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r . . r «, LATEST WORK-OUTS AT NEW ORLEANS 844 NKW oULEANS. La., lel.ruary 12 Todays training gallops here included the following; FAIR GROUNDS. Weather dear: track fast Three-Eighths Mile. sMs. Athlete :!7 Koellia M Bacchus :!7 800-Litt|e Pats .40 " Bengali 30% 842 Locarno 37% 842-Billy Diiim ::7! .-. 8S0-Mabel Curtis .30% 842-Botberation ...87 842-Maehlavelli ....SS 841-Cacambo ,S«% 881-Marg. Laretta..80% 818-Chief Bartbell..SS 700-Msrie Bappold.42 842-Coss. McMkia.36% 842-Meebanie 30% sji; i reinoiiia 12 R40-Monastery ....30% 800 ..!. raigmile .35% Nightlight .:i7-r, si: Dartmoor ....35% 8S7-01ynthns : 7 s;;s Dress I p M 840-Oar Hear S7% s:iT Bsger Eyes 88% 830-PatralaMa ...30% 841-Kverhart ..30% 842-Port Light :1s 828 Cah-ta ... S7% 838-Ras 3S" spiiirass Tree ,...S7 827-Bedssoa 37% 8S2-lrsy •. ahhs ::7 -12 Rising Back 35% M2-4iuy 80% s2s Sister Klo A~ s:is illusionist . .:tn s4i Tricks : s K42-Isas Erank S7% 888-Wosdthrosa 11% s:,s immokalec . . .37 Half Mile. 800-Advcntare .... 51% 830 -Paula V 535 s:;s l.ana, ml. ...48 807-Plnnclla 50 s|L- Birdie fi I* 8S4-Pmt« 52% S42-Rrown Bill ....54 837-Ragaxxa 30% s:7 i: Bickbacher.47% 841-Bhlaestone 51 S38 Fly Hall . . Is 841 Bockabye 40% 832-Home. Bound. .54 824-Rameo 10% 8S7-Kate Hruminel ..-,:-.. Shi II Park ...50 s;i Mat. Ins Mary. 52 881-Tbe Decision ..53 sui Miss Dixie ....-.:, 830-lltra GoM ... 3 1: Five-Eighths Mile. RSA Bobbed Bair.l:02% 842-Saimsaat .. 1 89 s:tn Diocletian ...1:09 842 Tan Son ....1:02 832-Poresl Qneen.l:02% 842-T. MeTaggartl :05% sll Irish Dream.. 182% Ml Wolf- Cry l:0a-.. S42 Lexicon 1 :o: • . Three-Quarters Mile. s:t.l Arrowhead 1:10-. s:l-M,ss Emma 6.1:10% 11 Ivisas 1:1:. 838-Xortk Share. 1:17% SSS-Bcraice K. ..1:10% 8S70aldawa Bellel:10% s:vi Broth. Love. .1:10% 840-Passeanrtaat .1:10% 7o:i Cote dOr ...1:21 888-Preteader ...1:21 MO Com lis 1:18% 841 Pie 1:20 842-Pleer Lis.. 8S*Maita 1:13 842-Plnsey 1:17% 840-Bep 1:17% 842-Pt. Cknrchill.l:15% 887-Silence 1 :2o 540 Irish Kiss ...1:10 830-Simplicity ...lis BSO-J. Kufus ...1:19, 8S0-Snuirt Akek .1:18% 841-Jsckstrsw ...1:13 837-Tip. Witcket.l:20 8S7-ionns I i.!:l!«, 800-Tltanis 1:17% 888-Lady Lillian. 1 :10% BSS-Tady 1:10% 838-Lsst Effort. .1:18 842-TrantnU ...Lit; S41 -Maize 1:18% 818-Talaa 1:17. S37- Midnight SunLlO Seven-Eighths Mile. Mil Kills Luck .1:32". SSS-WlCCkCt 1:32 837-Llak Bay ...1:31 One Mile. 541 Ashland 1 :4o % SS2-OM Dave 1:47% 8S7-Arapahoe ...1:47 883-Plaribelle 1:48% Ml By tiosh 1:41,:. S40 fitter Pa tterl :43" . 880-Biff Baag ...1:40% SaS-Rfrheiiea 1:48% 830-Btk. Watch 11.1:4:. % B4S-8srrke star. 1.47 B|~ Bir talksa . . .1 :43::.-. SSS-Baa Time ..1:08% 8S0-Loreas Moss. 1:48 842-81ippery Blml:44% S33Mark West. ..1:45-.-, SSS-Tsa II 1:43 SSI-Mar. Maxim. .1:42 B80 Theresa 1:40% S41 Mysters ;irl.1:43 S3s-Willow Tree. 1:48% Mile and One -Eighth. 8t2-Dataty Laaa. .2sSl% Mysteri/ius Girl did her smell easily. Protherly LaVC had an easy gallop. Ashland was under re- " straint. Rising Back showed fine speed. Tan II. ■ is in good condition. Marie Maxim never was bet - ter. ltdy Lillian should race well in the near future. Avispa was not extended. By Josh did an 1 impicssie work. Dartmoor has his speed. Ely Hall 1 ran well. Fort Churchill seems in good form. Irish 1 Kiss had an easy gallop. Irish Dream rail easily. • ■ » ,