New Australian Records: Thespian and Beauford Establish Two Fast Racing Marks, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-29


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NEW AUSTRALIAN RECORDS I » Thespian and Beauford Establish c Two Fast Racing Marks. ♦ Mile in 1:36%, 1 1-8 Miles in 2:03 y4 — Former Defeats Redoubtable Gloaming. — ■ — s BY SALVATOR1 The performance of Thl apiaa, which recently f,l of lowered tin* Aaatrataaiaa mile retard from 1:117. tl the bald jointly by Grecnslead and Cetigne. to 1 :?.tr-.. ,-. on which occasion lie also conquered the redoubt- for j- Gloaming. »1» » that time considered unheal- . able at any distance inside a mile ami a furlong. J occurred on December 2*. 1921. It took place the t second day of the Auckland. N. /... Mimnier. Tlie tl New Zealand December is •summer. The details of the race have been printed in Daily Racing Form, hut the bloodline- of Thespian ha e not as yet been presented to its readers in more than a sketchy way. So a tabulation of his breeding will be of inteiest. Here it is: . rSplm or Roschy „, Sim- f Aniphion [suicide £ dridge. | Ls.erra «. -Springfield ff J Saml;1 2 5 1 rtlast-Kildare r -,, ,. B f Melton k, WtmMmi ~£ I Absurd J li", , rV to Melrose i... 1 ., i .i,.i J,--- " " Imifll, Tjm.„y-Iuehhn.v 21 1 f Ayrshire .... f Hampton fc fAvr . Atalanta rt: Bat "l-addie 1 :" "" Sterling ,. H lJ 1 f . ,„ fGalopin ll.eadinjr J Grafton [Maid Marian ■ Lad*.. „ -Drama Trenton C I Tragedy b by THESPIAN FAST SON OF ABSURD. ■ p The-pian has been erroneously described in the tows dispatches as a welding, uh.ieas lie is a colt, hence Ida bloodlines are of real in:. lest. While bred, owned anil land by a New /. a lander. ti. M. furrie. his sire. Absurd, is an English homo, while his dam. Lets, is Australian-bred, as were also his second, tliird and fourth dau.s. l.e:n;- | ing liidy. Drama and Tiagcdy. It will be seen that he is felicitously named, oiiiing as he does J from a maternal line which has predated mime:-mis His ;: i a mid. i in. leading Lady. ■ i8 a sister of M.l.slrain.i. Her dam. Dram: . was by the treat Treat—, which is the eearesl sirain of idood thai in former days became classic i J in Australasia, as l.oili Ayr I-addie and Gr.if;..n were LnglM: bred. In ill extension, however, it is • latereetiag to note that Baaagy, arhltb a pan are in J the ninth mateinal geaeraHaa, nor shown il: ll.e « tabulation, was the great in anddani of Carbine. Aa Absuid is prariag ■ eeaaatlaajally eaeeeaafal sire in the AatiaaaVa, [l will ae seen that Iheeaaaa J had eveiy rihl. on !ihoi!. lo do wuat he did. som- tiaae aga l noted the in«t tiiat one of the f best horses of l.lul in Vnsirali.i. Heanford. arhi li " .■sinbiished I be i,i-« Mile »ad ■ aaarter retard ibere, * SK1SU. -" •" ■••niis in., wan not ••pur sine" auo ineligible to eiilry in the fl liab Stud Ko..k Now the fact comes to light that the famous filly Im i ,; ouh. winner last jrear of the ITIetariaa Derb and C «»aks. is ,ii the siime beat. The brilliant daughter s ..f The Welkin Danaide otiid knoi k in vain lor I admission lo thoraajghbw d" -o.iety in the Mull, r Country if she appeared there. ] Two flaws appear in the am t* ratal aaeaatrp af : Kiuious. Her o:.m Danaide is h. Wallace, wiio-e ■ uraiuldaai Melody was bjr a horse called The Barb. 1 The Barb, Castled back in l.stM. had for his four;li dam i inic aaaaed tuny Hark, girea in vol. l at i the Australian Stud Rook as ,i ehestniit mare im - I ported into New Somh W.ilc- fioni Baghiad in lSfl. Her pedigree as then Urea was "by Ox- A lord, dam bjr Ptdget"; bin this pedigree was proved I ficiiiioiis aad the faet is reratded in vol 7 af I the Australian Stud Itook. What her bl M»d really I was is unknown. I •PUR SANGS" AUSTRALASIAN MISS. | The se. line "lo the wood" enters through , Ibienua. the third dam of furious her-elf. Pntiaai , was by I ..• i tu ret . a gray lin:-i foiled 1971, by t Kiajmtoa, daai Sappho by sir Hercalea; praad | dam s.ippho by Uaraaas; third dam by Babrab: j fourth daai retarded merely as ■■-. brewa, of uu , known pedigree." j From theee Carta it x i ] 1 be seen that "par s.-tuv" is no more of a cortifnate of ractag praa/eai la ] the Alitipoihs than il is in the lnited Slates. . Nature, in her mmj* aad at at ha, earea nothing for j baaaaa thaariea or abstractions, bat keeps on her , way ohlivioas of the dagaaattaai which they so ] rigidly af.ciiipt I" maintain Her best jars the , machine. Iony raieinx l" » form of the sport that is , popular si.u:h of th - eaajatar, and AnieiKan loos.- ] men will be interested to know that al pre-t-it ] Hie bright partieajlar star at that paaai la the five-year old mare Pit u* l»i|st. which has beea ] pioiioiltleil the best of all lime fol hei beight, ] 14. "J hands, tu tin- end of her tether, which is about six fuiloncs. Handicapped a- h-vily a ISt I pounds and raaredhaj as much aa ."" pound- to some of her ooponcnts. ajM aajeaaa all befare her. Pre- cious Oust is of ;une AineiKan blood he: sire 1m--bal Cesanoii. forineiiy so well known in his hoii.e | laud, hut ported to Australia in 191J. Il wa» at the same time that the d.:m of Ili.ious llust went there, the pair btbag two of a draft of Ut Ameii an thoroughbreds t.uit were expoited and -old in 1911* wiien tarf and stud in this .viuntry Here in the "refoim" doldrams. The daai of Iic ions Du-t • is glj lag Uiilddlist. by Hen Rriish. tshe from Maid of Fortune, by Itince of Monaco; iti-xt dam. Maid of Halyowan. by Hindoo. 1recious Dust is a sprinter, but site has a sister. a year older, nUo a paagr, that is afjle to get aaat |iiit h distance of ground. This is Cold Streak. which recently won under 120 pounds, at a mile pad three fuiloiiKs, in iim a most re-net table per- 1 foi ma me.

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Local Identifier: drf1922032901_1_2
Library of Congress Record: