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ENTRIES FOR WHIRL STAKES One Hundred and TwentyEight Juveniles Named for Empire City Feature The twelfth running of the Whirl Stakes of 7500 guaranteed a prominent twoyear eld fixture of the Empire City summer meet Ing has attracted 128 nominations among which are juveniles of the best caliber caliberJames James Butler president of the Empire City TUcing Association and proprietor of the Eiist View Stud leads the nominators in point of numbers He has named sixteen fur the event The Kancocas Stable and IL P Whitney are next with eight each Rhile the Greentree Stable has named seven Follwoing are the conditions nominators and horses for the Whirl Stakes THE W1IIKL STAKES OF 7500 For twoyear olds By subscription of 50 each 1CO addi ¬ tional to start Guaranteed cash value 57500 57500of of which 51503 to the second and 300 to tothe the third Winners of two nices of the vrlue vrlueof of 4000 each to carry three pounds of three threeof of 3500 each or two of t000 each sis sispounds pounds of three of 4500 each eight pounds poundsextra extra Other horses if nonwinners of 000 000allowed allowed three pounds of 4OOO five pounds poundsof of poundsFive v3OGO seven pounds maidens 10 pounds Five and cnehalf furlongs Closed March 20 1922 with 128 nominations Allen Sirs M S Pauley ch g by Honeywood Busy Bee Bowns byShort Uoward S lawn Mower b or br c by Short Grass Intrigue Powns Howard S Ilcct Salt ch c by Eock EockView View Margaret L Brown J L Eight on Time It b c by Jack JackAtkin Atkin Susan Lenox Butler Jaincs Primrose Path b f by Pebbles Ambrosial Butler James Coral Eeef b c by Pebbles Capra CapraButler Butler James Mutiny b c by Wrack Desirous Butler James Laurels b f by Spur Grasp Butler James Bargain b c by Pebbles Haggle Butler James Merry Maker b or br f by Spur Jest Butler James Wedding Chimes b f by High HighNoon Noon JinUIing Butler James Irish Dawn ch c by High Noon Keltic Butler James Temptress b f by Spur Little LittleQueen Queen Butler James Take Care ch c by Pebbles Mind Mindtoe toe Paint Butler James Curio b f by Pebbles Hiss HissPuzzle Puzzle PuzzleButler Butler James Driftwood ch f by Pebbles Nap ¬ ping Butler James Noon Glide ch c by High Noon Skip by Delhi DelhiButler Butler James Stronghold eh c by Spur Su ¬ premacy Butler Jemes Stella Maria ch f by Pebbles Turf Star Butler James Pensive br or blk c by Pebbles Wistful Clancy W C Stony Point eh c by Half Eock Snmmerhill SnmmerhillClaik Claik P A Simplex b f by Wrack Smllax Claib F A Marguerite ch f by Celt Fairy FairyUay Uay Cochran G if ford A Foxtail b c by Short Grass Triple Crown CrownCochran Cochran Gifford A Cimbria b f by His Maj ¬ esty Livcnia LivcniaCochran Cochran Gifford A Malmsey ch f by His Maj ¬ esty Madeira Cochran G if ford A Cimbni b f by Bryn Mawr Coronis Coo W K Tenderfoot b c by Polymelian Hassock Coe W E Some More b or br f by Poly Polyjnolian jnolian Kiss Again Coe W R Eagles Nest ch f by Harmonicon Black Eagle Ooc W R Chestnut filly by Harmonicon Mavis MavisOoc Ooc W R Giggles ch f by Harmonicon Laugh away Cosdcn J S Knighthood b c by Theo Cook Cowl Cosden J S Flnlot b c by The Finn Blue BlueBallot Ballot Cosden J S Martingale b c by Martinet Lady LadyIrma Irma Diamond Stable Palruba b or br f by Yon YonTronip Tronip Dally Fembrook Stable Park Hill b c by Zeus Edna EdnaCollins Collins Fisher H C Cartoonist ch c by Celt Honey HoneyBee Bee Fisher H C Keenan blk c by Black Toney Cain CainChaser Chaser Fisher II C Black Friday b c by Black Tcney Siincna Fisher H C Diamond Dick blk c by Dick DickFinnell Finnell Diamond Grain Fisher U C Hyperion br c by Sunstar Mel Melrique rique riqueFisher Fisher H O Dclcadia ch f by Delhi Starcadia Gerry Robert L William Tell blk c by Rock RockView View Arrowshaft ArrowshaftGerry Gerry Robert L Hoy b e by Wrack Anyday Gerry Robert L Ruddy b c by McGec Rose RoseIxiaves Ixiaves Glen Riddle Farm Demijohn b c by Sweep Flirtatious Crecntree Stable Cherry Fie b s by Chicle Cherry Malotte Gretntree Stable Canaque b c by Ultiinus Marian Casey Greentree Stable Dustabcnt br or blk c by bySweep Sweep Kopje KopjeGreeatrce Greeatrce Stable Romping Home ch c by Dis ¬ guise Bold Girl Green tree Stable Son o Hue ch c by Uncle Idle Talc Greentree Stable Barbary Bosh ch c by Whisk WhiskBroom Broom II Cardarnine Grecntree Stable Moonrakcr ch c by Broomstick Alster Cress Hirsch Max Bo McMillan ch c by Ballot Nettie NettieHastings Hastings Birsch Mas New Hampshire b c by Granite Annagh AnnaghJones Jones Montfcrt Cash ch c by Ogden Priscilla Jones Moutfort Dan E OSullivan br c by Celt Toots Jones Mont fort Nuyaka ch c by Dick Finnell AJinic Williams Jonce Montfort Shamrock blk c by Eock Yiew Tuscan Red Livingston Jefferson Newmarket ch c by Worm Wormleighton leighton Polly Connelly Loft George W Kippy ch f by Broomstick Seamstress Louchheim J H Paul G Brown b c by Granite Wanda Pitzcr Loachheim J H Hot Coal b c by Granite Flying CimJer McKay J C Mclachrino b c by Athellng II Roselawn RoselawnMcLean McLean E B Noel b c by Broomstick Christ ¬ mas Star Hacombcr A K Spread Eagle b or br c by byHesperus Hesperus La Sierra Hacombcr A K Bayonet ch c by War Slar SlarSidonia Sidonia SidoniaMadden Madden J E Whltleathcr br f by Hessian Old Sqtum SqtumMadden Madden J E Black colt by Hessian Millinery Uadiicn J E Bud Larncor b c by The Finn Dreamsome Madden J E Hcremon ch c by Ultimas 01ie 01ieBelle Belle Madden J E Chestnut colt by Friar Rock Problem Madden J E Dozer ch c by Friar Rock Dreaminr Marshall L F Prince K b g by Mont dOr II Lonrois Nevada Stock Farm General Thatcher br c by bySweep Sweep Polis t eua KeTada Stock Farm King Charming ch c by byAthcling Athcling IL Island Queen Kerada Stock Farm Humboldt b c by Atbeling AtbelingII II Celesta Nevada Stock Farm Blue Hawk br c by Atheling AthelingII II Chocolate Lady Oak Ridge Stable Drogheda ch c by Celt Sea SeaWave Wave OBrien Thomaa W All American ch c by byPluvious Pluvious Margaret Lowry Orleans Stable Better Luck b c by North Star StarUL UL Grail Price L A Primus ch c by Celt Lady Godiva Quincy Stable Caveat Einptor blk c by Celt Bobolink II Quincy Stable Frank G ch c by Ultimus Sweet SweetDay Day Quincy Stable The Gregorian blk c by Star Shoot Fair Louise Quincy Stable Carol ch c by Ormondale Bonnie BonnieCarrie Carrie Raiicceas Stable Curtis b c by Dick Finnell Glcna Raccocai Stable Stockmar br c by Wrack Star StarGift Gift Rancocas Stable Zcv br c by The Finn Miss MissKearney Kearney Hancocas Stable Coeur de Lion ch c by Fair FairPlay Play Conronne de Laurier Rancocas Stable Higel ch c by Ballot Pictona PictonaPride Pride Rancocas Stable Ccdric b c by Theo Cook Neva W Rancocas Stable Aladdin blk c by Dick Finnell Viola Tail Raneoeas Stable Satelite ch c by Ogden Star Starof of Danube Riviera StnUla Great Man b c by Great Britain Metzie Riviera Stable High Prince br c by Mont dOr Yermila Riviera Stable Flying Devil b c by Wrack Sanci SanciRiviera Riviera Stable Lord Celt blk c by Celt Oro woe Salmon Walter J Mark Twain b or br c by byGeorge George Smith Droll Salmon Walter J Vigil ch c by Jim Gaffney Vignola Salmon Walter J Cheat b or br c by Sweep Unseen Sanford Stud Farms Cbarlton br c by Chuctannn Chuctannnda da Vantage II IISanford Sanford Stud Farms Athcrstcne ch c by Mara ¬ thon Silica Sanford Stud Farms Aragon ch c by Spanish SpanishPrince Prince If Mabel Strauss Sanfonl Stud Farms Dalby b c by George Smith Eleusinia Schwartz Morton L Pennon ch c by Pennant Juliette II Smith James B Shower of Gold blk c by Vulcain Disillusion DisillusionSmith Smith James B Scarlet Bugler b c by Super ¬ man Turkey Red II Smith Jiimes B Autumn Bells br c by Ballot Autumn II Smith Jamea 1J King Solomons Seal b c by byKing King James Himation Stoneham Charlea A Woodlake br c by Ogden Scenery Stoncham Charles A Peddler b c by Olambala Mary Scllars Triple Springs Farm Pittston b c by Sweep Sea Mist MistTriple Triple Springs Farm WilkesBarre ch c by Bal ¬ lot Triad Yiau Mrs Louise Little Celt ch c by Celt Little Flower FlowerWhitney Whitney H P Good Night b c by Rickety Slippers Whitney If P Spot Cash b c by Broomstick Payment PaymentWhitney Whitney II P Rialto b c by Chicle Matinee Whitney H P Chickvalc b c by Chicle Grccn Grccnvalc valc Whitney H P Enchantment b g by Chicle Enchanting Whitney H P Goshawk blk c by Whisk Broom BroomII II Dovclet Whitney H P Out and Gone ch c by Whisk WhiskBroom Broom II Miniato Whitney H P PJcketcr b c by Chicle Pank Panklinrst linrst WIdeaer J E Purity ch c by Fair Play Sans SansTache Tache Widenor J R Knights Bridge b c by Bridge of ofEarn Earn TilKiL Widener J E Hell Gate b or br c by Friar FriarRock Rock Swan Sons Wilson 11 T Tall Timber b e by Campfirc