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1 Milc 3ycarolds antl uyward Allowances Mar S4 22 144 l 113 J ATKX JK ch li 5 112 by Stalwart Trainer S Siuler Owner A W Jaclssoa 61940 Churchill 1 115 145 l43sfast fcfast G 113 7 J 31 1 H J Burke 9 Miilersbttrff Bcrmont Sea Way G1855 Churchill 1 315 201 hvy 4 114 1 2 2G1833 2 2 II J BurUa 8 Legal British Maid Mor Elder i G1833 Churchill 1 216 201mud 1910 112 7 6 3 311 II J Bur e 7 Nurture Kordcck Countess 59845 FGnds 1 12 247 hvy 5 108 4 4 3 3 51 5 M Schwtz Verity LittleEd JackRccTes 0i04 JackRccTes0i04 F Gnda 1 116 155 hvy 6 109 6 5 3 1 1J 1 M Schwtz 7 WHBncr JUeeres YngAdam 59722 FGnds 1 14 213hvy 1S5 105 7 5 4 S E S i H Thomas 0 Verity MRappold Bscarpoletta J6S2 BscarpolettaJ6S2 FGnda 1 316 20dfast 6 U5633a312stHJ Burke 8 BritLiner HociedBnd GtGolI GtGolIi i 559 FGnds 1 18 l55slow 41 112 6 6 4 4 411 A Wilson 11 LazyLou LenaMoss HPardaes HPardaesPAHASKA PAHASKA ch e 4 1C8 Ey Earmonieoa Berociso n by Einionlan n Trainer nTrainer R Wissfiold Owner H J Zowecstein 60341 FGnda 1 18 151 fast SO 113 6 5 5 5 5ll 5 F Smith 7 Pit Exhorter Current Events 6C192 Events6C192 FGnds Im70y 143 fast 40 105 5 2 1 S 9 9 F Smith 9 Joaquina Walnut Hall Murray 66142 FGnds 34 114 fast 65 1CS 6 10 10 9s 91 F Smith 12 Arrowhead TOfficial Panamaa 57977 Churchl 7S l23faat 19 108 7 13 12 12 11 91 E Pool 15 PlUltra FoaEmbry Gl Franc S7525 FrancS7525 Latonia 34 l125ifaat 60 112 7 6 fi 6 G Stack 7 Ace High Itunraf Tharta i7310 Thartai7310 Latonia 1 118 l52mud 58 llOi 458 8 9 9 G Stack 10 DtyLass MFtalne BnyStoa 57J70 Latoala 34 113 fast 43 110 4 6 7 7 7i G Stack 11 JSUdon UncleVelo RiagRoek j RiagRoekj 131 Sartog 34 IJT SIOW S5 111 4 S 4 S S F Wilson 12 Staunch Bodanzy Bloe Belle 5631S Belle5631S Sartoga S4 llZln l12fat S lOi U 10 8 7 71 E Fator 15 JockScot Sucnclty PrlgourdiHASXOCK Prlgourdiaa PrlgourdiaaHASXOCK HASXOCK b E 1 103 By Peep oDay Bendetta by Tha Peppsr Trainer PeppsrTrainer J H Moody Owner J H Moody 61940 Churchill 1 116 l4Cfast 8 ICG 4 C 5 Si A Yerrat 9 Alex Jr Millcrsbur Bcnnou G1054 BcnnouG1054 Havana 1 115 l49islop S 100 4 S 6 6 J Chalmers 7 Approval Tony Beau Hainan 01025 Havana 1 141 fast 8 110 6 5 4 k 4 A Yerrat 7 Molinero Jacobean Money 5C33 Havana ImSOy l42 fast 3 107 4 2 2 3 6l 811 L Penman 8 Raiukin Petrarch The 1lrat 6060G 1lrat6060G Havana 1 ii3 l39fast siast 85 50 iv 107 3 3 1 i 1 i 1 Il 21 L L Penman 5 FoaKmbry ThePiratc Btrmon 0671 Havana 1 140 fact 45 110 1 1 1 1 1 J 11 L Penman C Rookport Jacobean Hazel W 60405 Havana ImSOy l43fast 2J 105 1 2 2 2 21 3J B Kenndy 8 Ramkin Marcella Boy Roseatt 502G3 Roseatt502G3 Havana InoEOy 143 fast 75 105 3 3 3 3 21 2 B Scheffel 7 Chincoteague Dan SmartMoney 50220 Havana ItnSOy l43 fast 2 1C3 1 1 1 1 1 1 B Kenndy 6 Dsniley SiaartMoney Petrarch 59S10 Petrarch59S10 Havana 1 l3S = ifaat 4 103 3 5 5 i 4 5 1 A Yerrat 6 Loveliness Approval Ramkin RamkinWICKFOKD WICKFOKD OrnanentTrainer b s 8 107 By Free Lance Oncdere by Ornanent Trainer R KcGarvey Owner B MeGarrey 61871 Churchill 1 14 205fast 13 90 1 1 2 J Owens G HonolnBoy LyLSllUn Mcrcht 61501 Lexton 1 l39fast S3 102 4 5 31 4 G Breune C Clintonville Totiy Rep 66344 FGnds 1 18 154 fast 10 1C9 3 2 1 1 41 7 J Owens 7 Pit Eshorter Current Events 60231 FGnds 1 315 201f at 7 109 2 1 3 7 7 7 J Wallace 7 Trickstcrl Eihorter LyLiUa 59235 Jeffson 1 13 lE2ifast 4 104 1 2 2 4 4 5 J E Scobia 6 Pimlico WycnevTd MasterJsck ai8 Jefrson 1 1S lKgood 21 104 411 2 4 4 F Welncr 4 Lampus Blarney Stone Piialica PiialicaRS35 RS35 Jeffson 1 l46hvy 18 103 1 2 2 2 2i 2 F Wflinr 4 Grern OnTd rnTn Translate TranslateACCELERATE ACCELERATE NavarreTrainer b m 5 1S8 By Undo Velocity by Henry of Navarre Trainer E B Allan Ownsr W H Hall 53213 Havana 1 l4Cslow S5 1C2 5 5 4 3 1 Il H Brydges 6 LadsLove Betty J Matincelflol GSS63 MatincelflolGSS63 Havana 1 116 l4ufast 6 103 5 5 6 5 5 5 D Prible 5 Inquiry EloanorS Matinee Mol 57S10 Mol57S10 Latonia 1 18 l53mud 4 104 3 3 3 3 41 3 F Porratto 5 GenHais HonolnluBoy Arraraa 57E52 Arraraa57E52 Latonia 1 1S l523good 22 106 8 8 8 8 3 7 C Buel 8 WieUforU Jouett Cantllcer 57457 Latonia 1 116 l4Ggood 2J5 114 9 9 J 9 S 7 E Pool 0 GrnGold MnrseJohn CantllCTCr 57075 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 4 103 G 6 4CJ E Pool 0 BlackleDaw Travesty Mayhon 5S453 Mayhon5S453 Windsor 1 18 l5GJ alow 21 107 1 6 5 4 21 I E Pool 6 MictCat Starllealm PastSwals GBJLYSON b s 1 By Sir John Johnson Uelee by Yankee Trainor D F Cannon Owner G Drumhellar 61S72 Churchill 34 l13fast 5 S2 A Johnson 12 Xenette ArcMc Alexander Dad G1809 Churchill 34 115 alow 163 107 3 5 4 4 B Scheffel 8 OndSwili TonjSue ColTaylor 61769 Churchill 78 l28fast 4 114 5 4 31 GJ J D MneylS May Bodine Vtn Oldt Troiluj C1I51 TroilujC1I51 Lexton 34111 fast 20 115 6 6 S l = i J D Mneyll AAIcsaiiilor LouisA CTaylor C0347 CTaylorC0347 Mobile Ah Ci f l24fast 31 117 3 3 2 2 T Pargton G GJIaytTa IMJooster Assumpln 60S17 Assumpln60S17 Mobile 3m70y l5Chvy 133 114 3 1 1 1 Il 1 W Hinphy 7 FinanRioater Pheian LiakBoy CS7C4 LiakBoyCS7C4 Mobile Ab 6if I26slov7 G5 120 4 4 S 3 31 N Collins 7 Fin Booster HclAtUin Serbian 605S2 Serbian605S2 FGnds 34 l15hvy 15 103 7 88 61 5 J Owens 10 Monastery Bristow Pnm Tons WS67 TonsWS67 FGnds 34 113 faat 1S5 114 7 4 2 11 H J D Mneyll May liodine MarseJohn Bl Jeans 60142 FGnda 34 114 fast 12 113 11 9 9 81 Sl J D Mneyl2 Arrowhead TOfficial Panninan 591S Panninan591S FGnds Im70y l52Hmud 7 104 4 I 3 4 5 A Wilson 5 Pictor llorraoa Elder Roiaeo ESCAEJOIETTE b m 5 By Fit Herbert BaUneoire by Meddlsr Trtuicr T F BsTercauz Owner T F Bavereanx 61977 Churchill 73 l25iifast 25 113 10 10 91 G G11 R Davies ir MI iiP AAIossnder PcnweU 61550 Pictor6149G I exton 1 116 lCOHhvy 5 111 1 3 3 2 It Davles 8 Merchant Pimlico Pictor 6149G Lexton 1 116 l51mud 2 112 4 1 I1 I1 R Davies S Bertha S Tulalip Megan 61443 HonoluluBoyG0522 Loxton 1 11C 147 good 35 1W 3 3 3 31 J H BurkelO AmcricanBoy Rep HonoluluBoy G0522 FGnds 34 l15slow 12 115 4 47 61 GJ J D Mneyl2 BetsiniJa Trantula Eternity G0432 EternityG0432 MMazIra602S7 FGnds 1 116 l4614fast 15 105 4 5 6 5 E S G Brenins 8 Darkllill DaintvLa i3 MMazIra 602S7 FGnds 1 l41hvy 12 105 3 2 E 4 31 3 G Brenins 5 MissJcmima nnyLilly JenleW 60083 FGnds 1 116 200Lhvy 2 112 1 1 1 4 4 3 G Brenins 5 Verity Natural Itagazza Klrah59SS5 3933 FGnds 34 l20hvy 12 1C8 4 4 4 2 1 G Brenins 7 OakliiBclle LadyLuxnry Klrah 59SS5 FGnds 1 116 l55Hhvy 10 101 1 1 1 7 9 911 G Breuin 9 Wnukcag TheWit BnlceWheel 59722 FGnds 1 11 213Uhvy 1310 106 2 1 1 1 21 3i A Gantner 9 Verity MUjippold KinsTrojaa 5 ° 59S FGnds 1 116 l47fast 7 102 2 2 4 i 71 7 i A Gantnor 9 High Gear Tan Son Eternity 55518 FGnds 1 11C l53mud 65 106 4 6 3 2 2 2 A Gantnsr 8 Who Cares Day Lilly Tulsa 53137 FGnda Im70y l45faat 115 102 3 3 2 1 1J I1 A Gantner 8 MFoutalne S iemaa BVotei BVoteiGRACE GRACE HandselTrainer DAUGHEHTY ch f 4 102 By Frizzle Eath Carter by Handsel Trainer B T Williams Owner M Unman 58175 Churchl 1 116 l4Sysfast 87 101 91010 10 10 10s5 V Thelen 10 Dantsic M Fontaine Marehon Marehon5S071 5S071 Churchl 1 116 147 fast 19f 102 11 8 8 10 10l 10 G Fields 12 MarCoris MFntaine BMaid BMaid57SOG 57SOG Latonia 1 31G 207Hmud 20 91 7788 S 72 B Scheffel 8 CapitalCity TImMcGee Pe gyC 57679 Latoala 1 116 147 fast 81 107 8 8 8 7 61 6 J Kederis 9 CImnrron Willow Tree Ace 57623 Latonia 1 116 l52Xhvy 22 97 6 2 2 2 3 3 A Koach 8 BStone MaTchoua HofTNorth 57390 Latonia 1 1S l56slow M 94 3 7 7 9 9 9 B Scheffel 10 Pit Nonskid Alex Jr 57310 Latonia 1 116 l52mud 6 501 8 10 10 10 S 8 B Parka 10 DtyLasa MlTtainc BnyStona 57113 Latonia 1 115 l4Sfaat 17 105 8 6 4 4 6 5 A VlUon 8 ElcanorS DntyLasa ILJBaker