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BILLY BARTON THE WINNER — ♦— — Scores Another Great Victory in l Grand National Handicap. Secondary Feature to Judge Pryor — Distinguished Visitors Among Immense Crowd. ♦ Havana, tuba. February 12. Billy Barton, the Cuban I »--1-1 - winner « f tesl yenr, icered another ] gnat Irinmpfa al Oriental Park toaaj when lie ear rted iff t!i - rich Grand National Handicap. there ] wii" seven starters and Dr. Clark, carrying i «i weight, ael ;i fast pace Irani the atnrl and led until entering the homeatretch. Then Keteay brought up ; Hilly Barton with ■ mah on the outside, caught ; .-iikI panned in-. Clark a: the fartoag pont and had to in- ridden -in • tail "ff a determined mah from General Meaecal, tin- latter ctealag with areal speed ami at tin- finish was going the fastest of all. The stake and a area* vale* of 2,240, tin- wia-nera portion being,880. Billy Barton ami Gen- i Itai Menocal have had several turf battles in Cnba ami tin former has always cosne on! victorious. The rai-i- Tiii — aftemon were of the rmbI exciting order, the majority "f the finishes fonad tin- winners under hard driTes, with -mail margins separating tin- Brst two. Tke Uaenla Handicap was waa by R. L Bakers Judge Pryor. Tke latter ael a fast pace riasa tke ■tart and beat The Bay in a driving Halsh. T. Cheek, who has the distinction of being the oldest owner mi the Americaa turf, famished tin-winner of the opening dash when Major Domo blipped through m-xt to the inside rail after following the leaders and heat Hike by a neck. An exciting finish catne with the running of the second race, in which OtsrgS AA . . Twenty Seven and Mack tinnier finished in the order named, separated by the closest of margins. Havana society came out ea masse to witness the inanlng of the big stake The clnbhease bal-conies wen- i inw. Id with a distiagnished assemblage while the grandstand and private boxes contained nianv of the capitals leading citizens. It Wat i most traly representative and most fashionable attrndaarr which gathered to pny homage to the thorough hied horse and enjoy an afternoon of whale-some outdoor iiport. Weather ami everything else remained to make tin- afternoon ideal for raciag with a flac ■ setting for i ■■ sport as can 1m- found any where. MARE LANTANA IS DEAD II I.. Gilpin, owner of tin Keatmere Parma m Vlrgiaia, who i- visiting Havana, was notified today that hts good mate I. at. tana died from pcritani-ti- follawlng the delivery of a foal, vv hi h a No died sftei birth. I. T, Tarbcrt. a pwlatal contractor of Coluui-hus. Ohio, arrived for a -holt l-it With hi- brother- lii law . Trainer Dill Plaaegan withdrew av. P. Kneket- kamps Lady Astor from tin Grand National. The filly developed a slight illness thi- morning. User* -ulc -truck himself while being galloped this morning and was excused from stalling in the third race. The Spam-h minister Angclo Fnbra D Alai iat.-otiy and wife. Mr. and Airs. Harry Kelly. l»i ami Mr-. Herrlagton, Air. and Air-. .1. P. Porter, ol. Praa-• - o Hartiaes, Lufriii and wife, Dr. Carlo .Manuel Beta Ouz. Air. and Air- P. Randall, Ambassador and Air-. Coiizales Mr. sad Air-. I. Qaeaada, Air ami Air-. .1. i. hTeGran Major Alberte Barrens, governor of Havana. Air. ami Ml- C. Lancaster, Mr and Mr- Prank Steinhart Mr. and Airs. It. Data, H. B. Drown. Col. Charles Fernandez and I many nonrlj arrived American tourists were on i hand and wen- charmed with everything the -aw. Among the latter were AV. S. Lame of Cincinnati. T. K. Petera of st. Louis, Bldridge R. Brooks of Baal Oraag v J., R :. Pierce of Atlanta, Ga., P. K. Lelaild and Air. and Mrs. .7. F. Kir-ch of P. troit. After the race- Saturday in the paddock sale ! Hetty J., five-year-old mare by Celt — Lagistilla, fetched the highest price, going for ,806 to K. J I Alorrell. who will use her in Cuba is a bread mare. The following other sales were: Alarv .lain- D.lker. to K. K. Alajor for 75; Little Dear. A. Robertson. ■ ns7.",: Chtaca, S Alhxlow. 30; Athgarven, E. Saunderson. 90; Margaret Nasli. .1 Lopez. S.",00; ; Dragoon. D. R. Rice. 00: J. Alfred Clark, II. ;. ■ Wllkias, 7.": Brittaay, .7. I/ pez. 75: Double Bye, H. A. Sheldon. .««: : Prince of i omo. .1 Laana, S7".: Cloy. .1. LafHHJ. 5: Signal Corps, J. l ipez. . !S7o. aud Horine I. Ix pez. $" 0.