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ERIE FORM CHART ERIE, Pa., Meaday, Juno 19, 1922. One-half mile. eleventh day. Eric Hacirtg AaaadattaaTl spring meeting of 13 days. Weather clear. Preaidimc judge, Joseph A. Murphy. Associate Judge. J. J. Phillips. Starter, Lester Beau. Racing secretary, H. I. Monroe. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. fi97fl7 *!■*■ RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purso 9* u 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and Maros. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. E.piiv Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. f— p« H261S Celtic Iabs 109 P T Williams 2:10-100 62075 Wealthy Ann 102 2* J Pevic 415-100 62581 Mabel Trask 110 31 B McCann BBt-lM G2610 Sea Mime 111 4* L. Cray 3500-100 62640 Minnie Mack 109 5 T llae 2100-100 62582 Biltle Niece 102 BJ A Kroger B8M6I 62501 Tilloloy 107 7* T Wayt MO00-100 62387 "Truce Hi S* F Moor- 220-1 00 61687 Betsys Pet 107 9 It Ball 10000-100 698S6*Baby Evelyn 110 10 C Wntson 555-100 SHltatla paid, Celtic UMSJb 00 straight. 69.66 place. .20 show; Wealthy Ann, .40 place. .i0 •show; Mahal Trask, .20 show. Baaivaleat booking esse fa Wit Lena, 230 to 100 straiBht. SO to 100 place, 110 to 100 show; Wealthy Ann. 120 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show; Matiel Trask, .u0 to 100 show. Time, 53. Track fast. Winner T. J. Broslins br. f. 4. by Celt -Clara At.kin, by Sain trained by J. Diggins; bred by Mr. Arthur 15. Hancock. Went to post Bt 2:26. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv-ing. Scratched --62044 Minnie II., 108; 01900 Happy Girl. 102. Overweights— Baby Evelyn, 5 pounds; Betsys Pet, 5; Trace, 3, Tilloloy, 3; Ditt!e Niece, 2; Minnie Mack, 2; Mabel Trask. 3; Celtic Bass, 5. C07f|O SECOND RACE— About 5-8 Mils. Purse UiJUO 3„03 4_yaar.0i.:»s and upward. Claiming. Net vaiuo to Winner 25; secoud, 0; third, 5. Eijiiiv. Oids. Bid. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 6267 4 Chicken 113 1J O Watson S:W-100 68687* A. Middleton115 21 E Hileman 1* -!00 62016 Bafferty 111 3» T Bae 200 100 62 639 J /a in r 115 4s R Ball 1:».-100 62581 ICrrv Sm.arr 111 51 B McCann 41O0-I00 68678* Peacefol StarMI 6* G Marino 4786-161 6263! Alex Cetz 111 71 D Bauer HOC-100 62639 .limes G. 116 8* W Hughes 1«X -100 62016* Inward Pess 107 9* T Wayt 8J0-16I 62616 BVIry James 111 10 L Cray 3280-100 iiiCuels paid. Chicken. JISJIO straight. .80 place. . SO show; Arthur Middleton, .20 Btaee, 40 show. Bafferty. .40 show. Equivalent be.kirig odds -Chicken. 830 to 100 straight. ISO U 100 place, 40 to 100 show; AiMmr Middleton. 66 to 100 place. 20 to 16 show; B.if-ferty. 20 to 100 show. Time. 1:00%. Track fact. Winn T II H. Faweetts br. m, 5, by PraapCN — Dactylis, By Plaulit trained by II. II. Faw-cetl ; bred by Mr. Samuel A. Beckham Went !•» post at 2:51. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same Scutched 02074Our Little Ann, 109; 02013 Gay Bife. 100 Overweights James G., 1 pound. fi-" 7flQ THIRD RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purso V*aiJO «.3M 3-year-olds. Special Wc.ghts. Not *ataa ta v.incr 25; second, 560; tliird. 5. BqotT. Odds, led. [Tarae. Wt. Fin. .To-key. Straight. 62070 M. Oeal w-d 115 1» R Waluott 28-100 , !.;17 • .i i.iy l.ady 113 2 V Moore 1300-100 62546 Article X. 113 3J D Bauer f 6267S3R Btleaa 113 4* T Bae 516-1M 6X676 *F" eat Qaeen 113 5 C Wii.-!on CO-100 1 arrplrJ in bettlag as O. L. Io.-.ter and B. J. lio-.vell .ntry. miituels paid. Miss Crestwooil, .00 ■tralgM, 10 place: t B. raster and H. J. Howell entry. 4: pi. ice; no show aMftoeta sold. Riiiivalent booking odils Miss "restwood, 2S0 to 100 Straight. 70 to 100 place; O. I.. Foster and It. J. Howell retry. 70 to 166 place. Time. 1:24%. Track fast. Winner II. T. Palmers blk. f. by Dick Finnell — Belene, tiv 1 lei mis trained by V. Manley; bred by Mr. r. D. Weir. Went, to post at 3:20. At [xist 4 minutes. Start go-Mi ind slow. Won easily; se.ond and third driving. Men ■••.he! 63617 Baltaa. 110. Overwi-ights Miss Crest wood, 2 pounds. pr7|0 FOITRTH RACE— 3-4 Kile. Parse 00. u -1 4-yoar-ohis and upward. Claiming. ] Net 7aluo to winner 25; second, 0; third. 5. I Eoniv. Odds. Ind. Slorse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight, j 02611 IM. Hollins 108 B T Wayt J 40-109: 62679 She Devil 113 2 F Moore 240-loQ 66674 »Po— ereoa 109 3 I. Cray Me-Mt | 62045 Advance Ul 45 B Wells 22G0-1M 62645 K CneatlkaaaUS 5 B IS40-1M 62579 Vtrge Ul 6 T Bae 380-100 ■BtaeU [iaid. Maricn Hollins, . SO straight. .tM place, 62.46 show; sh,- DevU, .00 place. .40 Jiiiv; I"i merene, . SO sh nv. Baaivaleat booking odds-Marion Hollins, 140 to 100 straigat, 30 to 166 place. 26 to 100 akaar; She : .v:l. 66 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Ioia-erene, 40 to 100 show. Time, 1:17%. Track fast. Winner H. NeaTs b. m, 6, bj Pe.oi oBay— Big Oeeae, by Tithe— a trained by h. Baal; bred by Bteaare. tt and p.arbee. Went to post at 3:56. At peat 4 minutes. Start good and si ear. Won driving, -mind and third the aame. Beratrbeil 1 826751 Riga, 116; 62386 Juanita III., 109; 62636 Dorothy Cartas, 1 7. Overweights Advauce, 1 pound; Kitty Cheatham, 6. 62711 FIFTH RACE— 5-8 Hile. Pursa 00. 4-yer-oids and upward. Claiming. Net valua to winner 00; second, 0: th/rd. 0. Equiv. 066a, Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jocker. Straight. 62580 i Rivulet 110 1 C Watson ITt B6 t 62676 Kj.ery Bileer 109 21 T Baa 1S90-1OO 62676 iSist.-r Susie 11! 31 Q Williams 0-103 62617 Salome 107 4" T Wayt 4101-100 1 62077 Hoover US 5- D Pa aw 7tn-ion 57919 Mary O. U3 0 B Wells 40SO-100 62510 Tlieodosia 115 7 B Hil.-mnn K6-16I , muiueis paid, Bivulet, 0 00 straight, ?3.S0 place, . SO show; Slippery Silver,»R place, 63. 50 show; Sister Susie. .00 sliow. Equivalent hatdttag odds- - Rivulet, 420 to 100 straight, 66 to 166 place, 40 to 100 show; Slippery Silver. 230 to 166 place, 80 to 100 show; Mater Susie, 30 to 100 show. Time, 1:00. Track fast. Winner — Wallin St P.ryans eh. m, 5. by Rapid Water — Meltie Bereaud, by Jean I.ereaud trained by A. Wallin. Went to post at 4:25. At post 2 minutes. Start go.xl and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ScratHied-C,2fi"4,Vansylvia, 100. Overweights— Kivuiet, 1 pound; Mary G., 2. gO 7 19 SIXTH RACE — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse * 00. 4-year-oId3 and upward. Claim ing. Net valua to winner, 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eauiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 02583 « Red 110 l« C, Marino 350-100 I 02638 ;Catoetin 115 2* K Hileman f.30-100 626 15 Baaed* 113 3« L Cray 180-100 624*7 Aaa*a Rose 113 4l C Watson 710-100 02499 Bean Spiller 115 5l F Moor- 2O00-100 I j 62582 iConun 116 6 W Hughes l;t!0-100 j 62075 Malvolio 110 7» T Wayt fitO-100 i 62014 No Wonder 115 V R Walcott 1166-106 j I 62636 Red Chief 111 91 D Bayer 40011-100 i ] I 62013 Old Gib 113 10 E Wells 15500-100 mutucU paid. Bed. 66.66 straight, .20 place, j .06 show; CatoeUn, .20 place, .60 show; i Beaeda. .66 show. Baaivaleat hodrini odda Bed, 350 to 100 straight. 116 to 100 place, 50 to 166 show; Catoctin, VM to 106 place, so to 100 ahaar; llracria. 50 to lot show. Timo. 1:23 H. Track fat. Winner— T. Cheeks ch. g, 0, by Peep oBsy — Mary Michaels, by I.issak trained by T. Cheek; bred by Mr. J. Hart Itrown. W-nt to post at 4:65. At post 1 minute. Start pood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched— 62566 Horace Bereh, 110; 02045 Emma J.. 107. Overweight* Conan, 1 pound; No Wonder, 5; Bed Chief, 1; Old Gib, 3. 5713 SElrElrrH RACE — 1 Mile. Purse 90. 4 -year-olds ir:d upward. Claimia?. Not value to wirner 25; Baaaaa, 3; third, 5. Euiv. Odds. lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Slr.-tight. 020 13 3« War Club 107 1» T Wayt E66-H6 2644*C*ata a" MinelM 2 B Ball 13W-1M 62642*A1 rtliaiiaa 116 31 W Hughes 1K-10 B2616*Capt*a BurnslM 4J G Marino 4200-100 62584 Nella Torke 109 5* L, ..ray M6-1M 6261 8 "Primitive 109 6* T Williams 420-100 S2467*Br. Favorite 110 7* D Bauer S46 161 0161 5 Trobea 114 8« B Wells If 16t 02012 Nois.-lesa 100 9 J Pevic 10000-100 mtitue.s paid. War t lob, 3.20 straight, place, .46 show; Coaaia » Miae, .40 idace, .00 •.how; Al Stisiiss, #2. so ■hear. Bqaivaleat bailhiac odds-War Club, 500 to 100 .traight. 230 to IM place. 70 to 100 show; Cousin V Mine. 320 o 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Al .-•iriu s, 40 to 166 sliow. Time. 1:45 -j. Track fast. Winner— E. Coxa br. h, 0, by Javelin Torpen-li.iw, by Torpoint trained by W. J. Marlman; bred by Wicklitfe Stud BTeat to post at 5 25. At post 2 minutes. Start BOOd and slow. Won driving; second and third the lease. Scratched 02427 Bilirosa. 104. ♦