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V SUMMARY OF MEXICO CITY RACING MEXICO CITY, Mexico, Pehraars 10.— The f. 1 lowing i~ n summary of todays racing: 196M !,l:sl RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds aad upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse, Wt., Jockey. St. PL Sh. 1?6M i..,oy Ward 108 Moore i? 3.40 f 320 S 2.40 171M.Miss Anna Dis Brooke. 12.00 3.80 186M Billow 108 Shelepeta . . . 3.80 180M Parsight, 100, and 104M*R1 Capitaaia, UO, also ran. Time. 1:1625. Scratched— D.IM Bioino Billy, 113; 1S2M P.ill.v Reedy, lis. 197M s,;ruNI RACE— 3-8 Mile. Maidens. 3 year olds anil upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse, Wt.. Jockey. St. PL Sh. 166M.nii Doctor ID Wayt..| 8.00 | 3.00 f 2.40 1C6M Reatea Path !S Brooke 4.00 I.lO 54803 Speed 100 lioganowski 2.1*0 l|sl Berth Wood. ins. and 113M Sir George. 113, ahm raa. Time. 1:05. Scratched— 180M Birthday. 110. 198M TH1Rn RACE-7S Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse. Wt.. Jockey. St. PL Sh. 18431 Tom Lagaa lO7OM*aeyS10.80 $ 4.03 I 3 20 182Ms, arpfat II. D7 i Mo,,!-.-1 s.00 L30 188M L.uie Lou ln7 Sbelepetaj S.00 18SMxVaerie West. ISO; lT3M*Jacaaelia, D0; 183MRealeas, l"7. ami 18SM:Vaalty Dresser. 100. also ran. Time. 1:32. Scratched 187MCah uin Hums. in2. 199M "" *RTil *ACfc— 7-8 Mile. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Did. Horse. Wt., Jockey. gt. PL Sh. 17CM*Tiger Rose 103 faken| 7.40 | 4 oo $ MM 158M-.Miss Orb 10". Shelepets 3.10 3.L0 104M Seatlmeatal 106 Bogski :t to 183MBsUyaew. los: ITdM Perhaps, 108. and 18311 Jean P.nllant. 100, BBM tan. Time. 1:31. No acratchea, 200M lu"vu •ACB— 5 12 ruilnaga S-paar- olds and upward. Claiming. Ind. Horse, Wt., Jockey. St. PL Sh. 128M Did: Dea.ieve no Waytf 8 HI $ B 40 $ :. m 184MFly High Dir. Rogowski S.4H 3.00 152MSkooter 108 Jackaaa... I su i 17»;m i Assumption. 117. ami MaWaaaaer, 117, al i ran. Time. 1:08. No scratches. 201M S,XTH *AC*— 1 .Mile. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. lad. Horse, wt.. Jockey. st Pi Sh. 188MKalli|.olis 101 BogWski318.40 $ 4 40 ? 3 OO 153M Hat. Mountain lOTWsyt 3 40 3 on 187MB.- Sure los Moore 4.20 lC.M-Montillo, 112; 134M Thundeibird, 110, and 1 17...M drmlos. Iu7. also ran. Time, 146. No acratchea,