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INCIDENT OF FRENCH RACING OF 1878;; An in, iib-iit which aaaaaii 4 the proportions of , a seandal and vet brought no punlttv ■• acftoa from the officials during the earlj days of loose control on the Fundi turf is related iii Le Sport ralrerael: The Dmniu f ls7s brought an in.ideiii. which thrca tewed far a urn ■ t,. .hake the French turf world to its foundations. Tin- stable of p.aron de BotasrhUtl bad entered two aaraea, Beeerriote II., which raletl ;e favorite, ] and Ileveilhui. ipiot d at M to I, BUI conapletely j aeglected in the betting. The stable, of course He, dared to win with Bl .ervi.te II., as Beveillon had heea placed in the rae ily to set the pace at the start and to fade discreetly into the baekmoiind j when the proper time arrived. Every thing went accordiag to Kchedule until the field turned into thp stretch. Beveilloa was l, ,-ul ing. win. In. staMeaaate. the favorite, following I eaaily ■ leagth or two in the rear. The Bothachild pair Were well ahead of the reel of the field and the spec ta torn were waiting t. see I; .lie oa Be veillon ease up his mount and allow Biaervlale II. ! to ao to the front. Bat Koife 1 tinned 10 ride hard in violation j of his orders :md reached the finish a length ahead of Beaerviete II The deasoaatratioa thai followed w.i. great and directed eatirelj against the Jockcj a. the honor of the stable was beyond suspicion Bal the stewards cook do nothing. Howe* 1 mitt liolfe was profeaaioaallj his act did not fall under the rule, of raciag, which prescribe on the contrary, that a .joekov shall always 1 hie !.. win Kiiormoii. sums, of reuroe, were 10s: by the public, bm. as expreaeed il at the tbne, "aol •■»,•,. bod hart b] the affair."