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OMAHA The horses which seem best in Wednesdays races are AkSarBen Park Omaha Keb Jnne 13 1S22 1 B A Jones and Tarn o Shanter Stable Stableentry entry Delante Smile Again 2 Overstep Innovation Desert Rose 3 Little Pointer TiHotson Herder 4 Maud M McMurphy Tcmpy Duncan 5 Sedan Judge Budrow aunny Ways WaysG G MOORESQUE C B Irwin and N B BUpdike Updike entry Old Rose 7 N K Beal BUI Head Dainty Lady LadyG G W Schilling SchillingChicnsro Chicnsro and ItuiTnlo llnnilivaii 1 Dslante Carlos Enrique Happy Moments MomentsJoella Joella J Crispie Overetep Flaxy Mae Desert Rose 3 Herder Little Pointer TiHotson Indian Indianola ola 4 Blazcaway Tempy Duncan McMurphy McMurphyMaud Maud M u JUDGE BUDROW Sedan Fickle Fancy FancyTawasentha Tawasentha G Regreso Lorena Moss Buckhorn H HMooresque Mooresque 7 N K Bcal Bill Head Mildred Hazel W OIixcrvcrH HiinHoi 1 Carlos Enrique Delante Smile Again AgainOld Old Blue 2 Overstep Desert Rose Crispie Sir John JohnJr Jr 3 Herder Little Pointer TiHotson Nellie NellieWitwer Witwer 4 Blazeaway Duncan TempyDuncan Maud M McMurphy Tempy JUDGE BUDROW Sedan Ruth Wehle WehleFickle Fickle Fancy G Mcoresque Regreso W G McClintock McClintockLorena Lorena Mess 7 Bill Head Mildred N K Beal Dainty Lady DaintyLady 1 B A Jones and Tarn o Shanter Stable Stableentry entry Delante Smile Again Happy Moments 2 Overstep Crispie Desert Rose Flaxy FlaxyMae Mae 3 Herder Little Pointer TUlotson Indian Indianoa oa 4 Blazeavray Maud M McMurphy Tempy TempyDuncan Duncan 5 Judge Budrow Sedan Fickle Fancy FancySunny Sunny Ways 6 Uooresque Regreso Lorena Moss Buck Buckhorn horn II 7 N K BEAL Bill Head Mildred Dainty Lady