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1 Mile Wesiern Hills Purse 3yearolds AlJoiranccn THIBODAITX ch c 3 115 By Cunsrd Electro by Elsctioncse ElsctioncseTrsiaer Trsiaer V7 Perkins Owner W Perkins PerkinsSI SI 942 Chjrxhiii 1 l37rsfast 9 107 2 2 I1 Il E Pool 8 Bonus DorothyBuckner Ashland AshlandG1792 G1792 Chun hill 1 l27 t fast 42 100 5 4 41 41 A Vilson G FPliantom PreLula Chatrton ChatrtonG1512 G1512 Lcxicn 34 l16hvy i5 107 7 7 5 5 A TVilson 7 CMcMcckin PrecLula Ashland 58402 Lexington 1 l3Swfast 16 109 7 9 9 9 II J Burke 9 Rockministcr LadyAstor Bonus BonusC82G7 C82G7 CapRock5S192 Lexington 3 llSsfast 7 100 12 7 SJ S B Iarkc 12 Gentility UncleSonny CapRock 5S192 Churchill 78 l2iifast 65 103 4 4 S S B Parko 8 RUiuinter MFlou OMcMkln OMcMklnTS134 TS134 Charrnlll 78 l25fast 6f 112 4 3 21 S1 B Parke 11 Precious Lula Bonus Cap Rock 57048 Churchill 34 l12rsfast 46 1C31 6 6 Oc 6 II J Ruri e 7 FPhautora ClegeGirl BFiahei BFiaheiK7771 K7771 Latonia 1 l43ifast 41 112 7 1 11 1 II J Hurke 8 LtColoael Blue Deep CharUne CharUner r 764S Latonia 34 114 good 214 112 6 4 5J C10 H J BurkelO BudFlsher Treasurer BraJolE 57560 Lalonia 34 l17hvy 13 112 9 9 9 9 T Murray 10 Tiiiane Clonghjordan Maximac MaximacG549G G549G Latonia 51 f l07fast 43 112 8 S S 8 D Connelly 8 BillyBrush Heplmiatos Pesasu PesasuCEATTEBTOX CEATTEBTOX ch c 3 H 105 By Fair Play Chit Chat by Eock Sand SandTriucr Triucr C C Van Keter Owner F J Kellcy KellcyC1792 C1792 Churchill 1 l37ifast 5 104 3 2 3 3 B Kennay G FPhantom PrecLnla Thibodr BONUS b f 3 103 103Trainer By All Gold Eemembrance by Hamburg or Broom Trainer M Goldblatt Owner Grsentres GrsentresG2241 Stabls BroomStabls stick G2241 Cliurthili 1 1S l ifast 215 116 1 1G21GO 4 61 5T L Lyke 8 Startle MargFallon PrccsLula G21GO Churchill 1 11G l41fast 12 OS 2 2G1912 2 4 4 J B Scheffel 4 Firebrand LyMadcap MintoII G1912 ClKrchill 1 l37fast 75 3C3 4 3 2l 21 A Wilson S Thibodj DorotiiyBuckr Ashld 01833 Churchill 1 l39 imud 9 101 1 1G1773 2 3 Sl J Kederis 5 BlcheMac Kinburn MarHyaes G1773 Churchill 34 112 fast 15 93 6 66S432 8 7 5s B Scheffel 12 Ggway DthyBuckuer CBaker 6S432 Lei ton 1 l39Tifast 5 5D8294 102 3 7 6 C 4l 31 A Wilson 9 Rockiainter LAstor MFalloa D8294 Lexton FC l104fast 1 10718 9 9 9 733 M Garner 9 Omnipotent B ondCoo ColGirl 5S212 Church1 1 78 l247ifast 6 6C8134 100 8 9 9 9 71 7i C KenndylO J Bowdrc RUminiater J Finn C8134 Charchl 78 l26fast 1 1E7625 11 111 13 12 11 11 31 2s D ConnllyU PrecLnla Thibodaur Cap lloci E7625 Latonia 34 l16 hvy 43 43EC4S 4310 101 7 6 6 6 57i B Parko 7 MFalloti LinaClark Omnipteat EC4S Latonia 61 f l07fast 9 965W9 95 108 9 8 8 7 7 ° H J Burke 9 Glyn Lina Clark Waywd Lady 65W9 Windsor 51 f l03fast 4 113 8 8 8 8 L Lyko 8 DofAllah SThoughts JhnFlcL JhnFlcLa E5446 Latonta 51 f l06ifast 75 107 7 a 6 2 D Connlly 8 SirHueh MFallon PrecisLnU B53S3 Latonia 34 l12fast 35 152 8 5 Sl 21 L McAteo 8 MissJoy FPhantooi Rmlnstei 65274 Lstonla 51 f 107 fast 11 105 4 3 21 2l O Willis 8 SanClara Washgtoa BetMoelt GEOHGETTE ch f 3 110 110Traiaor By The Manacer Janina by The Scribe Traiaor J HcPherson Owner D W Scott G21BG Chunhill 34 l Srsfast 9 10S 7 S 4 31 D Connlly 7 DBucSner MWinsor IVhtLcaf ESI 3 1 Churchl 7S l25t fast 6f 112 9 9 6 C Cl 610 E Barnes 14 PreciousLnla Bonus Thibodaus ET9S2 Churchl 34 l12 fast 7 105 8 76 7657G75 61 21 E Barnes 9 Glyn Rckab Wolfs Cry 57G75 Latonia 1 142 fast 1 10S 3 3 2 2 2G7 1 1s M Garner 10 Bright Trash Pumps Bojnl G7 2 Latonia 51 f lCSsood 95 112 5 33 33673S3 2l 1 L Lyke 10 Marimba Canny Lady OurBetsj 673S3 Latonia 34 l13fast 12 112 2 33 335723S 31 2ok E Graves 7 MWinsor BlckBetty OurBetrj 5723S Latonia 5i f 1OS fast 20 1C6 12 11 10 10670V1 G 6 i H Grcgoryl2 BrhtLeaf HoldMe Omnipotent 670V1 Latonia 34 114 fast 11 113 9 66 666S9S9 5l 4 E Graves 10 WdgThgh BBetty BnicCrest 6S9S9 Latonia 51 f l12hvy 15f 112 9 87 87E5347 4 2 E Graves 11 FBlssom IMcGee WdgThgh E5347 Latonia 58 l00 fast 17S 1 1irOSHIMI 112 6 36 6 6 E Graves 10 PreciousLula Chcwiak Marlinbt MarlinbtBy irOSHIMI b c 3 3Trainer 115 115Bradley By Ballot Gold Lady by Goldcrest Trainer A Baker Owacr T Bradley G1455 Lcxton 1 l28Hfast l28Hfast5S402 93 6 2 21 Sl F Wilson 6 BrothLove SirTKean BelQun 5S402 Lexington 1 l397ifast 108 8 7 5l 6 i J Kederia 9 Rockmlnistcr LsidyAstor Bonus 58192 Churchill 7S l25 ifast 9 1091 7 7 6 5 D Connlly 8 Rkminster MFallon Thibodjc 57G50 Latonia 1 140 good good574G2 107 6 4 lh ink B p0ol 8 Bet Mosle Bill and Coo Demoi 574G2 Latonia 34 l15 hvy 102 3 5 6 51 E Scoble G Violinist FPhantom JohnFinu 57391 Latonia 34 115 slow slow5711G 109 12 6 3i 6 W Morseyl2 Carpenter Janku Tom Hare Jr 5711G Latonia 34 l13fast l13fast5G821 109 10 9 S1 u J E Pool 10 Carpenter Washington BBru 5G821 Latonia 51 f l07slow 113 C 6 31 3 E Pool 7 Eraedalbane Curpenter BBrusi 55527 Latonia 34 l12fast 4 4 4 F Smith 0 BetMosie Smhilster D ofAllai 55329 Latonia 51 f I07fa3t 7 61 41 H Lunsfrdl2 DrofAlUih WaydLady BHali 54810 Latonia 4i f 5S hvy 4 2 I1 E Pool 12 Leochares H Dad Autocrat 54548 Churrhill 41 f SlHifast 8 7 7 J E Pool 10 PrWelles CherTree BobHali 41 f 63fast C 61 4 L Alien 8 Bemcefal Demoi Ga BJU BJUBy EOYAL PALM ch e 3 115 115Trainer By Great Britain Hay Ellen by Cesarlon Trainer S Chenault Owaar L Lewis G2327 Latonia 34 l13V fast 95 97 3 2 Il 1 TV Pool 5 LordAllcn ElmerK RoyalDick 021 13 Churchill 34 l12ifast 2310 94 4 3 3 2 W Pool 4 MarMay HCommand Lantadcs G1942 Churchill 1 l37fast 9 107 3 3E55SI 4 6s 6 J Kederia 8 Thibodaux Bonus DothyBkncr E55SI TAtonia 5 f lC6 sfast 5 113 8 3 7 7s 7 J Howard 11 Sirllu h GranWare WayLady 64517 Church 41 f 53 fast 19 115 7 4 Sl C l J Howard S Fair Phantom Miss Joy Aloft S437S Churchl 4J f 53fast 1110 115 3 1 1 1 E Pool 12 Bet Mosie Lugs Montjoy E4112 Churchl 41 f 65Vthvy 8 117 2 5 4 4 1 M Garner 5 Casey Rckab Braedalbane I IBy PIKDAE PEEL ch e 3 103 103Coyne By Jack AtHn English Esther by Lord Esterliag Trainer P Coyne Owner E C Arnold G251G Latonia 34 l14hvy 75 103 4 1 11 21 M Gamer 0 Dimples Grayson Brieht Leaf 02129 Chunhill 34 l12fast 4 110 9 6 41 4ll D Connlly 9 Janku JBBrown WaywdLady G1942 Churchill 1 l37fast 23 103 5 5FC 6 5 M Garner 8 Thibodaux Bonus DothyBkner ES3C2 Lexton FC lllslow 7 109 3 6 3 21 2 H J BurkelS Omnipotent UnSonny BrLeaf 68C7 Lexton 34 l13fast 41 103 3 8 87S 3 71 6 i F Smith 12 Gentility UncleSonny Cnpllock C8134 Churchl 7S l26fast 6f 114 3 6 12 14 14 14J H Lunsf d 14 PreciousLnla Bonus Thibodeus 67330 Latonia 34 l16ihvy 45 115 3 2 2 I1 li O Vvillla 8 Demos Lugs Tnlane 67234 Latonia 34 l14 sood 175 112 4 4 4 4 4 O Willis 9 Moatjoy Demos Clcuchlordaa 67038 Latonia 34 I15soodl310 112 8 C Si 6 O Villls 8 Cap Rock Tulane Demos EIB GRASS ch c 3 103 By Short Grass ilarin Hood by Hartagoa Trainer HartagoaTrainer T J Harmon Owner Short Grass Stable 62397 Latonia 34 lUfast 15 102 9 9 SI 6 E Scoble 9 SnaTePrince Inquisition Dolores 63003 Jamaica 51 f l05sfast 7 115 1 2 3 3 4 C Kummer 5 Com Song PhanBlue Tangiae 67580 Jamaica 6i f l07 fast 15 1C9 2 58 S ° 8 C Turner 9 Sleiveconard Penitent Modest Modest6G939 6G939 Belmt 34 MC Ill7sfast 50 139 6 6 16 20 14 J L McAtee 22 Buntiag Galantman D of Allah E87C1 AllahE87C1 Belmt 51f MC lC5fast 135 1101 2 2 3 4 4J C Kummer 4 Harridan YanStar CherryTree 65S12 Empire Ab 34 l09fast 13 113 7 788 81 L Ensor 8 Runstar KalSang Little Chief ChiefcD635 cD635 Empire 61 f l08 slow 31 112 3 2 2 1 1 C Kummer 9 Ray Jay Fifty Fifty Restraint RestraintH5HOKALEE H5HOKALEE CommonerTrainer ch c 3 108 By Mclamont Louuianne by The Commoner Trainer J Walter Owner G M Hendris 62397 Latonia 34 l12 fast SO 93 S 6 4l 64 C Studer 9 SnaTePrince Inqnisitioa Dolores C0339 FGnds 51 f l07fast 115113 3 2 2 I1 I1 H J Burke 12 Snn Time Mary Maxim Margie GCOS5 FGnda 61 f l10bvy 6 115 4 2 2 2 6 H J Burke 12 Miracle Man Brncuda Hickory HickoryBILLY BILLY BRUSH b c 3 108 By Ben Brush Sweetheart Saa by Peter Quiace Trainer QuiaceTrainer J S Everman Owner R T Hubble 62355 Latonia 34 l13 fast 13 103 3 4 4 4 J Francia 6 Bdalbane JBowdre D Bckncr 58192 Chjrchill 78 l23ifast 29 10 3 6 7 71 J D Mney 8 Rkmingter MFallon Tbibodx 57948 Chuchill 34 l12fast 9 110 6 6 C 6 L Lyke 7 FPhantosa OlegeOirl BKishei C7G50 BKisheiC7G50 Latonia 1 140 good C3 109 4 3 S S F Paul 8 Yosblml B Mosle Bill and Coo 57597 Latonia 1 l33fast 38 104 4 9 9l F Paul 12 Startle John Finn June Grass 57530 Latonia 34 113 fast 6 109 3 6 64 5 J E Earnea 9 GrWare MWln or QnGardei 57391 Latonia 34115 slow 6 10J 6 11 HJ 31 B Kenndyl2 Carpenter Jankn Tom Hare Jr 57272 Latonia 34 l12fast 30 103 1 2 2 24 E Pool 8 Bdlbane Rkmlnter FPhton 5711C FPhton5711C Latonia 34 l13fast 9 109 3 3 2 3J J D Mney30 OarDfintpr Watiblneton HolOIrl HolOIrl5G821 5G821 Yoshimi5G719 Latonia 61 f l07sslow 10 113 3 3 4l 4 H J Burke 7 Braedalbane Carpter Yoshimi 5G719 Latonia SlfiaOrshvy 33 10S 3 6 4 4 B Kenndy 8 JBowdre LCIark Rockminister 55581 Latonia 51 f l06fast 43 U3 6 E 6 6 W Lillcy U SirHugh Gran Ware WayLady 55496 Latonia 51 f l07fast 32 112 1 2 21 Ink W Lllley 8 Hephaistos Pegasus BlosHouse 55442 Latonia 61 f lOG fast 79 111 6 7 1 5 J Francis 9 SandBoots ELHoose Hephtoa 55271 Latonia 5S l00fast 171 115 7 5 10 10 J Francis 12 Bit oBlk SlrHuch SuarePrin 55169 Latonia 58 l0054fast 62 115 T 71 7 i T Nolan 12 JBBrn BkrBrn SuarePrce SuarePrceRED RED V7INGFIELD ch g 3 115 By Superman Off by Canard Trainer R Vingfield Owner M J 3xrweastein 62398 Latonia 1 116 l4G fast 6 105 3 5 31 34 W Pool 8 Light Rose Twnaboi Ciacolet G2211 Churchill 1 116 l4Gfast 35 110 1 1 1 1 B Scobla G Sportsman Doriua Rob C212U Churclilll 34 l12ifast 60 KX 7 71 64 E Scoble 9 Jankn JBBrown War TdIJ dy 6S070 Churchl 34 l12fat 8 112 4 3 SI 3 J Kederis 15 MCtwood Flycast Marimba 67723 Latonia 34 l15Mfast 55 110 4 3 1 E Bcoblo 12 Settle Hamet Dad 67394 Latonln 61 f lOS3low 2910 110 4 4 24 2 33 Scoble 10 Louanna Spods Dad 67167 Latonia 34 l141ifast 7 109 4 4 31 3 G Stack 12 Salamander Settle Tiap r rC6S57 C6S57 Latonia 61 f lOS ifast 17 106 1 3 4l E Scobla 10 Buckingham Salamander Bojnl 65074 Latonia 58 101 fast 40 135 I S 8 8 Q Stack 10 GteWare DpSlokcr 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