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5yearolds Allovaiicca June 1 1921 130 3 VtUSEAWAY ch c S 117 By Whisk Broom II Inangnral by Teter TeterTrainer Trainer Jts Eowe Owner H P Whitney 56939 Belmont 3 HC lllfast 1710 122 2 2 21 74 L Penman 22 Bunting Galantman D of Allah 5GC0 Saratoga 34 l12slow 1C5 115 7 4 4J 3 = i L Penman 12 Morvich KaiSang Violinist 56593 Saratoga 5J f l04fast 15 122 6 4 42 47i T Rice 11 Bunting Snob II Sunreigh Sunreigh5G298 5G298 Saratoga 34 l12igood 6 122 4 4 35 31 L Fator 4 Morvich KaiSang LBaltinire 51 f l05fast 5 102 2 1 I3 1 L Penman 15 Pegasus Knot Grass Fly Ball Balla CG150 Sarat a 34 llifast S 132 9 11 111 9 C Kummer 12 Morvicb KaiSang Oil Man Mana C5907 S rat a 51 f 10S = hfast S5 115 5 6 71 5 1 C Kummer 12 Oceanic Frank Fursr Deadlock DeadlockCOHIC COHIC SONG br g 3 120 By Black Jester China Song by Santoi SantoiTrainer Trainer T J Shannon Owner G Konigswald KonigswaldC2128 C2128 Eflmnt 34 MC lllfast 15 115 4 4 4 4 = H Thomas 7 Bighrt SPveconard MustdSeed MustdSeedC2070 C2070 Belmnt 7S MC l23fist 15 ICO 2 6 o1 C7 C Lang G Dimsdale Cliesfbrook Georgie GeorgieC14G4 JiminyG112G C14G4 Pimlico 1 lS3 fast 7 103 6 6 6 6 J J Mooney 5 Pillory Mcrcutio By Jiminy G112G HdeGce 34 l14tfast S 11G 1 1 I1 It It1 C Lang 8 Pillory Merctitio Redstone RedstoneGI393 GI393 HdtGce 34 lI3fas t 35 110 4 7 7 713 C Turner 7 Brainstorm Bigheart My Play Play0134t 0134t IIdeGce Im73y IMSVbfa 7 301 7 1 11 ZJ C Lang 7 Rebuke Sidereal Violinist 6 b E8 A JohnsonlO Treyolyan Brainstorm Bigheart CC370 FGnds 1 3i44faft 3 112 2 2 2 1 1 41 H Thomas 6 By Gosh Ballot Mark Lighter 60233 FGnds 7S lJ6 fast 4 313 7 3 1 1 1s 2 H Thomas 8 Sweepy Black Betty Yashmak G01SS FGnds 34 lJ3Vifast 135112 8 66 6 7 611 E Pool 11 Omnipotent BrRay MBlossom 1610 F Gnds 1 l9fast 185 ICi 2 1 1 1 1ES535 1 1 H Thomaa 7 BalMark Ashland BrnshBoy ES535 FGnds 34 l15hvy 710103 7 S 6 41 C Turner 8 Simplicity Ashland Cap Rock RockS E9434 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 13G 112 6 65 65SS373 S 31 Sh C Turner 11 Penitent Fly Ball Omnipotent SS373 FGndp Cs f 107 tast 8 lOSi 9 9 8 7 7 C Turner 9 Bant Ray ilodwty StJUaurlce Disqualified hr c 3 117 117Tniner By Dick Finnell Viola Vail by Jean Boreand Tniner A B Gordon Owner H C Fisher FisherC2319 C2319 Belmont 1 l381islow 10 109 2 2 4 45 W Kelsay 5 Hea Ray Jay Modo 62180 Eclmcnt 1 l37tfast 20 312 1 S SG1S26 21 34 W Kelsay 5 Bsagliere IrBrigadier IrSea G1S26 Jamaica 1 lSSimud 20 110 1 7 7P14GG 7 6 W Kelsay 8 Snob II Galantman PirnteGold P14GG HdcGce Im70y 344fast 6 112 2 2 2C1314 41 4 W Kelsay 5 Missionary SailAlong SpMaize C1314 IIdeGce Im70y l4SAfast 1 115 4 6 6G1283 41 41 W Kelsay 7 Rebuke Comic Song Sidereal G1283 HdcGce lm0y l46hvy 125 9S 6 J J74G2 11 22 C Lang 6 Dresden Polly Ann Our Flag 74G2 Latonia 34 l15fast 113 11114 4 3 1 L Lyke G FPhantom JFinn TomHareJr 57272 Latonia 3 l12fast 7 313 7 7 76C389 8 S C Buel 8 Bdibaiie BBrush Rkminister 6C389 Belaiont 5H MC 1OG fast 910 114 7 4 4B6G30 43 2 E Sande 10 MyPatricia KtGrass Venizelos B6G30 Saratoga 34 lie3iSlow 60 135 12 9 9DG5 EI 45i C Buel 12 Morvich KaiSang Whiskaway DG5 3 Saratoga 51 f lC4 fast 20 U5 7 C 6 6 C Euul 11 Bunting Snob II Sunrcish EYLAXD BELLE br f 3 115 115Trainer By Zeus Dorothy K by Kilmaraock Trainer F Harrington Owner W H Snyder C22GG Belmont it 1 l7good 10 108 6 6j 4 KesFancyX 41 4s C Ponce 0 Emotion BeenWai KesFancy 01650 Pimlico j 1 11G 147 fast 16 113 4 4j X 21 23 L Morris 7 Dinahmr MBlossom SailAlong 61525 Pimlico j 1 143 slow 29 110 4 4co 4 31 4 ° L Morris 6 Champlain Oil Man Hca C1372 HdeGco co 34 l12fast 122 M 6 6ce 7 7 6T D Pribla 7 Lucky Hour Rocket Dexterous C1313 HdeGce ce 34 l14good 102 1C4 7 5 8T R Rice 10 Trevelyan Brainstorm Bigheart FS747 Bowie 1 l44 = imud 13 93 3 B E Elm7Gy 6 Si 4 i S Lowo G Hephaistos Modo Wessle B IS659 Bowie In lm7Gy lf0 hvy 225 55 S 7 6 5 21 21 C Lang 8 FlygCloud Doughnut Clarkson MH3 Pimlico 1 l4Chvy 6 105 5 7 7 6 6 4si C Lang 7 Opperman Clansman All Fair fSTC7 Pimlico 1 143 mud 1710 112 E 6 4 1 I1 1 E Taylor 8 GraceFoster SeaMaster Vitamin S8505 Pimlico 34 inoSiEOod 6 105 10 S 4 61 451 B MarielU14 JewellVD Canncnclta Avispa E8 37 Pimlico 34 11C slop 225 112 6 6 4 4 4i J Butwell G Doughnut All Over Finery OVERTAKE b c 3 117 117B By Horron Carreno by lally Trailer A B Gordon Ownor H C Fisher FisherS C2429 Belmnt 3 MC llS5ifast C 115 S 4 11 I1 W Kelsay 14 The Peruvian Tifceh ArnoldB G2354 Babnort 1 l35fast 60 112 3 4 6J 5 W Kelsay 10 Letterman DbleCross Macduff 6CSSG Belmt 51 MC 1OG fast 135 111 7 S 6 61 6 E Sande 8 Nose Dive Bayonne Finality fc6r28 Sartoga El f l05Ufast 50 110 7 7 7 7 6l C Buel 7 Toil Aknasti Lord Baltimore 6 268 Sartoga El f lC5faat 50 115 11 12 12 101 14s G W Crolll4 June Grass Mcrcutio Snob II E5997 Sartoga 5i f lOGfa3t 30 115 6 7 G Gi S G W Crolll2 Oceanic Frank Furst Deadlock E554S Aqduct 5S lOOVifaat 15 115 10 10 101 10 G W Crollll Surf Rider Oceanic Sedge 6T 131 Aqduct BS C9fast 31 IDS E 9 91 9 G W CrolllS Violinist Relay Knot Grass K001 Bclmont 5 S st l00 fast 32 115 5 7 71 Si T Rice 14 Broomflax Knot Grass Olympus EI8S9 Belmont E S st M fast 2 107 1 7 71 5 J Zoelier 13 Violinist Mawrcoron Apex KACDTJFF KingstonTraiacr eh c S M 103 Ey UcGc Stolen Hoaients by Kingston Traiacr R A Smith Owner W M Jeffords JeffordsC2354 C2354 Eelmont 1 l39fast 12 112 7 C f1 3s L Morris 10 Letman DbleCross IrConfettl IrConfettl21E2 21E2 Belmont 1 lS9fa t 20 112 4 4l 4 L Morris 10 Mystic Nancy Shanks Tarn 55092 Aqueduct ES l01fast 0 115 10 9 7 3J E Ambrseie Lally Picnic Aknustl