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_ s CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Captain .1. I . Ooba has declared Kick Turpin. Ainericau l!eauty and Kauphin Ir-nn tin- .i.ind I Inx of King Alfonso. .1. P. Iloiiiuiig. the Fuglisii i own -r. lias declared Corporal. This leeares sereatp-niiie- banes eligihle tot tbe 081,000 Spanish race. I. s;ivciom. the s.iuth Africaa Jockey who rode in the Lincolnshire, is to try his riding luck in " Lr.inio this ve.n H was a good i idei in Africa, and this winter -cored on the winners of tin- Cluisi-inas Handicap at .loliaunesbarg and tin- Champion " Slakes „f Il,e Cape Service io ten Fie-neh army mares by the thoroughbred slallioii Mon Ocneral. bj Hay Ronald Maddelena. hy Bona ista. has be-n donated b the-liorses e owner. In assigning these mating- tin- e tu Cheval dp Cu.-rre has trmited llie eligi- - kfWxiete i.