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• LATEST WORK-OUTS FROM BOWIE , 877 BOWIE. Md.. March 30— Todays training gallops i 1 here included the following: I Weather dear; track fast — Three-Eighths Mile. S-fi-Eob McCrav . .37--, *72-Mir. Cooper ..37% S7"i-Eager Eves 3K S72-Nightboat 37 .S5H-Elizabeth Briee.M S7ti-ur Betsy :ts N7."-;aiii da Cause. 372f, S75-Pinkie M S7b-Htighie 37-., BU Roy C 43 8iS-Hermis Kemble43 S57-Sniart Gay ...43 S51-Heliocross ...43 S74 Simplicity M 875 Kitan 3S 874-Secietary 44 S75-Kewpie S 38 873 The Limb M 854-Lv Monmotitli..39 871 -T. Muleskinner.3S 851-Lucky B 44 849-War Zone 40 Half Mile. S59-Ap. Jack TL . .50 857-Jago 99% Be True Man. .51 SC4-Kirah 50 BTB-Ralattrade M S74-Liura Gaffney.52 49-., 873-La Kross 52 nTi Coll-dn 51 S3!-Madson 55 S59-Cacambo 50 875 -Mitt Fontaine. .51 BSB-DicKt Dgbter.53 853-Mose 54 BM-K-barter so-i 8SP-Malrolie 50 S75Torest Queen ..50 85SI .inamatl 54 BSB-Graa* Tree ...54 875-Rejection 52-.:, 84B-Geaia w 51 QM-Baady H iii 872 -Honorable 49-i 874 Sammy Jay . . .5. 874 Honey Baker ..49 7S5 Swirl 57 Five-Eighths Mile. 873-BilIs Luck.. .1:04 IW Je#eB Y. D. 1:02 S72-Better Link. .1:07 S7:5-Minute Man. .1:08 875-Beiiniugton . .1:05 S74-Miss Emma G.I :0d S75-Dare 1:01 sT.VSaniniy Kellyl Oil s75 Daniel C. ...1:07 S55- Trb kster TI..1:10 S74-Dick Deade.c1:03 S75-Yitamin 1:04 S73 Elemental ..1:04 S73-Yerity 1:05 855 Hidden Jewel. 1:0* ST.". Who Cares .1:07 Three-Quartert Mile. BIS Amaze 1:19 S2li-Petie 1:21 875 Clean Gone .1:1* S74-Ptetende:- ...1:18% S7l- linchfield ..1:1S S73-Sea Cove ...1:1s-.. 871-Hcndrie 1:23 874-St. Allan ...1:18% SIS-.lack Beeves. 1:23 874-St. Michael. . 1 :2S 874 -Little Ainmie.l:24 859-Trico 1:23 S75-Monastery .1:19-5 S75 Tianslate ...1:22 771-Miss Sterling1:2S 875-T. McTaggart 1 :2» BS-Pericoardiae .1:20 875-Walk lp l:19-£ One Mile. 875-Bantry 1:52 875-Lnnetta 1:88% S74-Fizer 1:54 875 Master Jack .1:48% 875-Gallagher ...1:57 875-Natnral l.l:l 8,5 lluonec 1:50 S74 S. Light III. .1:45