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l ] ] ; ; i THREE FAIRLY SUCCESSFUL STABLES WHAT R. T. WILSONS YOUNG HORSES DID LAST YEAR— I MY DEAR A GOLD MINE FOR F. MUSANTE— PRODIGIOUS BEST WINNER FOR J. E. DAVIS === I It. I. Wilson. The sale of Yellow Hand and Dry Moon early in 1921 left the K. T Wilson stable with only two .lie! three-year olds to furnish the sinews of war last year for the establishment of the president of the Saratoga Racing A--ociat ioii. Twelve out of fourteen of these young horses won twenty-two race- and earned 0,410. Daaeecap was the lamest winner, with Bedgeaeld her close at rival, while Daataaeadaie and Kirtle also did well. The record of tne stable for 1021 follows: Horse. Col. and Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. . Daaeecap eh. f. 2 By Olambala— Booby, by Voter 5 3 i $ 9.*itii a Bedge field ch. c. 3 By Olambala — Geaeata, by Brooms tick u 2 r. 9.41x1 Dimmesiiaie ch. c 3 By Olambala— Hester Pryaae, by MngakM 4 3 s 7.U57 ! Kittle br. f. 2 My Olambala Ken. by Caeoaaaaon 2 4 » 3,074 Tangerine ...b. c. 2 By Olambala Orange Lilly, by William Humphrey.... 2 13 2.380 ■ Alaima eh. g. 2 By Zeus-Fantani Hala. by Olambala 2 11 1,701 Kirklevington b. g, 3 By Olambala — Kerr, b] Cncomman 12 3 1.000 Pender b. c. 2 By olambala -Alary Seilar-. by Oacoaimon 13 2 1.577 Pillory *h. c. 2 By Olambala— Hester Prynne, by Disguise 102 1,250 K. of the g. 3 By Ogdca Madchen, by Knight of the Thistle 10 0 sin Ramkin ch. g. 3 By Olambala — Cariny.i. by William the Third 10 0 700 Priari Rush b. e. 2 By Ormoadale — Pixy, by Peter Pan 012 400 Candlestick b. f. 2 1 Olambala Geaeata, by Hroomstit k 0 0 0 Neapolitan ch. c. 2 By Olambala— Creain. by Electioneer 0 0 0 ... Totals 14i 22 20 33 0,410 F. 31 11 k:i lite. F. Alu-ante only raced four hois, s la-t year Hut lie ha 1 a gold mine and a whale of a racer in the King .lame- lilly My Hear, a long-distance campaigner with most excellent racing credentials. She raced with the licst handicap horses of the year and always held her own. even forcing the great Exterminator to the limit to licit her on -evcral occasions. Altogether My Dear won seven races and 1922.sh1,584, while King John with 00,425, Joan of An with !I7.» and Troubler with ,750, helped to make up the reaaaiader of the 4,710 to the credit of their owner. The hfnaaate stable record for 1021 follow-: Borne. Col. ami Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Aly Dear eh. f. 4 J.y King James— Bettie Lamlon. by Mentone 7 S 3 1.." s4 King John b. g. fi By sir John Johnson -Deriltree, by Top Gallant. ... 4 5 lo 0,425 .loan of Arc b m. 5 ].y Ballot .le-sie WoOdaOB, by Sei rpion 4 4 3 4.979 Troubler b. c, 2 Hy Marathon— Pesky, by Hroomstick 10 2 1,750 Totala 4 16 17 18 4.73S .. B. Davis. a small aad nanretentioni raring establishment was that of J. B. Davis teat year. Hi- best winner was the two year old Fayette tilly Prodigioii-. which won live races and 0,717. The steeplechaser Eariocker contributed S7.32." . while Qaeuuth added,151 and Phoenix The combined earning-ol the Darts horses amounted to 1922.sh1,000, a- skowa in the following tabulation: Home col. and Sex. A. Pedigree, 1st. 2d. 3d. Wan. Prodigious b. f 2 Ky Payette — initiation, by Uermis ." 1 2 0,717 Eariocker b. g. .r By Eait Play — Lady Aristocracy, by Rainbow 3 11 7,125 yuecreek b. c. 3 Ry Hnon — Jessie Woodaoa, by Scorpion 3 »* ." 0,158 Phoenix br. g. 3 liy Garry Herrmann--Phenecia. by Troutbeck 2 0 2 4.400 Caligula blk. g. 3 Hy Wrach Continue, by Orlando 2 11 3.2sr Whalebone blk g. B Hy Allan a Dale— Marcotint, by Alarco Ill 1,400 Patepar b. g. 6 By it.ipid Water -Gaawad, by GoMfiach o o 3 BM Dough Girl b. f. 3 By Great Britain — Black Tail, by Disguise 0 0 1 200 Ukase ch. C. 2 Hy King James Verdict, by Tyrant 0 0 O Treviscot ch. c. 2 By Trevisco — Miss Charcot, by Charcot 0 0 o ... ■m — — — Totals 10 If 10 10 148693,090