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8 Bfile 2yearol Is Hri Colts and Geltliiisrs Clalm insr June 2 101O 5 100 TAYX03J HAT ch c 2 II 112 112Trainer By FaasCol Emma Star by Solar Star Trainer J M Goode Owner C 7 Kay KayG235G G235G Latonia 4i f 6sfast 126 115 2 4 31 2 M Garner 11 Macbeth MnyorCarrcl C Ricks 62212 Churchill 68 l01fast 6 115 2 2 2l Ricks2l 21 E Martin 8 Metric Wida Tender Ketli G21C8 Churchill 41 t 64faat 21 115 6 6 6C2007 G4i 6l Ketli6l 2 = E Martin 10 Slnmlercr MorOarrell Glcnlivet C2007 Churchill 41 t 64 fast 21 115 8 6 64i 5J Glcnlivet5J 5 J D Connlly 12 ProfUmbria Rtieator Gllivet 61908 Churchill 4i t E4fast 27 110 3 7 71 7 D Connlly 8 Full Spoon An ToJ II Grahum G1810 Churchill 12 43 slow lit 115 1 1 4s S McGraw 11 Be s L Kent L Athlete G1G54 Lei ton 41 f SG slow ISf 112 7 4 2 2it it 415 D Connllyl2 Full o Fun Valoice Melusire 61511 Lexton 41 f ES hvy So 115 9 12 11 11 A Wilson 12 Fnll o Fun Miss Claire Power C0481 FGnda 38 36 mud 12 112 11 11Z8 11s Power11s 11 E Barnes 12 Antoria Dearie Lilac Time 60312 FGnds Z8 C5sood 20 114 1 2 3s E Barnes 12 Rockabye Fl oFun MissClaln SS506 FGnds 38 375ihvy 13 116 2 Ill MissClalnIll 12 3 H J Burkel2 Ilughlu IletLiick rMVsmtiei 3452 FGnda 38 36 slow 15 115 9 7 8 M Garner 10 Prince K Delusive Old Top EAYOR HamburgTrainer CARREL b s 2 H 114 By All Gold Rumpus by Hamburg Trainer K Goldblatt Owner H P Whitney WhitneyG335G G335G Latonia 41 f ECfast 1710 115 4 2 21 31 D Connllyll Macbeth TaylorKay CapRicki C2298 Latonia 41 f 55 fast 5 115 1 C 3J 3 = i D Connlly 7 EdPdlcton BanBoarcr KentU G2158 Churchill 4J f 54fast 18 U5 5 3 SJ 3s D ConnllylO Slanderer Taylor Hay Glenllvel E5C63 Havana 3S 35 fast 1 115 8 51 l C Pobson 9 TFHer SsLemon Pallidium PallidiumGAPPY GAPPY OrnamentTrainer RICKS ch c 2 H 112 By Kanaer Waito Belle of Ashlasd by Ornament Trainer S Cieaault Owner T C McDowell McDowell6235G 6235G Latonia 41 f 6Gfast 89 115 6 6 4J 4 J H Burkell Macbeth TayHay MayCarrel 62184 Churchill B8 l01fast 13 110 6 6 6 6 J H Burke G Skeezlx Kent L Jupiter G2011 Churchill 41 f 54fast 47 114 1 6 6 6 J Kcderis 7 JakieHsy HughesGrabam Wlda AX STEBLE2 1 e Z 31 113 113Trainer By Golden Hcrim Lily Mao Trainer W Perkins Owner G F Baker 62477 Latonia 58 l01fast l01fast6243G 6 115 4 6 CJ 4S N Barrett S JackPauer BsnBearer Rustcm 6243G Latonia B8 RustcmB8 l01fast l01fastG1310 11 115 5 3 3 2 N Barrett 7 Lavina Actuary I i Orb G1310 Churchill 12 43 slow 4 115 8 S 9l O12 T Murray 11 Bos L Kent L Athlete 61511 Lexton 4J J AthleteJ f 5S bvy 6 115 6 2 31 4i H Lunsfd 12 Full o Fun Miss Claire Power STOKE AGE b e 2 U 107 By Graaite Hint Drop by Irish Xad Trainer XadTrainer J HcKcon Owner W A Banmgartner Banmgartner6235G 6235G Latonia 41 f E6fast 40f UO 7 C 51 5s E Roehm 11 Macbeth TayHay MayCarrcl 62007 Churchill 41 t 54 fast 12f 110 12 12 12 12 E Roehm 12 ProfCmbria Rtieator Gllivet 61334 Churchill 41 f 65raud 33f 107 7 6 6 67i E Roehm 10 Gnost of Honor WidJ AnnrToO C179 AnnrToOC179 i Churchill 41 f E4faat S ICC 6 6s 6 E Roehm 7 JakicHay HGrahaui Old Top G158G I exton 41 f BBVifaai 8f UO 1 2 3 Sl E Roehm 12 Hopeless Bess L Gril Ford 60580 FGnds 12 B0hvy SO 112 S 9 10 10 G Walls 11 Dearie Lilac Time Miss Chsiro 69SS9 Chsiro69SS9 FGnde 88 S8hvy 15 116 G 71 7 J G Walls 9 Leslie Billy Gibson KoelMa 53779 FGnda 38 38mud 20 11C 4 4 55 G Walls 11 Anitallaniptou Dearie iKluslTe 5S751 iKluslTe5S751 FGnda S8 36 pood 30 113 7 7 FellG Walls 7 OldTop BGibson BILWlilskeFB K BILWlilskeFBK 629FGnda 38 35fast 30 115 3 10 101 i 40 G Walla 12 Pet PetBrown Brown Kiltiibeon BelLiark Itnt rirk 12 G WaIIs 12 Nowate RoslelL MarJorleWoce 3S272 FGnda J8 3Gfast 13 115 7 Si 5 G Walls 12 Daniel Better Luck Hnail HnailBy By jdj Athin Dirty Face by Sweep ocp KelloyG243G Trainer C C Van Heter Owner F J Kelloy G243G Latonia ES l01fast 15 115 8 4 5s C1 B Kenndy 7 Lavinia Al Steblcr Actuary G235G Latonia 41 f E6fast 7 115 9 8 S1 7 B Kenndyll Mncbcth TayHay ilayCarrol 62298 Latonia 41 f 55 fast 9 115 7 7 G1 e11 B Kennay 7 EdPdleton BBearer MCarrel ATHLETE b e 2 M By Sir John JohnsonWron bv Str Shoot Trainer C Bills Owner Rogers Aulmchon C235G Latonia 41 f C5fast 7 O10 F Smith 11 Macbeth TayHay MayCarrcl G2110 ChurchiU 41 f 63fast 60 115 8 8 8 S H J Burko S Banter JackBauer pUPcndletoa C2007 pUPcndletoaC2007 Churchill 41 f M fast 20 115 9 C 71 S15 N Uarrett 12 ProfUmbria Rtieator Glllret G190S GlllretG190S ChurcWll 41 f E4fast 93 110 4 6 8 8 J Francis S Full Spoon An Tod U Graham G1810 GrahamG1810 Churchill 12 43slow 11 115 2 S 33 31 F Smith 11 liess L Kent L Taylor Hay 6U50 Hay6U50 FGnds 12 50hvy 12 112 4 11 11 11 M Uuxtoii 11 Dearie Lilac lime Miss Claire 60414 FGnda 33 35fast 15 113 1 9 llt F Murphy 12 Rork Everliart The Ulster 60312 FGnds 38 35sood 5 114 2 11 51 G Walls 12 Rockabye Fl oFua TaylorHay 60078 FGnda 38 S3 hvy 2 115 2 21 2 G Walls 7 KWIikcrs TMulesUlnr Bcbns 59335 FGnds 38 SS hvy 15 US 3 21 PL G Walls 12 JpliineO TJJIskinr LGaffy S9SS9 FGnds 38 38hvy 8 H6 1 6l 6i J Butwell 9 Lealie Billy Gibson KoelHa 59779 FGnds 38 S8mud 10 117 31 43 J 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b K 2 II 116 By Charles Edward Uy Fair Kentucky by In Traiasr J EozKns Owner J S Hawkins goldsby goldsbyFIRST FIRST CALL br c 2 M 117 By FausCol Habel Dalweber by Transvaal Trainer TransvaalTrainer L Jones Owner L Jones