*1 .1 OBrien B A Jones tl 1 1 1-:; out . POSITION w 110 4 4 t;r i j DoBBIrJcWilltanaa Bros S2 2| 2] 4-fi out LANK w 113 6 7 7 7 c RabnudGohianple Bth .2 23 -1 S-S out I i ."-.Coupled iii betting; no separate plate or show betting. Time, 23. Track fast. mutueta paid. B. A. .loues entry. .30 straight, .7.0 place; Serbs Lemon. .30 place: no show uiutuels sold. Equivalent booking odds — B. A. Joues entry, 65 to 100 straight, U5 to 100 place; Setus Lemon, 215 ta 100 Dlace. Winner— Ch. f. by Seth — Cutaueous, by Ftmindolo trained by B A. tsates; bred by Mr. Benjamin A. Jones |. Went to post at 2:33. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. LORENA MARCELLIA began near the Inside and. dashing to the front, set a fast pace, but • tumbled in the bast sixteenth and just la-ted long enough to win. SFTHS LEMON raced in nearest pursuit nnd finished in resolute fashion. CABBONELL ran straight and true all the way. PALLADIUM rat ei gaaaely. Overweights-Tender Seth. 1C pounds. - . ~_3 ETCi/lQgffc SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1920— 1:11— G— 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. *J*J 3i Jj/ Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. Index Horses AVtTlSt .■ Str Fin Jockeys Owners O 11 C 1» j 80300 sMOORESQUE w 107 r, 4 B»1T5 5 l,; L Penman M OeldOlatt 8-5 S-r. s-5 3-S l-n. S040S:MAD NELL U 110 7 1 9jk BJ ia q g p,o!-- T Doyle 8 2 ] 7-101-3 59390»»LAST :iKL w MO 16 |t P* 2" 3* T Burns A ABegra 2 I 1 1 1-2 ."9340 NAVISCO w 110 2 1 7 fi 4 4i F Lux P G Julian 8 10 10 4 I 50S70*NAOM1 K. w 94 4 3 A 5* 5«1 8*1 C Frost J RiauMe U 15 B fi I 58039 PACIFIER wa 1*9 r, | :■ 4 G- C. N Swart B L PKxgerald 4 4» 41 Mfi 50370*R1GODON w 3 102 :; I fi 7 7 7 R MeAneyE Alvarez _•:. H 25 M 5 Time. 24. 48. 1:15. Track fast. mataeh paid. Mooresque, S4.40 straigkt, .s2.ti place. 82LS9 shew: Mad Nell. .oo place BO .-how: Last Ciil. 83.08 show. Bqutvalenl heuklng adds Mooressjac, 120 to mo straight, . .o to kmi place 03 t 108 show- Mad Nell 50 t,, kio place, 25 to ion shoW; Last Girl, BO to Mat show. Winner — B. f. by Transvaal— -Alhambra, by Star Ruby traiaed by M Cildhlatt, bred bv Messrs Morris and Waldeni. Went to pest at 2:37. At post 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the pame. MOORESQUE was rut off when sh« attempted to eease through oa the bassde on the stretch turn. then was taken up and brought on the outside and. finishing fast got up to win drawing dear. MAD NELL I raced into the lead and tired, but outstayed Last GIRL. The latter net a gaed early pace and was next ;•, the rail for the entire race. PACIFIER shewed a flash of early apeed fQ/£Q"a THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Jan. 8. 1320—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 4-vear-oMs and titJiCJL Bffwaid. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third. 0. lade Horses AWtllS t jj _■ jjj Sir Fill -Io. keys Owners o H C P S" ."930I END MAX wSIM 4 :; l~ i» l" l c RohrsonF A Coss 7s 3 • 4-5 ••.-," 50340 RAMKIN m A Mfi l 5 6* B* " - L Penman B Alexander 12 13 12 5 .. 50340 KORAN ar 7 104 7. ! V 2- 23 1 | B Scbeffel Maryland Stable 8 I 1 I 30340 MACK GARNER w 8 112 is 1 :■-::- "- l1 W Hinphy P Hinphy 1 :; :.- «-:■ 3-7 : H?i-l FITZ-BOODLE wn 4 Ml 2 ; I- l | ♦* B* J Chalmers l T Richardson I 8 8 2 1 5S332:*OSGOOD w 8 M4 :: fi 71 7" 7 ,"■ X Swart c Koehler t :, 7. ! I 50402 RUDDLES w 4 Mfi 7 8 fiJ 8* 8*71 B KenndyT Budge S S I 2 1 58314APPROVAL w 7 112 fi 7 s s | .1 Carroll W P McCaffre] 3] 8-5 3-5 Time. 22V 46V 1:10%. track last. 82 mutueis paid. Bad Man. .50 straight, .30 place, 83.30 show: Oamkia, 837.70 place. 81L30 siiow : Koran. 83.10 abow. Bguivalent booking odd- End Man, 273 la 100 straight. Ifi5 t,j !,,„ |, •.,,,. 7- ,,, |an show; Manikin. 17S5 io 100 place, #03 to 190 show; Koran, 155 to 109 show. Winner -B. h, by Black Jester— Sunghra ii . bj Suadridgc trained by -i. a. Wagaaa; bred by Mr. o 1 .. ■ ! v.i lener. Went t,. post at 3:L2. A: posl 1 minute. Stan fair and slow. Wen easily: seesud and third driving. END HAN set a fnat pace and sprinted into .1 long lead in the first eighth to win la a canter BAMKIN, dosed ap ground and finished with a rush en the inside. KORAN was speedy, but tired badly la the lasi sixteenth MACK CARNEB tired and run e much better. The last three left the past in a tangle arhen !!:■- webbing caught RUDDLB8 and aim - pulled off Bis rider. eTC /| QO FOURTH RACE— 1 BRe. March 23. 1919— 1:38V— 5— 105. Purse 00. 4-ycar-oUU *3 ti *~x. O aJ ar.d upward. Cl?:aing. Net value to winner 50: second. S100: third, 9. Indea Horses AWtPPSt -% ■ : Sir Fin Jockey: »twnei~ o H C F s~ 5032 7* LITTLE GINK w n" !• l«.,— :. fi :, . :iS l- 2- I rTT!aii 7n .1 A MeCh -r.ion ::. :;. :;. fi-. ::-.", 50383 S*MEA DO WORTH w 9 196 2 I 7". fi .", 3 2» T Burns F C Friable 8-5 8-3 8-5 3-5 1 ! 5O430*BIBBLEB wa 5 Mfi 8 3 1 !: 1 1 • ll McAneyM -I Duly fi 7 7 21 fi-7 :.! ;oi SIR AD3UM w 7 no I t 2» 5m p.k 41 t, N Burger J Booker Jr M 39 M N E 50383 SEA URCHIN sal M3 I _ :• : BJ " 8j ", ■ X Swart P !. Putnam 5 i 8 Z I 59SS33NAVAJO wn 4 MO M 9 ■• V 1. 1, ,; .1 Carroll A Mitchell 7 8 8 3 8-5 .-■!: ll SCAR FLANK ws S M9 319 Bj ."■ s J 7 B SmwodJ Kindle | , B9 M H 50441S*HIGH OLYMPUS a 7 195 7 5 fi 7: 7 7 .! Chalmers H Waling I] 3 9-5 3-5 50421 AUTOMATIC BED » 1 W7 9 7 I 13"" VI "• • : C McCkleA M Del Hierro M 12 U 50274*RHADAMES wu 7 195 8 si" 10 1" 10 19 I Rice J Smith M M :■» M Time, 34, 48A. 1:15. 1:42V Track fast. 82 aiutuebt paid, Little cink. .60 straight, 83.50 place, 82.80 show; Meadoworth, 82.891 p 82.50 show: Bihbser, 85.00 show. F. i it i -. .; : . nl booking odd Little Gink, 280 to !n straigkt. 77, to 189 place, 1". la loo ahuw; Mead owortli, 45 to lot place, 2.", to loo ibow; Bibbicr, 105 t,, 109 show. Winner B. g. by Tim Payne— La Poeta, by Honduras trained by B. K. Duffy; bred by Messrs L i n n see A t omstoek . Weal io posl a i 3:48. At posl 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LITTLE GINK followed the early pacemaker until in Ike final eighth, where be easily raced into the lead and eras going away at the end. MEADOWORTH was shuffled buck while going around the first turn, but closed ■ bi gap a, id fiaisbed fast, BH8BU9B tired after setting a good pace ta the lasi eighth. The others were beatea off at the end. OverweigUta Scar Flank, 3 pound-. CrO/dOT* FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. March 23. 1319—1:08",— 3—100. Purse 00. 1 JBBI alia Ov"iOO end upward. Claim:n~. Bet value ta winner 8008; second, 00: third. G50. ~ " ~" In l l TlTTiVs AWtPPSl ;i !_ a str Fin Jockeya Ouneta « H C P 8 303 7 • 1 A N wn 8 110 fi 5 4*13,T"3 ~2 I* G Cordy J II Shreve 8-5 8-5 8-5 2-7. 1-; 50303 MISERICORDS wn C 111 3 3 j 2 I 1 .1 DunaickC J Ilarrah 2 3 2 7-101-2 .-•! :;o ZOIE w i: Mfi I 8 V 8 71 7. ,; .:- II BrydgcsM B Thompson ", :, 7. 2 1 50121 TACOLA a 7 1U 7 I i; 1- 2s :- I1 W Mor*aeyO B Putts -1 1 1-3 50303*BILEX II. wa 8 MS E I "I i |] |J :, : .] ChalmcrsJ W Plunkett S 7, 2 l 58570SDISCORD « • ill 8 7 pu fij 8 7 ■ P* W Hinphy S BuruaWe 12 IS IE fi •! 50303 AMN sol. Dim; « 5 112 1 1 8 7*a ;. ; i; 7 1 Rob*sonJ I. Donabay E • E 2 t .v.7;; OUR NEPHEW w 7 112 1 2 :;!l • fi N » K AtkaonF J Kearna 15 13 I, 8 Time. 24%, 43 ",. 1:15. 1:41%. Trach ■ 2 mutueis paid. Dun, 85.00 straight, 84-40 piace, 83.08 aho« . Ml ericorde, 84-99 place, 83.00 -how; / 80.30 show. ii 1iivah nt booking odd- Dan, 193 In 190 -tra ight. 120 Io 100 place, 80 •• ion show; Mhwiicorde, 1»Hi to lug place, 50 t , Hmi show; Sole, 215 •• Bmi ahuw. Winner - F . g. 0 Brya Mawr Margaret T„ bj s mprouius trained by It. B. Jacksou; bred bv •. - -. R. A. Ii. Outs. Went to post at 4:11 At pool 1 minute. Star! g „.il and slow. Won driving: second and thirtl the namr DAN was in eieae quarters on the first nun ami had to be tahea ap nnd taken to the outside, then came fast ami. wearing the leaders down, got ap to win in the final stride. MISER I-CORDE raced late the lead while rounding the far turn and hung »n gaaaely ia the final drive. SOU • aiue through oa the inside and was running fast at the end. TACOLA tired badly after setting a go id pat • to the far turn. Bsratcbed 58500Le Bala f re, 107. Overweights -Taenia, 2 pounds. 5 Qi A Q A SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mile.. Feb. C. 1911— 1 44 ,—3— 92. Pur.se 00. 4-year-oldj t,"iC"J and upward. Claiming-. Net value to whaaar 50: second, 00: third. 0. I Z ~ I ioTSea A W tTBsi t T~T~Stf FiTT" Jockeys Owners O II C P 3 59349 "GOLDEN c:i. XCK w 8 M8 t l 1- 1 IJ 1 5 F5 Swart !i E Major -58-67-51-81-4 58304 S*H. i. STEVENS wb 9 M9 3 1 3 S 2* V 2s J Maiben : K Allen ! 2 ! 3-31-3 50304 DOLPH w 5 IM 5 fi 5 I P* 31 33 .1 Chalmers W H Hull - M 4-6 2-5 50330*PEGGY RIVES wb 4 103 5 2* 2 31 Fl r B Scbeffel M Sprague I 8*3 3-6 50444 CORK wa 7 105 3 16 ■• ■■■■ 7,7 T Burns E J Lnuner 12 15 IS i 8 50330*MISS HILARITY w 4 83 1 3 4* 8 fi • fi A Yerratt W B Cruaa 12 15 15 6 3 Time. 24V 4SV 1:14. 1:40V 1:46V Track fast. inuiuels paid. Golden Chance. 84.89 straight. 82.80 place, 82J0 ahuw; Harry M. Bteveaa, .50 place. 82.50 show; Dolph, 82.70 show. Bqulvaleat booking adds Ooldea Chance. 140 to 199 straight, 43 to 100 plate. 15 to 100 show; Hang M. Stevens, 7". !•. 109 place, 23 to 100 show: Dolph, 35 to 189 show. Winner — B. g, i y Bal Beraaise, by Bempronius trained by B. E. Major: bred by Mr. W. Gerst I Weni to pool at 1:38. At in.st 1 minute. Start good and stow. Woa driving; second and third the -uue COLDEN CHANCE took the lead soon after the start and won all the way. but tired and was doing his besl at the end. BABBY M. STEVENS moved up rapidly after rounding the far turn. swerving out all through the last eighth. DOLPH raa well nnd autgaaaed PBQGT RIVES for third place. The latter tired in the stretch drive. Scratched -59444 Winall. 83.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922010801/drf1922010801_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1922010801_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800