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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 950 950KATONIA KATONIA Ky June 13 Todays training gallops here included the following followingLATONIA LATONIA Weather clear track fast ThreeEichths Mile 045ArraTan 37 943Inrmokalee 041A Right Sir X 945Kindred OilBalance Wheel Wheel947Eest S3 941Light Hote 947Eest Pal 35 Ms 947Lsdy Madcap 945Beg Pardon 3 945Mnrvin May 046CIintonviIle 37 94SRib Grass 947Gcorgette 39 IHSRob 043D r Prall 37 947Sunny Ducrow S45Guvnor 33 948Smnts 943Grass Maid 36 s 943Trooper 04CA Alexander 50 945Kinbnrn 52 52911Blarncy 911Blarncy Stone 491 D43L Longfellow 50 50r32Brown r32Brown Bill 51 947Locnrao 50 50945Riy 945Riy Brash 51 817M P Gardner 50 50946Dappcr 946Dappcr Dan 50 929Pledraoat H2 = 625Foster Embry52 KSUncle Yclo M MFirst First Call M S4GWoodtrap 56 56007Greenland 007Greenland 51 51FiveEichths FiveEichths Mile Mile93T 93T A N Akin lC3 i La Orb 103 10302SAL 02SAL Bl Gownl04 Dt Loniccra 101 101MTltcss MTltcss L 104 917Necdy 103 1039i7Chatterton 9i7Chatterton 102 C47Miss Jemima 102 102913Desdlock 913Desdlock 103 047Royal Palm 101 10192SDoctor 92SDoctor Glennl02 942Rencelaw 105 105041Gr 041Gr Danglcrtyl OI 943Slanderer 102 045InqulsiUon 102 94GRnby 1025 1025ThreeQuarter ThreeQuarter tfilo 933Barraccda 110 947Montjoy 117 11793Slrown 93Slrown Eyes 118 942Marj Hynesl14f Hynesl14f924Dcboncro 924Dcboncro 116 934Fromg Tom 113 927Lady Prnkeal17 941SaIvo llfi llfi047Lady 047Lady Mothcrl13 942Tulalip 117 117947Montara 947Montara 120 940Underwriter 118 118SevenEishtha SevenEishtha Mile 93 5Honolulu Boyl2S 933The Wit 133 043Split Grass 123 945Aler Jr 147 837 Megan 141 141947Bluc 947Bluc Paradisel413 933May Bee 148 148D3SGoId D3SGoId Drcamsl43 946Nominee 145 145945John 945John Finn I4l7 935Stockwell 153 153843La 843La Foudre 149 Undonia 143 143After After rain track was sloppy sloppyThroeEighths ThroeEighths llilo llilo941Creation 941Creation 39 5MOTxSlie 38 38Pur Pur and Whitc37 Tycoon 3G Half Mils Mils943Cappy 943Cappy Kicks 51 94GThibodanr 49 49924Royal 924Royal Dick 49 49FiveEighUis FiveEighUis Z ila S47Black Hacklcl05 947Yoshiral 103 = 5 947 Pumps 10 73 73ThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Hile Hile94GAngon 94GAngon 119 119One One Kilo 40Blne Deep 147 147NEW NEW YORK N Y June 13 Todays workouts over the local courses Included the following followingJAMAICA JAMAICA Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 947Deep Sinker 38 919Idle Toy 42 942D of the Vy30 Vy30946Kxodu3 Mill Gate 42 42919Itebuke 946Kxodu3 3 919Itebuke 33 33947Sorvicc 940Flying Devil 37 947Sorvicc Star 37 913F cshala S3 SOSWoodland 3S 947 Armistice 54 933 Nancy F 54 54945Bullet 945Bullet 52 917Orcus 49 94 Blanc Seing 475 QittSalisa 50 50946Canioufleur 946Canioufleur 50 947Spade Guinea 51 51945Daydue 945Daydue 50 947 West Pittston 51 51946Monich 946Monich 30 30FiveSichths FiveSichths Mila Milaa a CEiruner 104 947Lent 101 933 Grcita 107 947Mawrcoron 103 103Dewhitehst Dewhitehst 105 947 Mabel Kane 103 103947Esiuire 947Esiuire 113 947PauIa Shay 103 937Hullabaloo 102 102ThresCuartcrs ThresCuartcrs Kile Kile940Bill 940Bill Bloct 122 947Sea Sand 119 041Eon Homme 11G 947Trajanus 120 948Calam JauelUJ2 940 War Note 121 P40J P Jones 1IG 941WyaaewTod 120 S4GSouth Cross 116 946Walk Up 122 122One One Kile Kile947HephaUtos 947HephaUtos 140 GloHtoroIose 139 Exodus has his speed Matsrcoroa vas under restraint Hullabaloo galloped easily Dream of the Valley seems fresh and good Bon Homme worked from the barrier Horo ¬ loge worked splendidly John Paul Jones and Southern Cross worked easily from the barrier Blanc Being1 showed a good gallop gallopAQUKDUCT AQUKDUCT AQUKDUCTWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mila Mila945Rockabye 945Rockabye 3S G4GZoona 37 37939Soul 939Soul Mate 37 947Blue Mount 51 94SMcKee 4S 4SC2SPrimus 942Blazetl Trail 53 53S47Bc C2SPrimus 57 57935Roelrwood S47Bc Frank 51 51947Cav 935Roelrwood 57 947Cav Emptor 51 915Sunferonce 49 94GFancier 51 931Sunsim 49 49947Haryd 947Haryd Belle 51 51FiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile947Bobbed 947Bobbed Hair 101 941High C 103 10374SDough 74SDough Girl 103 OlORacquetta 105 ThroaQuarters Hile Hile947Dolman 947Dolman 119 947PaisIey 11S 11S947Dry 947Dry Moon 123 917Prinee Jamcsliij 917FlanI Shirt 119 D3SPde cf In 2iallS J47Lady Myral19 945Sunrcigh Ili5 94TMust Seed 115 f 17St Douard 118 118947Mon 947Mon Morngl23 947Tt rchy 109 109SevenEighths SevenEighths Mile Mile947Itecount 947Itecount 133 945Superillusion 133 133One One Mile 912Tcddy R 141 940Witchwork 152 152947Troaia 947Troaia 14S S17Yankee Star 1411 1411G51Vulcan G51Vulcan Park 150 150Mile Mile and an Eighth 947Capt Alcock 157 157Mustard Mustard Seed ran welL Teddy R galloped fast HcKee wroked satisfactorily Captain Alcock showed speed Sunference and Sun sini worked together and were driving at the finish finishMONTREAL MONTREAL Que June 12 Todays train ¬ ing gallops here included the following followingBLUE BLUE BONNETS Weather clear track good ThresEigkths Mile MileSOSEsploslTc SOSEsploslTc 39 943Tenninal 3S 3S947Illusiionist 947Illusiionist 38 93SAVaukeas SS SSD43Joscphine D43Joscphine C 33 S18 Woodbine 39 3994SrUIt 94SrUIt 33 915Weary il il929Moll 929Moll Cutpurec 39 39Half Half Kilo 045Acc 55 5504GBluc 942Pcrfciomen 04GBluc Ribbon 50 94aPanipa8 047Bllly Kelly 54 54UUDiadema 94SPedstono UUDiadema 51 947Itcap 9 15 Feylance 52 52918Nomia 9I4Royal Visitor 918Nomia 51 FireEishths Mila Mila807Annt 807Annt Dcda l0 947Harmonioa 104 9436 Bang 1 WJ 722Sui Peur II1OS II1OS915Bronielia 915Bronielia 10 945Tip Witchct 103 103943Kncriuite 943Kncriuite 109 93GTita ia 108 108ThresQuarters ThresQuarters Mile Mile949Alsardl 949Alsardl 125 944Uendrie 124 124944Baby 944Baby Grand 121 939Irapcrsonator 3 2O 913Butcber Boy 124 124917Dari 719Plureliy 123 917Dari Hill 123 123Dorian 947 W H Bkncfl 2 Dorian 122 S43WUL B rfoUel21 S9 FeisJied Zeal 121 830Wakeficld 124 929llyin Pros l 947Zoie 1J 945 Fair Mac 124 949EasHlle 147 948Knklux 148 148943Blichty 943Blichty II 151 918Orcrmitcb 150 15091UGodcn 91UGodcn Sphcrcl49 15Juttikin3 147 147943liickory 943liickory 150 949VTrack Grass 133 133Waukeag Waukeag was only cantering Iliusirmipt ran well Woodbine galloped easily Jose ¬ phine C showed speed seems to be in good form Blue Ribbon showed speed jnJ is as fit as she will ever be Diadema was un lr restraint Harmonious showed speed all the way and had seme in reserve Biff Bang and Tippity Witchet galloped together Biff Bang leading by three lengths Aunt reda showed good speed Baby Grand was cantering Golden Sphere galloped slowly the first part and only ran fast in the last quarter Mnttl kins and Bastille were only cantering had plenty in reserve