Churchill Downs Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-05-26


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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART LOUISVILLE KY THUHSDAY HAT 25 1922 Omrcliill Downs 1 mile Eleventh day Kentucfc Jockey Club Spring Meeting cf 19 days Wesiher showery temperature 73 Stewards Chcrles F Price S C Nuckola Jr A G Leonard and C W Hay Judges W U Shelley N H McClelland and J S Wallace Starter A B Dado Racing Secretary W H Shelley Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m W Indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig urea in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse an weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE G 12 Furlongs Oct 17 1C21 117 112 Pursa 1300 4ycar olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equir Oddi Str G19UMARSE JOHN vr G 103 12 3 71 6l 21 Il W Pool Cain Sanford SanfordS C1741 TACOLA w 7 111 9 S S 7 2 B Barnes O B Potts 59394 iORLOVA MT 5 121 11 3 3G1530NAPOO 2 2 2 1 3 J Owens G J Long G1530NAPOO TTSU 4 100 3 7 7G1741 4 41 51 4 B Scheffel Williams Bro G1741 BLUE PARADISE w 7 1 1 5 3 3 4J Ei A Wilson B J Brannon 61813 MARINE CORPS WB i 111 6 4 10 10 10 61 C Van Dn W C Goodloe GI910 MAVEHONA TB 4 ICfl 7 10 8 81 7J 75 B Kenndy F J Kelley Kelleyn 61789 CASTLEREAGH vr 4 IIS 3 6 n 5l 8l 8l A Johnson D Lchan LchanCl G1869 CINDERELLA vr 5 1C7 8 4 4CS331 Cl 9Z 9 9l M Garner R L A Baker BakerI1 CS331 ilABEL G w 5 108 4 1 I1 I1 11 10 D Connelly W S Payno G18G9 COURTSHIP T7B 8 111 6 9 11 PuIledupJ Zoellcr Marshall Bros Brost 13151C 13151C61769SERGANT 61769SERGANT TORK w 4 106 10 Lost t rider H Stutts H C Murnaa tifntael Murnaatifntael field Disqualified for fonj nnd pLnccd last lastTime Time 23 4S 113 119 Track fast 2 mntuela paid ilarsc John 2180 straight 730 place 070 show Tacola field 1300 plac 910 show Napoo 7CO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ilarsc John flSO to ICO straight 2C3 to 100 place 233 to ICO show Tacol field OiO to 100 place 355 to Utt show Napoo 2SO to 100 show Winner rr p by Fayettc Martha I cc by Marts Santa trained by W II Cain bred by Mr Waltor S Payne PayneWent Went to p v t at 200 At post 4 minutes Start Rood and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MARSK JOHN began well and saving mnch ground on the tnrna finished with a rush through the last eighth nnd won going away TACOLA began slowly and had to come wide into the stretch but came with a great rush at the end ORLOVA raced forwardly all the way but interfered with ecveral of the others for which she was disqualified out of third place NAPOO ran well and suffered from Interference BLUR PARADISH was close up most of the way and also suffered from crowding MABEL G t et a fast pace and quit badly after running out and suffered from interference interferenceScratched Scratched tflS09GroundSwcll 103 C1977 Escarpolettc 100 G1552 Rapid Stride Ill G1910Walnut Hall 103 C1377 Skiles Knob 101 G0307 Richelieu 108 C1787 Ruby 100 617C9 Cobalt lass 101 57033 Quincy Ward 111 111Overweights Overweights Cinderella 1 pound Mabel G 2 SECOND EACE 4 12 Furlongs Kay 21 1521 52 2 110 Purse 1300 2year cSda Haidens Colts and Geldings Allowances Mot value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Vt StrFIn Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt G1791 PR OR UMBRIA w 115 12 4 1 Ill1 A Johnson J B Smith 785100 785100CI810 CI810 RUSTICATOR vr 115 7 6 2 V 2 E Pool Montfort Jones 470100 470100G1810 G1810 GLENLIVET w 115 6 7 3 SI 3 E Barnes G L Blackford 420100 420100GI830 GI830 PROCEEDS w 115 4 5 41 41 4 J Kederts Williams Broa 190100 190100G1908 G1908 TAYLOR IIAT w 115 11 8 Gl 51 P5 D Connelly C W Hay 2095100 2095100G1939 G1939 MART OHARA wsa 115 2 J ll 8li G M Garner G F Baker 515103 515103CIS CIS 10 FROTH w 115 5 10 71 C1 7 B Kenndy C E Lenahan tl XMOO XMOOCJ903 CJ903 ATHLETE w 115 10 9 C1 71 S1 N Barrett Rogers Aubuchon 2033100 2033100G18SO G18SO TENDER SETH w 11J 3 3 S1 91 9 B Schclfel W F Knebelkamp f fCOL COL WHALLEN w 115 1 1 9HO ID1 H J Burke R Goose 6175100 6175100BILLY BILLY BERN w 115 9 11 10 = U ll E Martin L C Crutcher 4255100 4255100M834STONE M834STONE AGE wn 110 8 12 12 12 13 E Roehm W A BauniEartner t 1 Mutuel field Time 23 47 54 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Prince of Umbria 1770 straight 910 place 580 show Rustlcator 030 place 470 show Glcnlivct 440 show showEciiiivalent Eciiiivalent booking odds ITincc of Umbria 785 to 100 straight 355 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Kusticatcr 215 to 100 place 135 to 100 show Olenlivct 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 c by Brown Prince II Umbria by Superman trained by H T Griffin bred by Mr Henry T Oxnard OxnardTrent Trent to post nt 233 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for all bat STONE AGE Won easily second ami third driving PRINCE OP UMBRIA showing high speed raced Into the lead at once and after tuttng across in front on the first turn set a fast pace and being hard ridden for the entire race easily hclJ UUSTICATOR safe The latter lucky and also away forwardly raced gamely In closest pursuit throughout GLENLIVET ran well and bad to stand a hard drive through the last quarter PROC LKiJS wa forced back soon after the start and finished fast MART OHAUA closed an immense gap in i lu stretch STONE AGE refused to start startScratched Scratched C15SC Slanderer 115 THIRD HACE 1 Kilo Hay 7 1921 1SQ 3 33 Pursa 1300 3yearolds Claiming Hot valuo to winner 1030 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners KquiT Odds Strt C1789 BRASS TACKS VTB 93 15 8 71 I I1 U 1 J Owens M Shields Shieldsw G1875 OPULENT w 109 1 1 41 31 S 2 2 J Kederis Williams Bros BrosWB G1875 BOJUL WB 103 4 G 3J 7 Gl 6 31 T Wilson G P Mattlngly Mattlnglyw C1G5G ALAMEDA GIRL w 105 10 3 2 41 41 4 4 E Barnes Merle Williams Williamsw G1795JOO LA LA w IDS 7 15 10 9i 91 71 51 D Connelly J Spencer G1789 FLYING PRINCE WB 105 12 4 51 81 71 61 6 J Zocller Dortch Broa G193S5LUGS ws 1CS1 6 5 I1 2l 21 SI 7J J H Burke Hal Prico Headley E90100 E90100C5098 C5098 JORDAN wn 1C5 2 10 11ilO 10 S1 S B Kenndy A Board t G0429 BLOSSOM HOUSE w 100 5 9 S1 51 51 9 91 G Braning R L Rogers t G17952 STONEWALL wn 104 11 3 94 T SJIO1 101 B Scheffel W F Knebeikamp 520100 520100G1795 G1795 LIEUT COLONEL wn 100 9 11 101 12J11S ll 11 W Pool Montfort Jones t G1811 DISSOLUTE wsu 1091 S 13 14 13s 12l = 12 12 B Pool E E Mooar C1795 CHARLINE w 107 13 12 13 14 13113 13s E Martl C W Clark G17S9 DADDY WOLF wo 1071 3 7 G lll 14 14s HJ M Garner M J Lowensteln 3130100 3130100C18I9DOLLY C18I9DOLLY VARDEN WB 99 11 14 15 15 15 15 15 C Studer H C Murnan f niuUicl field Time 23 47 113 139 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Brass Tacks 4300 straight 2080 place 1700 show Opulent 520 place 430 show Rojul 2870 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking od s Brass Tacks 20SO to 100 straight 1240 to 100 place 705 to 100 show Opulent 210 to 100 place 115 to 100 show Bojul 1335 to 100 show showWinner Winner Br f by Helmet Grail by Atheling trained by M Shields bred by Mr Edward R Brad ¬ ley leyWent Went to post at 306 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BRASS TACtvS began slowly but running kindly raced into the lead with a rush after reaching the half mile and won going away after a brief stretch drive OPULENT was well up from the start and saved ground when coming into tht stretch but tired near the finish BOJUL made up ground and finished gamely ALAMEDA GIRL ran well but tired near the end 00 TA TA closed an immense gap LUGS set the early pace and quit badly FLYING PRINCE finished well wellScratched Scratched 01829 Sportsman 105 105Overweights Overweights Alameda Girl 1 pound Oo La La 4 Lugs 3A Dissolute 4 Charline 3 Daddy Wolf 2V FOUETH RACE 1 11C Kiles May 24 1922 144 4 113 Shawnee Park Purse Purse 1400 3yearolds and upward Allowances Hot value to winner 1100 sec ¬ ond 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtlPSt U StrFIn Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt GS401 RADIO ws41C9 5 S 8 8 51 41 li E Pool W Perkina 1030100 G19C9HOLD 1030100G19C9HOLD ME w 3 93 S 2 I1 H 1 1 2s J Owons J Lowe 100100 il873 100100il873 BLARNY STONE w 4 111 2 3 G = 6l G1 6 3 II J Burke Reiser Bros 1730100 G1773 1730100G1773 JIM DAISY w 4 10S 4 1 21 2 2 21 4 M Garner R L A Baker 433100 433100G1909 G1909 TOMAHOI WB 3 101 1 C 5 51 4 51 5 A Wilson M Goldblatt 1100100 61909 SCOTLAND YET WB 4 105 7 5 3 3J S 31 C1 E Scobie J H Rosseter 1620100 G19013riLL 1620100G19013riLL AND COO w 3 95 C 4 4l 41 7 7 7 C Studer Idle Hour Sffc Fm Stb 1175100 G1512COMR McMKTK w 3 103 3 7 7 71 8 8 8 J Zoellcr Marshall Bros 61S5100 Time 61S5100Time 3 47 112 133 145 Track fast 2 mttucls paid Radio 2300 straight 710 place 530 show Hold Me 310 place 300 show Blarney Stone r90 show showKjuivalrnt Kjuivalrnt booking odds Radio 1050 to 100 straight 255 to 100 place 105 to 100 show Hold Me 55 to ICO place 00 to 100 show I arncy Stone 195 to 100 show showWirner Wirner B g by The Manager Clara Louise by Kea Stiomc trained by W Perkins bred by Mr W C Goodloo GoodlooWent Went to post at 339 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same RADIO btgan slowly but closing a big gap came with a rush through the last quarter and got up to win drawing clear in the last few strides HOLD ME showed flue speed in fast pacemakins end might have won under a stronger rider BLARNEY STONE came fast ia the stretch JIM DAISY tired TOMAHOI suffered from lepcated interference and was in close quarters in the last eighth SCOTLAND YET and BILL AND COO showed speed bat quit quitScraUued ScraUued G190S5 Wapiti 108 01814 Dona Loriotto 103 103Overweights Overweights Radio 1 pound Blarney Stone 1 Tomahoi 1 Scotland Yet 2 Bill and Coo f 1 1 RACE 34 Kile Oct 1G 1913 111 2 105 BloomSeld Handicap Purse 1700 3ycarolds and upward Net value to winner 1300 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AWtPPSt M StrFin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt C8212 BRAEDALBANE w 102 5 3 Il Il 1 11 J Kederis D Brcckinridge 470100 470100G17933NEDDAM G17933NEDDAM 5 101 62 2 2 3 2 A Wilson J Greenbcrs 970100 970100G1783 G1783 CENTIMETER wn 4 120 2 1 41 S 2 3 A Johnson G L Blackford 93100 93100C1744 C1744 MARVIN MAY w 5 110 3 4 3 4l 4 4 B Kenndy Mays Lako Farm Stable 3901CO G1832 ELMER 1C w 3 105 15 5 5 5 51 G Brenins G Drumheller 1350100 57678 PARADER WB 4 100 4 6 6 0 C C S McGraw T J Pendergast 3745100 3745100Time Time 23 4GH 111 Track fast 2 mutuols paid Rraedalbane 1140 straight 620 place 280 show Neddam 340 place 370 Eho7 Centimeter 250 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Braedalbane 470 to 100 straight 210 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Neddam 20 to 100 place 85 to 100 show Centimeter 25 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch c by Jack Atkin Princess Pat by Stalwart trained by J C Milam bred by Mr T J Clay ClayWent Went to post at 410 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BKAEDALlANFJ showing high speed set a great pace and racing into a good lead fought it out gamely through the stretch and won drawing cUar NEDDAM was close up to the winner for the entire race and made a resolute linish CENTIMETER was in close quarters during the early running and tired under his Impost near the end MARVIN MAY ran a good race but was swerving out ill the List sixteenth ELMEll K was outpaced outpacedOverweights Overweights Parader 1 pound SISTH EACE 4 12 Furlongs May 21 1921 52 2 110 Purse 1300 2year olds Colts and Geldings Claiming Net valuo to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFIn Jockeys Equir Odds Strt i G1908 JAKIE ILY w 114 5 3 3C19081 2 2 1i B Kenndy E C Walker C19081 HUGHES tSRAIIAM w 114 7 7 4 3l 21 E Pool G F Baker BakerE1 C18U2VIDA C18U2VIDAG1794SOLD w 111 4 6 6w E1 41 3 J Zoeller T E Mueller Muellerin G1794SOLD TOP TOPG1851 w 114 2 4 4WB in ink 41 M Garner Montfort Jonea G1851 LUCIDUS LUCIDUSGAPPY WB 111 6 3 3WB 3 G 5s A Johnson J B Smith GAPPY RICKS WB HI 1 1 1w 6 C1 S1 J Kederia T C McDowell SUNBURST U w 114 3 5 7 7 7 J H Burke M J Lowensteln 7555100 Time 7555100Time 23 47 54 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Takie Hay 800 straight 340 place 330 show Hughes Graham 300 place 240 show Widi 390 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Jakie Hay 300 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place G5 to 100 show Hughes Graham 50 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Wida 9f to 100 show showWinner Winner HoltonWent B c by Palaud Suite by Hindoo trained by U n Stewart bred by Mr J L Holton Went to iiost at 445 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing JAKIE HAY was hard ridden and racing in closest pursuit to the stretch stood a drive gamely through the last eighth aud holding IIUOI1KS GRAHAM safe won going away The latter ran a good race and might have won but for being forced to come wide into the stretch WIDA came with a rush near the end OLD TOP set a fast pace but tired LUCIDUS quit EVEKTH RACE 1 11G Miles Hay 24 1923 141 4 113 1500 Added 3year olds and upward Claiming Kot valuo to winner 1159 cocond 259 0 third 143 Index Horses AWtPPSt Yt i Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv Odils Slrt 6174SIJOUETT ws 5 109 3 2 41 2l 2 1J 11 E Pool A W Young 193100 61874CLINTONVILLE w 5 112 2 1 Il lnk lh 21 2l M Garner S K Nichols GSO1CO GSO1CO01407TIPPO 01407TIPPO SAHIB WB 7 Hi 1 3 51 41 31 3l 3s A Johnson J T West 7CO100 7CO100CUSgl CUSgl TODY w 4 99 4 4 2 3l 4 4 41 J Owens H L Grain 2S5100 2S5100G1875MEGAN G1875MEGAN w 3 103 5 5 7 7 5 S1 5 H Gray Kohn Theisea 1175100 1175100G1 G1 53 FRANK W w 5 109 6 G 6 6 C 0 D Connelly M Goldblatt 1740100 Cl 1740100Cl 853 AMERICAN BOY WB 5 115 7 7 3 5 7 7 7 G BrenlnE T W Motintjoy 1483100 Time 1483100Time 23 47 112 13S 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Jouett 590 straight 300 place 330 show Cliutonville 180 place 440 show Tippo Sahib 470 show showEquivalent Equivalent booting odds Jouett 195 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place G5 to 100 show Cllntonvillc 140 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Tippo Sahib 135 to 100 show showWinner Winner B h by McGee Muff by Ingoldsby trained by W Perkins bred by Mr Charles W Ksore KsoreWent Went to post at 513 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same JOUETT moved up with a great rush after getting a clear course at tbo halt mile ground but had to b ridden hard hi the stretch to outfinhih CINTONVILLE The latter showed fine Fpccd in pacemaking but was Urine and swerving at the cad TIPPO SAHIB camo fast In the stretch TODY acted badly at the post and quit in the last quarter Tlio others were always outrun outrunScratched Scratched C1910 Mysterious Girl 101

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Local Identifier: drf1922052601_2_7
Library of Congress Record: