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OfU DAOP 1 3Ilc inil 7O Yartls Hampton Plato 37rcarolds and upward Dill ilAULl Claliiiiiiff Maiden Jockeys Blay 2S 1O11 143 45 5 JOAN ScorpionTrainer OF ARC b m 6 113 By Ballot Jessie 7oodscn by Scorpion Trainer J Husanto Owner F Unsantc UnsantcG1S32 G1S32 BirthdayC1740 Wdbine ImTOy l4Sslow 1C6 UO 10 6 4 I1 J Wallace 12 Rajah On High Our Birthday C1740 Pimlico 115154 fast 11 110 2 7 Si S4 A Tryon 11 Dark Hill Smarty Clean Gone GoneG168S G168S Pimlico 1141 fast 15 105 8 6 51 BS5 A Tryon 8 Bromelia Fluzey Wld Bedotto BedottoGI5S9 GI5S9 Pimlico 1 116 l4Jslow B 110 6 2 2l 3 J Chalmers 8 Sister Flo Romeo Clean Gone GoneC1433 C1433 Pimlico 1 116 l4Tfast 3110 115 4 2 11 Il S Pilsner G Vendor Trickster II HillyLanc 1 316 2Ml faai 6 110 6 5 41 2 A Tryon 13 Anvcrsary LucyKate Exliorter u 1356200 031 12 101 6 5 35 45i T Burns 9 Tan Son Fluzey Lady Lillian LillianG1S45 G1S45 HdeGco 1 31G 201fnst 8 S3 1 4 2rk 21 J Wallace 6 RoyalDuck Romeo LadyLillian 61267 Bowie 1 110 l52mud 25 104 5 6 5s 3 J Owens 8 Romeo Natural Nightboat ST23 Bowie 1 14 213 mud 6 107 5 5 5 6 4 S Lowe G Veteran Yorkist Mn Uose II IIE8GT3 E8GT3 Bowie 1 1S l S ihvy 13 109 6 4 5 3 31 4s M Schwtz 9 WhoCares Veteran Wdthnish WdthnishEiGSS EiGSS Bowie ImTOy lMhvy B 106 583 S 51 4s A Allen 10 Ettahe BribcdVoter Wdthrush 5 G11 Iimlico 1 116 l52hvy 4 107 4 3 1 2 2 21 A Gantner 6 Attorney Pavia ViceChncac ViceChncacS5T1 S5T1 Pimlico 1 316 203 mud 2 109 6 3 2 2 24 1 A Gantnfir S Veteran Roseate Kizer SVTEET BOITQTJET b h 5 103 By Galatine Bonquet by Kinley Hack HackTrainer Trainer G C Vinfroy Owner C P Vinfroy 62017 Woodbine 34113 slop 12Ti 112 7 3 3 Si E Smwod 9 WarTbnk BngleMarch Troubler TroublerG1913 G1913 Woodbine 34 111 fast 15 120 7 5 6J 5J B Smwodll War Tank Beljoy Flea Flea615J9 615J9 Pimlico 1 116 lJ3rislow 175 115 4 3 5l 614 C Ponce 8 Sister Flo Romeo Joan of Arc ArcC1422 C1422 HdeGce 1 316 203tfast SO 106 1 4 8 S B Parlce 9 Tan Son Fluzey Lady Lillian LillianE7S74 E7S74 Kworlh ImTOy lC2hvy 6 10S 2 3 2 2 2 ° 5 J Dreyer 7 Beljoy Anmut St Paul Paul57S12 57S12 1C worth ImTOy l534slop 115109 111 1 1i 2s J McTagt 6 Anmut Heath Bell Flying Ford Ford5TC05 5TC05 Wdbine ImTOy IMG gooO a 105 4 2 2 2 3 4Ti M Buxton G WitFIower OSpsor Bock Silk SilkCTJT1 CTJT1 Wdbine 1 116 Io24thvy 6 1H 3 2 2 2 2 1 W Kelsay 8 Heath Bell Salvo Azrael AzraelET5C3 ET5C3 Wdbine ImTOy l4Sfast IT US 3 9 S 4 21 2 W Kelsay 13 Somme Heath Bell Rock Silk Silk5T401 5T401 Wdbine ImTOy 14S fast 24 1C 3 10 10 10 11 10 C Lang 12 Yowell Jim Petrie June Fly Fly5T1T5 5T1T5 Connht 1 l41 fast 4310 116 2 3 Z 3 21 4 1 H Thurber G Mouette Blarney Boy Landless Landless6T01T 6T01T Connht 1 116 l4Sfast 215103 433 3 2 1 C Lang G Rock Silk Mouctte Anmut Anmut6C824 6C824 BBonts 7S l2Siifast 2310 1C5 1 5 3 2 2 24 W Huntley G Ahnirante Broadview Aunt Lh ETTAHE b e 7 110 By Xovctie Indian Lass by Xocohatchee XocohatcheeTrainer Trainer T Lynn Owner J E Cahill 61618 Pimlico 1 116 l47fast 9 115 3 10 81 S J ShelepetslS Fleer Smarty Fantoche FantocheG1415 G1415 HdcGco 1 11S l47fast 21 124 1 3 3 3J L Morris 11 Bromelia MayHouse Bountiful 61341 HdeGce 34 lir fast 16 113 7 10 101010I J Shelepetsli Staunch Copyright Amaze 012G7 EternityC121G Bowie 1 116 I52Vsmud 12 114 142 3J J Butwell 13 OldSinner TingaLing Eternity C121G Bowio ImTOy 1 4Tfast 8 111 3 4 4l 5 W Bogski 8 Romeo Natural Joaii of Arc ArcC1102 C1102 Bowie ImTOy l4Sfast 6 US 2 2 44S W Bogski 9 CleanGone SIsterFlo Brib Voter VoterG1132 G1132 Bowie ImTOy 149 fast 7 114 3 2 2 31 C Kuinmer S Our Ilirthday Romeo Joaquina 61097 Bowie 61 f l24mud 4 114 3 2 I1 I1 H Thomas 5 Attorney Clean Gone Exhorter C0593 FGnds 1 116 l52hvy 10 G050S FGnda 1 116 l50hvy 7 105 2 1 2 2 2 S T Nolan 10 MorniElder The Wit Natural PHALAEIS br s 7 112 112Trainer By Phaleron Last Hope by Pontiac Trainer A Swinke Owner A Swirko 61832 Wdbino ImTOy llSVslow T 112 5 561G49 61 7 R Rice 12 Joan of Arc Rajah On High High61G49 61G49 Pimlico 1 115 la7 = ifast 21 107 4 1 I3 1 C Ponce 9 Stanley Lucy Kate Dan 61544 Pitnlico 1 11G l49 slow 12 111 4 2 2 3 C Ponce 10 Balustrade Bverkill F Virginia 61483 Pimlico 1 116 l4Tfast 8 120 6 6 8 F Graham G Joan of Arc Vendor Tricksterll 01129 HdeGce 1 1S l l56terast 6rast 5i 103 1 3 8 9 ° H Gregoryll Lucy Kate H C Baseh Dan 61401 HdeGco 1 116 l4S fast 45 110J 1 1 l i 2 A Johnson 11 Lough Red Uoreb Archive Archive613G1 613G1 HdeGce 1 11C l49 = Lfsist 146 104 7 3 3s 3 i R Rice 7 Midnight Sun Krhorter Amase 61331 HdcGce ImTOy l4Smud 135 106 11 10 10 7 B Mariellil2 LZeus CJCraigniile Explosive Explosive5TKO 5TKO Aqduct 1 116 l50mud 4J 134 4 4 3 5 5l 4 C Rummer 9 Thimble FrankFogarty Salute SaluteEKSS5 EKSS5 Belmont 1 1S l52Vifast 1T10 IOC 3 2 2 2 2 2 L Fator 4 Wlaut Hall Rockport PMcGea 5G712 Belmont 1 1S3 fast 5 119 7 4 2 2 I3 3 E Sande 7 Pansy Houylmhmn LEnjoleur DC152 Sartoga 1 l 3faat 3 1121 443 6 2l l k E Haynes 7 Smarty Bodanzky Bombast KS14 Empire ImTOy 14S fast 1 107 8 7 6 6 6 Gl L Fator 8 Sc Verdict Pirate McGee Mose By Brummell La Mode by Pees oBay V Liviagstcn Owner L T Bauer 61917 Wdbino 1 11S 147 fast 59 112 5 7 7 74 W Ridour 7 Fan Bonn MissKmG ErWhito 61611 Pimlico 1 l40faat l40faatCI523 69 105 7 6 61 6 W Ridour 7 Fannieltean Svord Jewell V D D7S CI523 Pimlico 34 l14slow 7S C5 S S 7s T11 N Swart 8 Sajramoic Urouiella Camonfleur Camonfleur6f 61425 HdcGca 34 l13fast 6f 103 15 14 15 IE T Jarvis 15 HJewel Itunquoi LitHSheop 5073 Jefrson 1 l4224fast 12 112 3 4 5 4 41 3 F Weiner S P rhRoy GrnceFosler Marsdale CSSS9 Jeffson Bl f 112 hvy 15 114 9 88 7 6 F Weiner 11 Simplicity LastEffort F Queen QueenES455 ES455 Pimlico 34 llG mud 15 112 7 42 S T J Williams 9 Tangerine Simplicity Colando Colando5S123 5S123 Laurel 34 l14fast 1S5 115 1 2 3 4J 3J T Rice 7 Moco Grace Mayers Troubier Troubier5S010 5S010 Laurel 34 lISfast 75 115 3 11 1 1 T Rice G Reamer Attoo WeddgPrince WeddgPrince6T93C 6T93C Laurel 34 l15fast S U2 6 7 6 4J 44 E Josiah 9 GMayers BrillRay Clansman ClansmanZE2fNOTTA ZE2fNOTTA b f 3 87 By Tnlcain Zenobia by David Garrick GarrickTrainer Trainer M Grant Owner M Grant 61949 Wdbino 1 11G 149 fast 175 S3 3 10 10 10 W Brown 10 Fluzey Solid Rock Fizer 61052 Pimlico 1 l41fast 165f 10S 5 7 S1 10 A Allen 12 Ckatgay FVirginia GrFoater 61370 HdeGce 34 l13fast llf 92 14 15 15 15 W Brown 15 Jock Scot Tidings Trantnla TrantnlaDS745 DS745 Bowie 61 f 123 mud 6f 107 11 11 10 10 10 A Allen 12 DkDeadeye Finality Ercus Me MeESC03 ESC03 Pimlico 1 l473ihvy 20 107 7 3 6 7 7 7 A Allen 9 G Foster SMaster FVirginia FVirginia5S4TO 5S4TO Pimlico l f 112 hvy 34 107 4 9 9 7 91 A Allen 11 Delhi Maid Thriller Excuse Me 58095 Laurel 34 l14 ifast Ijf 104 5 67 5 51 A Allen 11 Ctilfndo Mariheim Theo TheoET8G6 ET8G6 Laurel 34 l143fast 33 107 11 U 11 101 9 L Coney 11 High C Miss Colin Orrit Orrit6T715 6T715 Laurel 34 lllVifast 12 103 1 44 6J 4 j A Allen 7 Mad Nell Fair Virginia Attoc 57330 ILdeGce 51 f l10mud 12 10G 6 6 4 451 L Coney 7 FVlrginla Clsman BBvadeye BBvadeyeTHEO THEO b f 3 97 By Theo Cook Eddie Eiddis by Hennis HennisTrainer Trainer A E Alexandra Ow = er G A Alexandra 61489 Pimlico 34 l13fist 14f 9S1 1 6 01 10 A Frieshonl2 TltraGold HiddenJewel Tidings Tidings5S562 5S562 Bowlo ImTOy 150 slow 12 95 2 5 6 6 9 9 P Walls 9 Colundo Carmencita Citation Citation5SC4S 5SC4S Bowie 34 llShvy 115 1131 5 2 2 3 3 1 J Butwell 11 Dclhimar Hillsdale VciiedColln VciiedCollnCS505 CS505 Pimlico 34 l15good 17 1C6 3 23 4l 51 E Barnes 14 JewollVD Carmencita Avispa Avispa5S1TO 5S1TO Plmlico Ci f 112 hvv 145 103 2 4 4 51 57J J Mooney 11 Delhi Maid Thriller Excuse Me 58390 Laurel 3 1 11 11 N Swart 9 Bountiful Sammy K Attoo CS2S7 Laurel 1 l42tfast 65 87 13 9 8 11 121 12 N Swart 14 Maulichn Orris Colinih 6S22S Laurel 34 l14fast 13 104 2 26SCSG 3 6 61 6 J L Penman 9 Simplicity Meuse Munhelm 66CSG Laurel 34 1 14ftst 10 102 10 10ET9SO 7 B 4l 3 1 L Penman 11 Colando Manbeim Zorro Zorrog ET9SO Jamaica 34 l14good 7 100 7 7STSCO g 5 71 71 T Finn 9 Avispa Dolly Varden Execution STSCO Jamaica El f 1 07f ast 6 108 7 4 4 4s B J T Nolan 9 Avispa Mar White lied Tout 57791 Jamaica Bl f 108 sood 7 57 9 t 8 101 10 T Finn 11 Graie E Pastoral Nightboat 67SM Aqduct B8 100 fast 7 107 4 3 S1 3J N Swart 6 Phantom Blue Nightboat Juno JunoE E7295 Aqduct B8 l01slop 20 S3 4 E 21 21 N Swart 8 Leghorn Juno Glenbells