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FAIR GROUNDS The horses which aeon heart in Mondays races a re : Fair Grounds — New Orleans, la., February 12. 1922. 1 — Dearie, Kewpie s . Bessie Leightoa. 2 — Philanderer, Hit of Green, Murphy. 3— Blue- Paradise, Rising Rock, Col. Taylor. 4 — Omnipotent, Comic. Bong, Ashland. r. -Pit. Dainty Iis-. Bxhorter. « cousoN. Napthaltns, Cockroach. 7 — Phelan. PicAte M.Gee. Maize. J. L. Dempsey. New York Handicap. 1— Billy r,iliv,,n. Kewpie S .. Dearie, Athlete. L -Mat hiavelli. Murphy. Cacaasba, Philanderer. I Sagamore, Mae Paradise. Arrowhead. Are of Aees. 4 — Omrii|otent, Sweepy, ommander McMeokin, Fly Ball. 1 Pit. Trickster II. . Exhorter, Dainty hn It — COUSON. Napthalius. Nohant, Cockroach. 7 lhelan, Kordeck, Pirate McGee, lluonec. Chicnjjo and Buffalo Handlcapa. 1 Kewpie s.. Hilly QBSjssk, Dearie, Athlete. L Flying Orb, Phllaaiderer, Bow, feeassba. . :, Sagamore, Ace of Area, Ticklish, Grooad-Swell. 4 iiMMiin ENT, Klv Ball, Aabtaad, Black Betty. EI ECzhorter, Trickster II.. Anna iallnp, Bayal Hack. •. Coraoa, Napthalius, Car. Man. T Ufcflaa Maize, Pansy, Baoaee. Observers Handicap, 1— Kewpie s. Dearie, Athhte. Billy Glbsoa. 2 Pbilaaderer, Cobalt Lass, Plying: Orb, Maebla- volli. 3 — Paaaaaaa, Ragamore, Col. Taylor. Ground Swell ■1 Omnipotent, Ashland, Coaaic Song, Ply P.all. B Bathorter, Dainty Lata, Trickster II., British Lim-r. « — OOHBON, Napthalius. Corkmach, Oar. 7— Phelun. Pirate MeGee, ordeek. Dahabiah II. Consensus of II a ml lea i *. 1— Kewpie s.. Billy CHhsaa, Dearie, Athlete. 2 — Philanderer. Maehiavelli, Flying Orb, Murphy. 3 — Sagamore. P.iue Paradise, Panaman, Ace of Aeet 4— OMNIPOTENT. Comic Song, Ashlaad, Ely Ball. 6 -Pit. Bthorter, Daiaty Lass. Trickster II. *. — Coisaii, Napthalius. Cockroach. ar. 7 — Phelaa, Pirate McGee, Nardeck. Maize.