Fourth Race [4th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-20

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rot nill RACE — « i-K. !i!«-s. Cwnuntry iui» Parse. -l-ve;ii--oi«ls, auil up- j «ar»l. Allowaiifcs. Few. 13. 1JI1." 1:4 1 4-T. 3 H -J. LAMriTS. ch. g. 4 101 By Star Shoot — Futurist, by Golden Maxim, 1 Trainer. H. Oots. Owner. Riverdale Stable. . ■ ivt.nds lm7ty 1 :..-. lny 3 M4 • 4 :. .". 5" 4 r. McIPott « Sea Cove, Bunxaf, Rep BM24 P.G oda 1 1-I1 I ""-livv s-5 Ml|5 . 1 4 ::■ Vi .1 M Coy 7 Day Lilly. Who Cares, Sikbhn HM3 JefTaon 1 1-8 21%hvy 4-5 Ml 1 2 2 l il l2 ll TftMvber 1 Blar.Stoae, Gen.Haig, PlaaUea BS918 Jeffson 1 1-8 l:55%good 1 IM 12 2 1 1J l 11 Thurber 4 BlaraeyBtOne. Pimlico, Wlekfard P5-838 JefPaon 1 3-M 2:0i-.,mud 8-5 M 222 l l- iJ n Thurber 4 BtarJStone, Gen.Haig, Merrimac If",:, Jefraon 1 l:41%fant 8-3 111 4 3 3 1 ]h ]• W Smith 7 Jeoauma, IncyKate, MiasRaakia EMBUnaaaicn 1 1-14 l:48%fast It-Sill 6 6 4 4 4» « * L. Pntor B JoeeaBlonde, Favia. BcotXhlef ; 57.".S4 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:47 fast 4 115 6 5 t « 6 0T B Mariel.i 7 Crack a*Dawn, Vista, Sea Sinnei CIMARROK. ch f, 4 101 By Kis Majesty— Royal Martyr, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. J. S. Hays. Owner, J. S. Hays. ; i,...-i, • p.G ■ I .• ■ : !•- good C 101 123 3 2i 2* J W ilia •■ s rody, BrotherlyLove. Runaaf ; , ■ ■. 1 ; p*Gnda 11-8 1 - fas 15 100 .".ll 1 3* P P Weiner 0 Peto, Goumtand, s. of pleasure i MM2PG*nda lm70y l:52%hvy 15 97 ■■ 3 2 2 V 24 .1 Wallace « Unit. Verde. Blar.Stoae, BgttBk I EMM P.Gnda lm70y 1 r.2:-.hw 13-5 100 7 « r. 4 V T»C Uag 7 Paa.8wain, Promte.Tean, rharoa I EM23PGnda 1 1 S 2oi:-.hv 31 106 6 2 2 2 1- 4» P "Itiletti • Gourmand, Pnatoral Swain. Rep | 59782 PGnda 1 1-1C 1 :. 0,miid $ 9X 1 1 1 1 I* l5 C Lang " Bow, 1imli.o. Balance Wheel ! ES5M P.Gnda 1 1-14 l:47%fnat 5 105 8 2 3 4 5* 6* B Scoble 9 Raider. Murray. Onjraan i 69477 P.Gnda 11-16 1:30 mud 15 101 5 6 5 6 4* 4 E Scoble S PuoBwufc*. Tanlalus. Bal. Wheel , JOAftTJINA, br. f, 4 99 By Garry Herrmann — Joannina, by Voter. Trainer, E. Holman. Owner, T. H. Wilson. 0*342 P.Gnda 1 l-M 1:47 fa t f NE 3 E S E ■"■ ; 4:l A Wilson 7 BtberlyLort Padua. G yGablea I 69192 P.Gnda laaMg 1;45 fast E MS 1 1 7 6 2» 1* II Thomas • WalautHaU, Murray. H.Pardaer ; Mil Jefraon lm70v 1 .:: l-,mud 3-1 M 4 3 3 3 ! 1 A Wilson 4 Grayson. Tote dOr. Richard V. ! MMJefraon 1 l:41%faat 2 104 8 B 5 5 M B C Lang t Grayaoa, Tantalus. Joaqutaa I 3S81S Jefraon 1 1-M l:M%faat 11-lt M4 4 5 5 4 1| 1» C Lang • J.C.Steoe, B. Shannon. M.VerdVt | MM Jefsen 1 l:G%faat 7 10" 2 E ". 3 24 2" M Harson 7 Lompna, LiLjIvate. MissHankin i EMM K* worth lmTBy l:M«A|ivy E l"4 6 7 7 6 6« 5-j J L reyer T Boaeate, NorthBbore, GiltFnn?e | 57 79 K worth 11-16 1:3« hvy IX KM 7 7 5 4 4» 2s J Hunmer 7 Mor.Klder. T.Desert. Br.Peddler 677:r. K worth lm70y l:44=sfaa*t 7 97 2 1 1 1 li 4»i H B Bwer S Mor.Elder, Br.Peddler, Secretary , FIMLICO. b. c, 4 106 By Zeus— Horla, by Henry of Navarre. Trainer, W. A. Burttschell. Owner. E, L, Lou bat. MM P.Gnda 1 1-1 2U3%faa1 I 108 1 6 5 .". »«J J I Mney 5 BlaraeyStope,, Padua. Gourmand I 80143 PGnds 1 1-8 l:53%fast 7 107 3 :. r. ; 6 PE Fool R Veto, Gonrmaad, s. of Pleasnre 1 MM2PGnlx 1 1-1 •: i ■."« " mud G IV. ■". *• 4 i 44 3 * H King B timarion. Bop, Balance Wheel 597OD F.Gmla 1 :: 10 2:0.:-v,mu.l 13 116 4 3 2 2 2J l»k H King :. Translate, Gonrmaad, UerdUirl i 59597 P.G nds 1m70v 1:44«f.rast 4J 14 3 2 4 4 3 3" 3 I. Coney • DofceJehu. BtBpperyBtaB.ll.Buck 5 69476 F tlnd.s 1 141- rnu.i 12 1*2 4 4 4 4 4* 6» I. Coney 5 ftjrguUeDa/a, KgaBuck, -idaiD . i , 6s":;5 Jeffson 1 1-x 1 ifast 6 100 ■., 3 3 1 1» 1« A Gantner 6 Wynuewd, Mast. Jack, Tantalaa U E9Q3 Jeffson lHl*nttW*1 -W v v « « « B" » Gregory 0 t.;,,n.«4ig,, TanUlui I 1 s I i I SEP. b. c. 4 106 By Picton— Enchantress II. . by Collar. Trainer. L. F. Marshall. Owner. Marshall Bro s.. 602S8 P.Gnda Im70y l:48%hvy 4 MB .". 6 4 3 ?.-:. I A Wll an 1 Biff Bang, Betrritar, Ashland 80144 P.Gnda 11-16 1 7r.-t 10 105 S I E B 1| !;: . Zoell-r IO Padua, Bnnaaf, Ctaymon 0082 F.Gnds lmTOy 1 :.,.:-hvy 12 ME t; 6 6 6 6 fi.l 7.o- lier li Unit. Verde, I.lar Stone Oimarn 59976 P.Gnda 2-4 1 :2or,hvy 10 MS 1 2 2 21*. -.I J Zoeller 7 Mulciber, Berritatr, Serapis MM2 P.Gnda lmTOy l:52%tavy t; 1 4 3 12 2 2i 3» J Zoeller i Se:l Cove. Runzaf Ijimpue S9823 P.Onda 1 l-S 2:01%lnry 6 M 3 11 1 2J 3 J Zoeller « Qaniaaand, Paa.Swate, Cimarron 9782 P.Gnda 1 1-16 l:f,0-,mud 13-5 M4J 2 2 2 2 MM J Zoe.ier B Cimarron, Pimlico, BalanceWhl 97S P.Gnda lm70y 1 :4S%hvy 5 113 3 6 6 1 2* 21 J Zoeller 7 Maradale, Bal. Wheel. Waukeaf WILLOW TREE. b. g. 4 M 99 By Luke McLnke— Altiora, by Lamplighter. Trainer. G. Holcsworth. Owner. J, B. Cloher. 5MB P.Gnda 1 1 :44 .rnial 8-5 IM 5 2 2 - !*• M Qniaer .". BnllotMark, Consul BinaaTailii 58190 Churchl I 18%fnnt 9-5 1M14U B I B* 1| .1 D Mii-ll T*kleBlue, Berml BlkWatchll r.7:79 Lotor.ia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 14 IK 9 4 4 3 3« 2i J D Mney ! Cimarron. A«e. Cat lp 57627 Lotontn 1 1-18 l:47%fnat 7 105 o 6 1 E 44 4*| H Bcehia « Omer K., Ace, MnTobnna EMM Lotontn 1 1-18 l:49%alow 7 112 9 9 9 7 51 5« J McCoy » llumf.hrev. Brit. Maid. B Buddj E5549 Latonln 1 1-18 l:M%raat 9 IM 11 7 7 5 4 4*f J McCoy 12 Botheration, Hmphy B.HenM 55198 Latonia 1 1-16 l:49%hvy 9-5 M 11 7 7 5 31 BH L Lyke 12 Firebrand, BluncheMac, Nurturn

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Local Identifier: drf1922022001_5_1
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