Lord Manton Lost to Turf: Had Phenomenal Luck in Racing for Mere Recreation, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-31


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LORD MANTON LOST TO TURF Had Phenomenal Luck in Racing for Mere Recreation. ♦ His 7,000 Yearling Group Most Profitable Sporting Investment — How He Lived and Died. M!Y K. K. MM SSKLL. I.IIMHIN. F.ngland. March Pi bars Manton. better kaows is Baxlisk racing aud brooding circles as Mr. 1am ph Watson, recently met with I fatal acrfchral while limit itiK wltti tin- Warwickshire hounds, in the neighborhood of SI nit ford .on -A von. J I in horse stumbled ;md threw his rider, who died :i few minutes Inter from heart failure, brought nil by the shock of the fall. Lord Mauton was really cut off in the prime of lift — before his friends had become accustomed to the title which covered I charming ixrsoualil.v. He was a great apsttssaaa; polo he played, but hunting gave him most pleasure, and lie was a liberal supporter of the Brahman Moor Hunt. Yorkshire, of which Lard I.ascelles is now the master. It was not every horse svhich could carry his weight. He was as big mentally as he was personally, and ■ man of calmness and decision. Mr. Joseph Watson received his title at the New Year and took liis seat in the House of Lords only three weeks ago. Lord Muntnns body was conveyed to Cnmpton Verncy. the beautiful property in Warwickshire, which he purchased not hasp, since from I ord Wil-loughby de Itroke. When his title was conferred the official notices stated it was for: "Valuable services rendered to the country in organizing filling factories during the war, aud glial assistance to agriculture through the Agricultural Research Branch at Learning -t on . THE LUCK OF RICH SPORTSMAN. Uird Mulilon was a son of tbe late Mr. Oeorgo WaUon. of tbe famous s. a|i firm. J. Watson and Sons. Lcod . Yorkshire. Lard Manton ni chaii-maii of the directors until about four years ago. when he m Id all his interests to Lord Leverhulinc, and he afterward itaasaed] of kbj interests in the Olympia Oil and Cake Works at Selby. Yorkshire, for something like SI .-,.000.001. Sine. then he had devoted himself to racing He expended a small fortune in purchasing the famous Maatoa estate, and a- - a- be did so he placed him.-clf in the are of Alc Taylor. He had ait extremely lucky time with his race horses. About iwent.v-fivo years ago bald Manton owned one or two platers, which were trained for him in the North of Kngland bj M. I . Peacock. The best of them w as a three-year-old named Riff Raff. Which In- purchased for .X 0 after he won at Thirsk. About a mouth later Mr. Joseph Watson wou with Itiff Raff the Oldham Selling Plate or *1.000. at the Manchester Whitsuntide meeting. After the race he let Kill Raff go lor J80. He soon relinguishcd his interest in racing to devote him-elf eutirely to business. In IBM Lard Maatoa aarchaeed five yearling- at a total cost of BST.BsB. When two-year-old- the] won dukes amounting to over M5,saB, and las year, including tasasasraa Uraad Pita do Paris, their winnings must have beta about fl 10.00O. so that I hey show a upleaald profit, apart from the wist amount "f pica-uic thep yielded their owner. In choosing these yearlings in era* large!] guided by Alex Taylor. Tiler-- were aver lihi psaacatera from Which to select from and tin- five ehssea include a winner of the Oaka in Less in Idiom—, and tin-winner of the Uraad Prix de Parla ia bssasasra, which alto ran third in the Derby Lemonora. by the way. i- now located at OffchSBCfc Stud Kami, on ilie outskirt- of Cesaatea Peraep estate. BREEDING PLANS: VOIDED ENTRIES. During the two or three ream he was on the tarf lord Manton act omplished more than inany in-n in a lifetime: he was not the type of owner who was likely to give up if things did not go bbl way. His untimely death is universally deplored. A sassssasaa of Ma fiae character will be greatly mis-cd and hi- leas is likely to influence all Kng-Uah racing and breeding. base in ldli loss a*aa mi especial favorite with him. At the December sales in IBS* bard Manton ease an caracal of hi- lateatisa to bred liis own racing stabta. Par an outlay of |51.3M be parehased three mare-. Sea Mab for 982.-~iOB Hill and Coo for 511 00" and Donna Lola for *7.M 0. At the last December sales at Nov market he waa not so busy ami pun based only tie- chestaat filly foal by Pom-incrii - St. Catriae, lee which be paid . 750. Last sea-on Lord Manton wa- third in the list of owner- with nine winners of twenty races and ■ MM. IV".. , F.y tile Seatb of bard Manton a large number of his oniric- in the riassies ami ether important fixtures have beessse said. These lactate Was by Waiting. Pastas* Light. Lady Jtlio.. Bit Psar and Tws Step from the Pursy, and Won by Waiting. Pastael Light. Ijidy Juror, lister in-Law and Two Step from the Oaks. Won by Waiting and Kasttiet Light aha iissp-pear _ from Lie Two Thoaaaad Cuineas. and Won by Waiting PaStael Light. Two Step. Lady Juror and Htwter-lB-baW from tbe One Thousand Uuinens. The St Leger nomination- to becesac void are Won by Waiting. Dig Tour. Fastn-t Light and Lady .inior. while those eatered for the principal spring baadneaaa thai sow bereaje ineligible to run include Blae I. adv. citj aid Saharhsa; Btae Lady ami Tetrahhasta. Xewhorj Baa 1st up. and Btae I adj. • i Jubilee Handicap and M:m hosier up. ♦ |

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922033101/drf1922033101_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1922033101_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800