Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-20

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FAIR GROUNDS The horses which MM best in Mondays races are: Fair Grounds — New Orleans. La.. February 19. 1922. 1— Kverhart, Keerffea s.. The Ulster. -— Betsinda. Mil key MMR, Mnriihy. 8— Sagamore. Apple Jack II.. Cround-Swell. 4 — Lampeh, Jon.piina. Pimlico. Ti — Yashmak. Omaipeteat, Bern ice K. 6— Col RTSHIP. Claymore. Lady Lillian. 7— Troilus, Pirate Maflae. Mark West. J. L. Demp«ey. New York Handicap. 1— Billy Gibson. Kim flu S.. Betasive, Fnll • Fun. - — Betatnda, Murphy. Mickey Moore, AatJclpate. 1 - Bafpasere, iran tula, Cround-Swoll, Camouflage. 4 — Cimarron. Joaonina, Lniupus. Rep. 5— YASHMAK, Betmlce K.. Black Betty, Omnipotent. I — Romeo, Courtship, Sikhim, Murray. T — Troilus, Mark West, Pirate McOee, Great Gull. I lilrayo and linffalo il a m! iea i s. 1 — Kewpie S., Billy Oibsoii, Delusive, Sunny Becreer. -— Betsindu, Rhinestone. Murphy. Anticipate. : — DIANA. ;roi m!-SwHi. Cnaaoefmge, sagamore. 4 — l.aiupu-.. Cimarron, Joaipuna. Iimlico. B — Omnipotent, Per aire K., Yashiiiak, Black Betty. e — Claymore, Dark Hill. Courtship. Lady Lillian. 1 — Mark Wert, Troilus, Crimson Ramhh-r, Great Cull. Observers Handicap. 1— Billy Gil.soii. Kewpie s.. I ul I a" Pea, Dehndve. 2 Betidnda. Murphy. Lady Mildred, Mickey More. I — Apple Jack il, Camoaflase, Diaaa, Greaatd- Sweii. 8 — LAhfPUS, Rep, Cimarron, .lonipiina. .i omnipotent, xaahaaak, Bcraiee K.. our Betsy. •» -Dark Hill, Glapmsre, Courtship. Murray. J — Troiius. Pirate McOee, Mark West, Prlmrea Ka m bier. ConsenmiN f Handicap*. 1 — -Billv Gibson, Bverhart, Kewpie S.. I, lusive. 2 HKTSIXDA. Murpliv, Mickey M c, Antici pate. .: Sagamore, Diaaa, Apple .lack IL, Ground Swell. 4 Lampaa, Ctmarrea, JuaueJaa, Rep. .". Yashmak, Omnipotent . Beniioe K., Black Betty. •I Coin tbhip. Romeo, Claymore. Dark Hill. 7— Troilus, Mail: West. Iirate MeGee, Great Gull.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922022001/drf1922022001_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1922022001_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800