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I.ATFST WORK-OUTS AT NFW 0RLFANS 8LVT NEW ORLEANS, La., February 18.— Todays trainiag gallspa here included the following: FAIR GROUNDS, Weather clear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. Ml Athlete 37-r, SaS-Mias Claire ...3l.-. 842-Aafa :!" MC Monastery 83% 838 -Billy Connors.. 3S StO.Muiphv 37-. 849 Cluiiihia T.-nn .:!:... BM-Mbm Emma C 3. 847-Camaafmse ...38% 844-Night Light ..38 S-l..-Eager Eyes 38% N44 Patrolman 3t! F. .1. t urley ..40% 821-Right on Tlam.SSR 838 Hamet sr. Baft Oammj .lav ...37% 832-Jaga 3ti 840-Taa 11 37% mi; -Jennie C 3» BOS-Tharaa 88% 847-Laay MUdred .3s:;.:, ftft Taahmia 33% Half Mile. : Alex-.ii r.4".-. BS2-Laeky P. 80% M". Attorney 00 84!l-Mark West ....".« Ml-Fluzey 52% .S44- lynthus B8 mi; Fleer 51 ::.-. 848-Slster Flo 50% 848 -Groand-Sweil .4H:-.-, ITI flmail tiny 52% Mr.-lleiio. 68 837-Sebaa G. 49 808-Hells Pardaer...52% 847-Trice 33% 844-Iaaa Frank ...4! 848-WIUaw Tree .49". 7!t:l Lady H Five-Eighth3 Mile. MO-A.e l:Hi 837 -Hyperbole ..1:03 701-Black Deer ..1:00 737-Hillman C 1:00 849 -Dainoris t .Wr. 848-Orieva 1 :irj -:, M9 Doric 1:0-., 844-Plats 1:04% 791 -Flypaper 1:14 833-Siesta 1:09-.-. 823-Graaay Lee ,1:0a Three -Quarters Mile. M4 Avisp.i l:10-;r. S4r.-I.E,hiir 1:1." 838-Bright Lights.l:18% 844-Mechsaic ...1:18% 848-Rlae star ..1:17., 844-Malxe 1:10% 840-Cape Pillar. ..1:19 844-Mma Dixie .1:21-, 840-Bevaaite ....1:10% 844-Mahel CartJs.l:17% 842-Btemity 1:17% M4 Oaklawn Bellel:L". M-l Forest Queen . 1 :D. V,7-Princess Uuil : I ." -. 843-Gam. Gartaa.l:M% 847-Taa son 1:17% M.t-Hadrian 1:10 S.l-T. Col. Baara.l:18% M9-Last Effort .1:18% MO Turnabout ..1:13% Seven-Eighths Mile. 837-Ace of A. es..i ::;■_• | , 143-Merriaaae ...1:30 843 Flying Orb ..143% One Mile. 845 Archive 1:43 S44-Marie Maxim . I 383 848-Blead Baddy. 1:48 848-Ollie Wood .1:47% 842-Bit of Greea. 1:43 BIS Samnlaii ....-1:42% MO-Courlis 1:41% Mti Solid ito k ..1:47% si:. Da may 1:43 833 Scotch M". -Geodhart ...A-.Xi--, 844-Thereaa l:.".rt M0 Loreiia Moss. 1:19 849- 1anta Ills ....1:53% M9-L.i Kross ...1:50% ni-Waraaa ....1:88 Mile and One-Eighth. fSO-Ceertship . .3:58% BaS-trlsh Kiss ..i:.".9 Mile and a Quarter. 835-Zoae d*Arame2:13% Darna.v galloped an easy mile. Princess Lou showed impravemeaS. Marie Maxim ran well all the way. Last Effort was under restraint. Hadrian is near racing condition. Orlov.i and Doric ran easily together. Avisp.i wis uaexteeOed. Bit of Green worked well. Ima Frank ahewed good speed. ourlis showed good speed all the way. Irish Kiss could have worked much faster. Romulus did his best.