Sixth Race [6th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-13

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. C 1, [gi 5, BIRTH li I. 1 1-16 Mllea. l-jear-ohB timl ■psaaiPali laiuiiiiK. lcl». i:i» i-r» :: 1494.1 13, pur. — — — CORSON, ch. g. 6 101 By Ivan the Terrible — Frogmore. by Quicklime. Trainer. B. C. Banbury. Owner. B. C. BunburyL I . 1 11-14 1:4 ;-.ii--i ! ISR 7 4 2*1 A Gantnei s Boned* Am Oil ie Wood, Pansy ., D ahlre 1 1-18 i:40-,iast 18-5 110 11 8 7 7 6» 6;J R Holwayl2 WalkUp, SirJ.Vexgne. F.Bhaaa 56512 Windsor 1 1 8 l:52Hfos4 :i I" 100 j 3 4 2 21 3: K Hoi way S OmeiK.. BirJnVergse, FraukF. I B PI Brie 1 3-16 l:C9*andgood 17-5 I06 5 4 4 4 4» 2" C Lang tt Prospctor. Explosive, Iricksterll. 6189 Kworth lmTOy l:49%slop 19-19 198 6 4 4 3 62 6* W MorSeylO CavcadoarlL, Ctilever, Darnay 55800 Kworth 1 1-1*6 l:4i%fast 8 115 7 6 7 7 8$ 4*4 H J. BurkelO F. Shauuou, Docod3 BeueTOleuJ NArTHAUVS. b. g, 6 106 Bv Loieliio— Napthalia, by St. Anpelo. I Trainer. T. E. Edwards. Owner. T. E. Edwards. ■WW F.Gnds I J H. 1 :.:: |»Vj lJ 1 |.i t, ti 5 2= 2" i Murphy 8 M Itankiii. Patten, lulialoalill. 6M50 J. ffson 11-16 1:30 slow s in MM I v 8»| *■ 9 Murphv M YjjAiImiii. Mis-1 oiitaine. Verily 68970 J ef i" son 3-4 l:17%mud 31 LM 10 1- 12 11* ll" B TeaatonU sii-nre. Propaganda, Anticipate 66698 Dshire 1 l-s 1 :52iiiast 6 109 9 8 6 3 2J 2* S J Brnes 9 Anna Gallup, Osgood. Hoeuir 6C6:0 Dshire 1 1-4 2:0.". fast 39 . 104 6 6 3 1 lj 21 H J B*rnes ft Benevolent, Austral, Gourmand 66511 Windsor 1 l-.x l :U%Ust 7 106 I 4 3 6 6* 5"i C Miller I Nonskid. Solid Rock, Sea Way CAR, ch. g, 6 101 By Suffragist — Dixie Dixon, by Sir Dixon. Trainer. H. Walters. Owner. H. Walters. BM74 F.Gnda : 4 1:21 %hv ]_• 114 S R 4 I I** J D Mn. s Helen Ar kin. K.rl.ian. Rata ENM F.Gnda 3-4 1 :l.v.-.h ~ 113 K ; : 41 :::" 9 Cltllertl2 Oaeaatfat, G. Autumn. Fw llTaps ;".:«, .; F.Gnda 3-4 l:16%mud 1". 113 4 3 4 5J i* M Garner 7 BunyM, Wltteoaae, PlainBill 5S-5.:s F.Gnda 1 1-8 2 on -hvy 2 i 112 2 1 I I 6- 6- B Mannelli 7 Richelieu. Pickwick. Y. Adam 8*324 Jeffson 1 3-16 2 U0%fast 15 112 1 1 J S 8T 9:» J D Mney ft Atlor.Mmr. LticvKate, P.P.. King 69285 Jeff son 1 1-8 1:8 fast 7 112 4 1 2 3 31 65J B Marie Hi I Wo.lan. Mhiavelli. John. Overton 69150 Jeffson 11-16 1:50 slow Jo 111 5 3 4 I M 45 B MarielUlO YgAdam. Mis-Fontaine. Verity 68994 Jeff son lm70y 1 :.V.*shvy 12 108 6 3 6 4 41 6:s L Coney 8 Joe.Toe. TheC.Bawn. Tim McGee MAB br. m. 8 101 By Meelick — Dona Hamilton, bv Donald A. Trainer. L. L. Mason. Owner. H. T. Batchler". 594::8 P.Gnda 1 IK l 18 fasi 15 106 6 "• 7 - 7 7 A Wilson it Verity, Eeae dArmee, P. MeGoe MINI F.Gnds l 1-14 l:47%fast 7 M3 a 2 2 « I" 814 F Welaer 11 J. Overton, Ma. -hiaveiii. Iron Boy 5909t Jeff son 1 1-16 l:48%faat 4 M7 1 2 4 4 7 7° B Marlelli 10 Hav. Armistice. She Devil 68798 Jeffson 1 1-1.; 1:4!". fast 7 1 9 8 7 8 9 8* 8*f N J B-rnesl3 Toe tlie Mark. Corvdon. Bond 687.1 Jeff son 1 1-16 l:4:.-.-,fust 10-5 Ml 4 3 4 6 6« 713 V Thelen 12 Canso, Miss Nell, Joe Joe 68136 Church 1 1 1-lti l:4.", 26f 104 S 11 12 11 11 ll17 J Kederls 12 Diana, High Gear, Sea Prince 67977 Church 1 7-8 l:26%fast 41 104 3 15 14 14 14 14" E Anthony 10 Pl.IItra. Kos.E-mbry. GI.Frarc* COCKROACH, br. g, 6 109 By Magneto— Lady Levity, by Gold Spinner. Trainer. C. Howard. Owner. B. Howard. K1«S P.Gnda : I-1C l:48%f st 1 1" 3 11 1 lj t* A Wilson ■ BolMReck, Cur. v. rate, PaalaT. MM P.Gnda 3-4 1:1a nvj I"1- 7 S ■ V I "• H Thomas 12 Caeamba, Golden Autumn. Car 59630 F.Gnds 3-4 1 :i:::Sfast 12 111 6 7 7 7 7»J G Breningll Ma. tiiav.lli. Jerry Actress 69319 Jeffson 3-4 1 and«%faat 6 115 10 10 6 BJ 6* C Ponce 12 Philanderer. M.Rankin. Zealons 69280 Jeffson 3-4 1:14%fast 11-5 110 6 6 3 lJ li A Wilson 12 Mv Hose, Zainer. Princess Lon 69096 Jeff son 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 5 10G 2 4 3 3 4 6»5 R Ho! way Id Hay, Armistice. She Devil j 68839 Jeffson lm70y 1:52 mud 6 106 3 2 3 5 6- 6" R Barnes 8 W.H.Bkner. Ballyhell. T.McGe* UE BLEUET. b. g. 6 94 By Verdun — Grand Source, by Faucheur. Trainer. L. A. Sereg-ni. Owner. L. A. Seregni. 6*172 F.Gnds l 1-16 ri7M. -t .. :. i :. :: i r, ,.■_ -■ Wltsan 8 Zene dAiaatt, Caraaa, i Hi,.v,| i0088 P.Gnda 3-4 i lT.-.lny l" Ml 2 I l" 1"- ! •- .1 Oweni 11 Iron Bait, Crest, Canera MU F.Gnds 1-4 117 hvy Ml I I H P|-H Behw t/.n Tarapair, BrownBill, BerrieeBtai 5!.8ii P.Gnda 3 4 l.Kr.hvy "0 Ml 2 M M S* S-. M BahartsM lago, Beteiada, Hack Bay 51-756 F.Gnds lm7«y 1 4t -uud 20 103 10 8 10 10 10 10-s J Wallace Id Midnight Sun. Warsaw, Jerry 60364 Dorval lm70y 1 :47 ifast S 107 1 1 1 1 3» 3»1 H Myers « Trickster II.. M.Dixon. Leinster 53"1 Danral 1 l:44%faat 4i 106 3 4 4 4 4» 41 J Dreyer »; Am.Kajrle. Mn kenzie, N.Mileyt MARK WEST, ch. h. 6 106 By Squire Jack— Santa Maeta, by Sanctuary. Trainer. R. A. Smith. Owner. Sunnyland Stable. 59630 F.Gnds : -4 1 :i:: 5 110 8 8 10 10* 108| L Morris 11 Ma. hiavelll. Jerry AotreBg 69393 F.tlnda 3-4 lJX%Caat 7 108 2 6 6 6" 3» 1 Morris 7 Titania, Flying Urb, Dannell 68233 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48V6iast 11 110 6 « 6 « 4» 6»1 L Morrle 8 Franklin, Osgood, Summer Siga 68168 Laurel 1 1-16 1:50 good 156 107 10 6 4 6 l» 2i L Morrla 12 Mose, Summer Sfgh. Bill Hunle; 68062 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47%fast 40 107 12 I 8 S ll1 11" L Morris 12 Who Cares. Franklin, Blazonry BROWN BILL. br. g. 4 108 By Waldo — Cutaneous, by Farandole. Trainer. W. M. Cain. Owner. Cain and Sanford. .... •i"0s; P.Gnda 3-4 1:1. nvj K-5 111 « y[ Garnet 8 Ketfrinda, Back Hay. S. Sii..r. a.«12 P.Gnda ::4 1:17 hvy 7 1M S - ! . !|U Garner 11 Twopair. Berriee star. Pie BM8I Jeffson 1 1-M l:554.5hvy 2 M3 I I 2 2 .J V* C I.ang ! /. ■ ne dAnnee. Corydon, Zainer HMSJaffaon lmTay l:«t%alow 98 9:t 9 S 5 6 6i 6:1 J Wallace 10 Courlis. Phelan. Magician gjK4 JeaTaon r l:ll%hvy 20 114 n 6 4 4- 4rJ H J Burkeld Rink Hey. Amaze. Perhaps 57088 Duf rin 6J f 1:27 fast 21-5 104 574 N Foden t; Avion, tlelen Atkin, Sedgegraaa MM Duf rin SI f 1 :2B fast 33-10 107 l2 N Foden 7 Ravanna. .North Shore, Our Rata £69 m; Dufrin Ab 5-8 l:02--fast 13 KM 5» W Pollard B Avion. Raffcity. Doctor D. QT/ITO, b. h, 7 99 By Free Lance — Mytileiie. by Falsetto. Trainer, J. Carney. Owner, J. Carney, MM P.Gnda i l-M I I8%faa4 30 M3 7 7 41 7- 7 »J McCoj 8 Solid Roek Coekraacb. C.Event* MM P.Gnda 1 l H 1:63 hvy S W7 - J 4 I I l« l MeDotl 8 MisaRankin, Napthaliu-. Pattern M»I2 P.Gnda I 1-16 1 :.":,livy 50 103 I ". 6 C 7 7-T I. M.-Dott J Walnutll.. Bal. Wheel, TbeWll 59682 F.Gnds 1 3-11 ZM%t*Mt IS M6 5 11 6 8 8lT L McDott S Bi it. Liner. AlexJr.. H.uuedHnd ■OS P.Gnda 11-16 1:48 fast 20 103 6 5 9 9 9:0 9»4 J D Mney 1 » Fluzey. t.,aliot. British Liuer 61727 Jef son 1 1-8 2:03 hvy 2 till I I 4 P i 12 W Wright 7 Spearlene. Bar. Sniarr. Warlike 61665 Jef son lnr7iy l:4B..fant 8 114 3 7 7 6 6s 5"W Wright 7 J. Price. H.C.Ba-ch. B.Hamp-on NOHANT. ch. g. 4 104 By Rockton — Consuelo II.. by Bradwardine. Tiainer. C. A. Appiee-ate. Owner. C. A. Applegate. ."77.".: Jamaica lm7 l:45litas - 117 1 5 " ■ ■■_ r- - .1 Ritchie 8 Jock Scot, Episode. Orderly IOM Aqdoct I I fast 20 111 8 7 7 7 V •"■" T Rice 1» Crystal Ford. Romany. Thimbl-- 57299 Aadact 1 1:43 slop 7 112 7. 4 6 6 o 5" G Babin S Vulcanize, Fluff. Li Rross 66077 Sartoga 1 l:4iVsfast 15 111 5 5 5 5 5" 6a* S Snd:nan ti Aiinieisaiy, Thel.amb. Veteran 65885 Cmpire 1 1-16 1 :4SV,good 7-6 110 4 4 4 4 45 !»• C H Miller S R.ofth.Hr, S.Vdict, WntHall 65774 Empire lmTOy l:45 andlaat E Ml 3 6 4 1 1» 1* C Turner U Pirate IfeGaa, Jock Set. Maize 65712 Kit. pire 5i f 1 :7-;fast 20 107 10 10 6 8* 42 C Turner 14 A.ofCold. HlueHelle. Rhlnestona

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