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FOUR WINNING STABLES OF 1921 ESTABLISHMENTS OF G. M. HENDRIE, J. N CAMDEN, C. W. CLARK AND S. K. NICHOLS MODEST BUT FAIRLY SUCCESSFUL IN LAST YEARS RACING G. M. Heinlrie. Oi orc M. npnilrip. tlm Canadian turfman, raced a stahlp of ten horses last year, nine of which won one or more races. Their combined money winnings amounted to 7,147. The live-year-old Salvo was the most successful, both in races and money won. accounting for six races and . 420. Kxhorter did yeoman service for the stable with five victories and .tH7. He was unfortunate in many of his races, as he finished in second place thirteen times. Estero and Last Ojic also helped considerably with ,475 and .1!00 respectively to their credit. In all, the stable won tweuty-eiglit races and 7,147, as the following tabulation shows: Horse. Col. and Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Salvo b. g. 5 By Charles Edward— Shoo Fly, by Meddler 6 12 $ Q.4-Q Exborter b. g. 7 By Sunder -Persuasion, by Persimmon 5 13 6 7,047 Estero b. f. 4 By Ivan the Terrible— Foyer, by Masetto 3 4 3 5.475 l.asi One b. c. 3 By Judge Wright— Glenelga Last, by Glenelg 5 5 2 5.200 Sagamook b. g. 3 By Charles Edward— Otsiketa, by Ornns 2 11 4.030 .June Fly b. g. 4 By Charles Edward— La. vana. by Dick Welles 3 0 1 :..4."i0 Handier b. h. 9 By Galveston — Sweet Lavender, by Goldfinch 2 11 1.075 Claymore b. g. 4 By Assagai — Ogalala. by Isidor 10 0 800 Sonirue en. m. 5 By Charles Edward — Spanish Maid, by Disguise 10 0 700 •Hockey Mountain. ,ch. c. 2 By Malamont — Mountain Mist, by Magnetizer 0 0 0 50 Totals 10 28 25 10 7,147 •Fourth money. J. . Caniden. Johnson N. Camden, chairman of the Kentucky Hacing Commission and president of the Kentucky Jockey Club, was represented on the turf last year by a modest stable of six horses. One of them. Fair Phaulom, only raced a short while in the Camden silks, as she was sold to Montfort Jones and proved to be one of the foremost fillies in the two-year-old division. Befcre leaving the Camden barn Fair Phantom contributed ,245 to the stables offers. Hangooi. a right good sort, was the chief winner, with five races and 0,750 to his credit. Sir Hugh, the promi-ii.g Light Brigade colt, which died in December, contributed,000 and was hold in high esteem. The collective winnings of the stable amounted to 3,334; a good record, as can be seen from the following tabulation: Horse. Col. and Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. Rangoon hr. g. 3 By Light Brigade — Lardella. by Lack ford 5 I 2 0,750 , Kail Phantom b. f. 2 Bv Light Brigade— Bellita. by Ben Brush 1 2 0 7.245 Sir Hugh b. c. 2 By Light Brigade— Enigma, by Ben Brush 3 2 1 0.900 Darjeeling b. g. 3 By Light Brigade — Muriel, by Watercress 4 10 4.506 Bettina b. f. 3 By Light Brigade — Ecatarina. by Commander 2 14 3.101 Commder McMeekin.b. c. 2 By Colin — Briretta, by Dr. MacBride 0 3 0 375 Totals 6 15 14 7 3,334 C. W. Clark. C. W. Clark had only ten horses in the racing action of 1821. but every one was a winner. White S.iir. Tinted VTde and Captain Mac were the mainstays of the siring. White Star won four races and ,s75; InitPd Verde, three and ,350. while the four successes of Captain Mac brought .S00 into the stables war chest. Altogether, the lark horses accounted for eighteen races and .000 during the racing campaign of last year, the following showing the record of the stable in detail: Horse. Col. and Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. While Star oh. c. 3 By McGee Sweet Charlotte, by Ingoldsby 4 2 I ,875 lulled Verde b. c, 3 By tiolden Maxim — Yankee Tree, by Yankee 3 2 2 4.350 Captain Mac eh. c. 4 By The Manager— Royal Dainty, by Royal Flush III 4 0 0 MM Sway b. g. 5 P.y Vnlcain — Ruby Right, by Star Ruby 110 1.550 Escovar br. h. ■ By Sweep — Yaleureuse, by Orsini 10 0 1.500 Tom Hare ,Tr hr. c. 2 By Vulcain — Moonel, by Donald A 1 0 1 1,275 Cummer Gurton f. 2 By Von Tromp — Balerian, by The Commoner 110 1.200 Charline br. f. 2 By Golden Maxim — Yankee Tree, by Yankee 10 1 1.000 Pictor b. g. 5 By Piclon- White Veil, by The White Knight 10 0 750 Destroyer b. g. 4 By Assagai — Dimity, by The Commoner 10 0 700 Totals 10 18 C 7 1,000 S. K. Nichols. S. K. Nichols had an "ace in the hole" in the three-year-old H. E. Coleman during he racing campaign of 1921. The son of Celt won live races and assisted ably in paying the stable expenses, as he won five races and 7,340. He is a superior mud runner and an excellent long-distance racer, striking evidence of which was presented when lie s.-ored an impressive triumph in the La Ionia Cup last fall. There were only six stable companions of H. E. Coleman, two of which failed to win. the other four collectively answering for the remainder of the tSs2H to the credit of their owner last year, as shown here below: Horse. Col. and Sex. A. Pedigree. 1st. 2d. 3d. Won. H. E. Coleman blk. g. 3 By Celt- Augusta Victoria, by Sain 5 4 1 7,340 Clintonville b. f. 4 By Transvaal — Maid Militant, by Rainbow 4 3 4 4.985 Paris Maid b. m. 5 By Transvaal— Maid Militant, by Rainbow 2 4 1 3.455 Judge Pryor b. g. 3 By Y;il-:iin -Frances M., by Filigrane 2 0 0 2,050 Hulciiiscn b. c 2 By Wrack- Frances M.. by Filigrane 1 0 2 1.325 I Millersburg b. f. 3 By Great Britain -Maid Militant, by Rainbow 0 0 1 100 Shelbyville b. c. 2 By Wa lervale— Miss Metcalf. by Aldington 0 0 0 Totals 7 14 11 9 9,255