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S SUMMARY OF MEXICO CITY RACING , 1 MEXICO CITY. Mexico. February 12.— The following is a summary of todays racing: 154M PIPsl" RACE :. -8 Mile. I yenr-olds and ! upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt.. Jockey. St. PL Sh. 144M!Treadwell 112 BogVki l .2.00 $ 7.40 $ 3.00 136M Coprose 115 Wida 3.S0 2.80 144M-Hillandale 113 Baraafc.. 2.20 2! M The Moor. 112: 1SSH Miss Nell, 110, and 1 144M Farsight. 102. also run. Time, 1:04. Scratched— 11SM Billow, 110. 1 1 -t -I • * J I 1 J 1 . | 15 5M Sl: °N" lA: •" I 2 Kiirh.ngs-. 3 yenr-olds ami upward Claiming. lad. Horse, wt.. Jockey St. PI Bk. 131M Kahon II 110, kei |12.0f * 5.00 $ 3.40 llSMB. Bsadered 11." | Barnes 4.80 3.00 131M Foreclosure 10S iM.wrei. 2.0S 14.-.M Wishmaker. 113: 130M Nanv Ann MO, and 134M Marchtone. list, also ran. Time. lUl«d. Scratched I30M ins game, lot; 156M ltl,,;l» HACK 3 | Mile -I year olds and upward Claiming Ind. Horse. Wt.. Jockey. St. PI. Sll. 140M ■Scjirpia II. 108 Mooiel. . S :,.s0 $ 3. SO * 2.K0 133M Peppery Pollj loi .Wavtt : 40 2 «0 134M Dr.cphell IOOBog*owskl| 028 lOlM Screw Sander-. 10S; i 11 1 M iThirteen. US, and ll-iM Asuncion. His. :,|s,i ran Time. 1:18. Ne, hes. 157M " UIM nyiV- " - "rlongs I year olds mid upward. Claiming Ind. Horse. Wt.. Jockey st PI. Sh. 151M Zsiner 117 OMakaney | s 720 | •. mi | 4.40 121M N,.rthnBclle 104 1 Brooke | 0.01 4 Sit 120MMy Friend Pal 110 Ball :t 40 104; IS0M Riga, KM: 120M Amaikassin. 100, and I3andM Chicken. 110 abaj ran Time. 1:11. No M ratches. 158M l"-"111 "Ai E 1 Mile. -vyear-old-. and upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt.. Jockey. St. PI. Sh. 135M Larj Kate l«»t» PriesboaSll 00 $ t mi j 1 ihi lSSMMISS Orb 110 iWaytl r,.4i 0,00 152M Kinan. Hosier 112tBam*s 4,00 122MxAmsse. 112: 148M*Othre James, lit".. I22M Montillo. 104, and 112.M Fog Horn. or,. ;,is„ ,;,„. Time. 1:45. No scratches. 159M IXTI1 1ACE 1 Mile 4 year-olds and apward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt.. Jot key. St. PI Sh 141M"Warlike 112 Brooke I S R 00 | S.M S 220 141M Deckmate 111 W.iytl... :. Mt J.Lil 129M Ianso 112 Pilnnkaa i* in 14131 Capital ity, 102; 50M Toreador, tin. and I47M Capitanis, 102, also ran. Time. 1:46"5. Scratched HUM Jack Hill. 107 a- .