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I I i GREAT SPEED OF LANTADOS — , *. California-Bred Colt Wins From . in a Motor Cop in Special Race. ♦ : % Immense Crowd Present to See l Contest — Jockey Thompsons Three Straight Victories. a ANA. Mexico. Febraary 12. Starting from th, harrier like a ballet from a bigta powered rifle Lantados. the great son of Craaadas Peraada. de feateil Motor top. Tijuanas ■ hampion sprinter, by fn. lengths Satimlay in a prlTate sweepstakes at i h •■ eighths mile. Th- A,st and California triaasphed over the East. for Lantados, owned by M. J Bsnaas and tralaed by the veteran horseman Jim Carl, was bred at Miss Anita Baldwins farm Los Aagdes. His grand fathers. Emperor of Norfolk ami Key El Sanla Anita, were grand thoroughbreds, both being Aaaer-Ican Derbj wiaaera for B. J. "Lacky" BaMaria. Lantados carried 110 pounds and sccordlag to scale weight was iii receipt of twenty-nine panada from In rival. Motor Cop, which carried the crashing ini po t of 140 pounds. The winner had jockey . Thompson up, who gained fame by riding Behave Yourself to victory in the bast Kentucky Derby-Gracing the saddle of Motor Cop was jockey Pablo Martiiuz. the Stat rider of the C. B. Irwin stsbte. Th, it was scarcely breathing space at the b rder course as the lun grand lltoroiujjhbreds went in the post. Racing enthusiasts from all points of the Golden Stale journeyed to the Tijuana track, at . trailed by the stellar event. Eos Angeles and its nearby territory rontrihated a large contingent of fans, who cam.- with the hop of seeing Lantados win . It was a walkap Start. Motor Cap had the rail. I, ut this availed him nothing, for lantados gifted wilh the speed of his f , i f 1 1 h, is . outhioke his rival and assumed the had ill I lie first -Hide. In tie- first twentj five yard* i was easily discerned to Hi.- practice, I eye that it would have taken a bom of plu nominal speed to overbaal Lantaih s. Bverj p. si w:is :i winning one for the sensational California cii Bj himself thundered Laatados, wiih Motor c.p following fire lengths hack. When the bage crowd beheld the , n far in the lead they were n used to a frenzy of excitement and a Btightj roai of cheers burst fortli from the throats of the in tensely excited attemlanct*, which eoatlnnrd throogli out the race. Marline/:, on Motor C«m, had res, .He, I I,, the whip, a sun siu of distress .n lie- pari of -mil rider. Passing th. sixteenth posl Thompson, oa Laatados, glanced over his shtwlder and seeing no immediate dauger started easing the youngster up, with the result that he Iralj won under firm restraint. Motor dp finished rive lengths hack, a jaded ami exha usted ex champion. i Ii was mi aristocratie tboronghbred which .an hack i.. tin- stand, sad ss he arched his ma ji-stie mi k and walked into the winners ring he seemed to lealiz.e he had performed a remark able f,n. He was given a tremendous ovation while being unsaddled, which continued until horse and ockej were out of sight. The time for the ra c,j was excellent, inasmuch as Lantados ran the five-eighths in 1 or-.-, over a track s., difficult 11 was Mock dep wiili holding mud that onh a thoroughbred f exceptional stamina could have s,t the pace and finished s,, sir,,,, ,s did this native son of the Golden West Imniediaieh after the race trainer Curl announced thai he bad refused slT.:,ou for Laatados, this being conditional on him defeating the Irwin hope. Betting w is. |, ,m ..ii ih.- i«.i starters was split in tin- mutnels, for the price on each lo win v. - i to .".. JOCKEY THOMPSON DAY S STAR. Aside from the private sweepstakes the one other outstanding feature of tin daj was the exceptional uorsemsnship of Jockey . Thompson This trojan of the saddle had four mounts during the afternoon and scored with three of them. In the second race he tol Bessie Back IE away on her toes and led with the mare |. ■ wide margin lo the stretch, where she tired and finished third. Then followed bis three wins, which were in succession. Starting wiih Laatados la the fifth he followed it by j w torj with Harry D., the favorite in the sixth, and p.. lis;,, i off in- .vill.n! afternoons u.rk bj rid ing Hazel Hale, snot bet fust choice, to an easy will in the s,. i ntli Mountain Girt, paying better than 23 to !. was the long shot surprise of the daj when sh,. earned brackets for her absent owner, W. L. Shaefer. in the last race Thosi who held liiki-K on the mare win- alinesi plunged Into despair as the winning horse nesred the wire. PIftJ A.inls from the finish ji.eki. WiKon. on Mountain Girl, became nvercon fideat and stop|ied riding the man-, evidently being ■ ! il opinion that he had the race won. However, he all hut missed calculations. Mistress Polly, coining with a cyclonic rush, almost snatched the sw.eis of victorj from him. Luckily, VFilsoa roused liis mount into imme,liai act ion again and Mountain Girl just managed t,, last in a finish s-, c1o» that noi tiniii i he official numbers were dropped was the winner known. There is a great crowd drawn hereby the excel lent week-end program, featured by tin- 0,000 Rajs California Handicap, at one one-sixteenth, which will lie decide, I Sunday and the Lincoln Handicap, ai three-quarters, which is the piece de resiataace f r Moadaj Among the noted arrivals yesterdaj was Lie Rafael astro Villajrrana. personal representative of Governor -lose l. Lago, the newly appointed executive of Bajs California. With Colonel Armenia. c.i ander in chief of the Tljuaaa garrisoa these two distinguished Mexicans bore a message if good will from Governor Lags to president James Wood COffroth, in which was conveyed the host wishes of I la- governor to the Jockey Cluli head for the sue , ess jinl long life of the Lower California racing enterprise. it win in- Senorits Aeosta, daaghter of the noted Mexican warrior, that will place the floral wreath around the neck of the winning tboronghbred of the Ka.ja California Handicap today. She will be SS corted by her father, who will he attired in full regimental regalia, attended by Ids staff.