Latest Training Gallops, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-20

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] I j | t 1 , LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 955 LATONIA, Ky.. June 19. --Sundays training operations included Lite following,? i.AlONIA. Weather clear; track Cast — Three Eighths Mile. !CO-.Vrravan 3-C5 .!42 Marjorie M.Kay35% 652 Doric 37 047-M.x-king Bird 65% 633 Or Hickman .31-, 613 •• B Ba 39% 342 -Ely. Prince ...30 652-Pteaol 35!4 724-Eincastle C % 552-Sapercargo 65% 626-Biaday 30% 652-Singapore 35% 645-GleacaIaz 66 615-Veaaio 35% Half Mile. 642-BlaCk Tliong . . 10 « 646-Loag Crass ...40% 945-BIar. Stone ...51% 047 1etie 491 Crayon 52 663 - Pa ela 50% 652-4 edlt 491-3 652 !tii Crass 48% 646-Dtaaaiaa 49% 950 Slanderer 49% 636 Dapper Dan 636-8kllea Knob ..50 645-Bnet Eb.wer ..48% 626 Taenia 52 940 Hadrian 52% 943 Ten Sixty 49% 947 Bierre 56% Four and a Half Furlongs. 939 I.Ine P.ird 57 Oucha 59% 626-tilaaBvat 56 654-Beel Po«n 57 952 Cood Night ...59% 943 Superbum 56% Five-Eighths Mile. 952 Begum 1:03% 947-Bidy Corhaml 03% 952 Bateta 1:00 ;5 953 Boldgold 1 04% 636-Ualdea Crest 1:05 650-Beyal Palm 1:02% 663 4 1 race Minard.l:05% 922 Taylor Hay.. 1:03 942 Jouett 1:0-*% Five and a Halt Furlongs, Bly M 1:10% Three-Quarters Mile. 952 Baigneur 1:17% 940-Maximac 1:17% 666 Coaceatrata .1:17 929 Tody 1:15% 636- j«argetta .117% Kl-Valeaaara ..1:16 665-Groaad-8wea 1:16 952-w. Mr! iifniiil ITU 927-May Bodine .1:16 940 Whirl 1:15% Seven-Eighths Mile. 8ti8 Bond 1:31 ITt Meal Jay 1:28% One Mile. 952-Asliland 1:43 BS-Jetaaaj 1:43 626-B*Ieya Cho4cel:S6% 632-Padan 1:48 95:5 colonel Bakerl:41% 624-Pictar 1:42% 930-Iiyampon 1:17 940-Kepeater 1:46% l r. Hickman ran a three-eighths im-piessively. Tody was only canter. ng and acts very good. Ground-Swell and May Ko-dine were together in a good three-quarters mile gallop. Whirl worked extra good for • I her. Pictor went both halves alike and acts 1 very good. Colonel Haker worked well. NEW YORK, N. Y., June IS —Sundays t training operations over the local courses 1 I included the following: AQUEnUCT. Weather clear ; track sloppy — Three-Eighths Mile. 951 Iloreh 40% 934 Sun Mist 33 Half Mile. 929 Bersastliere ...51 953-Sweep Hawk. 51 953 Castlelon 52 95_» Seotfsh Chief. 51 631-Baaeala II. ...54% 953 Sallys Ailey...51 953 Sweep 15y 53 Three-Quarters Mile. B52-My Reverie .1:1;;% 953-Itaciuetta ..1:16 Seven-Eighths Mile. 853 Beckna 1:30% I j j j i I I i ] j i • I 1 t 1 One Mile. j 953-Troma 1:41% 952 -War Mask ..1:45 My Reverie ran well. Beckna galloped easily. War Mask only eantered. Truma was driving. MRLMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. I Weather cloudy ; track sloppy— Threa-Eichths Mile. I 953 Bi for 3i 952 Knot Qraaa 40% liltyilips 37 914-Sibola 38 93 ■ Cyclone 3S HaU Mile. 953 -Oeear de Bion.50 930 Buddy .3 Kr.-:ind Boy . . .54 Five-Eiprhths Mile. 912 Bowsprit 1:66% 658-Befaraser ...1:09 tfTT ntaghangia 1:00% 656 Baa ta. Belle. .1:11 Three-Qaarters Mile. 952 Bigheatt ...1:10 658-lctteTai "i .1:19% 952 Kq.iator 1:20 947-Siiujw .Man . .1 :25% One Milo. 658-Lady Bamorel :4-l% 047 Many Baailea.l:tl 656-Haatec Baad.l:43% Idie and an Eighth. 940 David II.jiuml:57 Track was deep in stop and mud this moining and no fast trials were a:;ked of the horses. JAMAICA. Weather cloudy ; trad; sloppy — Three-Eighths Kile. 952 B. rishon .40 945 Devon ite 39 865 Billy Ottaaa . .: 647-Mahel Cartfa ..37 95:hBD. of the Vy 86% 93S-St. Angelina . :59 Half Mile. ■tt-Bea Wood 61 B68-Bxaaaa 4H 952-Kge 52 Btt-Ticfctiah 57 852-Baectad II 1854 Five-Eighth? Mile. 0" 3 Brainstorm .1:02 647-Noatokah ...1:03% 634-Betty Wood -1:04 V, 852-Tlag-a-Liag .1:00 665-Baeeattoa ...148% 632-Tiashrel 1.05 954 Hall Mark ..1:64% Tkaaa OiisiIi 11 Mile. 626-Toaeaaie l:ls% 952 Walk ftp ...1:18% 653 W tusk 1:15% Se7en-Eightus Mile. 541 Title 146% One Mile. 953-M. A. rfaaaaal TTf 951 Prudish 1:68% I ream of the Valley has h-s speed. Bxo-l:is seertis to like sloppy going. I IrainstotTn worked fast. Whisk .scents fresh and good. Prudish was under restraint all the way. MONTRKAB, Que., June 19- Sunday gallops aver the Blue Bonnets course included the following: BLTJB BONNETS. Weather cloudy; track sloppy-Three Eighths Mile. 950-Atmt Deda ...42 94S Sand Mark ...40 949-I.ady Heart ...42 850 Toe the Mark. 41 828-Oa k.vood : 9 HaU Mila. 636-Bacrtaite 53 911 luzy I iu 54 666-faar Cain ....49% 648-Milai S 56 952 Helen Bogera. . 53 951 Marjorie M. ...52 950 Headrie 57 SM9 Mickey Moore .50 951-Lioyd Ceorge .54 952 Redmon 57 Five-Eigh-hr, Mile. 949-Ablaze 1:08 950 Josephine C. .1:11 910 Briaud 1:12 G50 Sundial II. ..1:11 Three-auavters M.Ie. 951 Franc Tireur.l:2ti One Mile. 927 Ftibirihbet .1:50 905 Frank Monroel:48 :i account of continuous raia the track wis in bad condition and not much work has been done. lady Heart was only cantering, •kkwood appears to be a good colt and ran well in the mud. Encrinite only cantered. Helen Rogers la fust and appears to run good in any kind of going. I"air hiin showed wonderful speed in the bad going and is in fine form. Ablaze shows speed in any kind f going and is fit. Frank Monroe and Klibbertygibbet worked together, Frank Monroe leading by two lengths. 956 LATONIA, Ky.. June 19. Monday training gallops here included the following: LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast— Three Eighths Mile. 950-A. N Akin .38 368-Haghca Ocaaaam37% 661-AHariag 35% 654-Kenoanre ....36% Be Quick ....86% 854-Lnga 86% 954-Barb. Pebaer..35% 884 NetUda 37% 9iOBIiie Paradise. 39% 815416 Chap 85 920-Kuturette 86% 95-1 Playful Mis-u. .37% Half Mile. 952 Balance WaaaH6% 858-Jake Berger ...43 947-Bronnan 56 950 l.onicera 50 858 Complexion ...19% 951 May Rose 50 953 -Childs Play ..49% 847-Miaa Petite ...49% 952 Da Itonero ... 49% 943 Kadio 50% * Bina Bvan ...50% 941 Bight on Time. 50 950 1 mm oka lee ....49% 954 Sweet Cookie.. 49% Five-Eighths Mile. 950-A. P.lne Bownl :04 955 tjleneoler ...1:04 938-Bnddie Kean I :1 % 942 Crayson 1:02 940 Black Bock .1:02 j 866 Matinee Idol. 1 04% 953 Billy Star ..1:01 945 Prestolite . 1 0» 950 Dr. Glean ..1:02% 950 Split Crass ..1:02% 666 Deaeaa 1 :01 % Three-Qnarters Mile. 951 Rermont 1:17 953 -Salvo 1:15 952 -Cot. Blo3som.l:17% 855 Singapore ..1:16 953 IniiuasitioQ ..1:14 953 Tula ne 1:16% 952-lremlin 1:16 950-Inderwriter .1:16% 656 Fearaa 1:16 943 W. Through .1:15 952 Monsoon 1:17 953 War Penny . .1 15 858-Bahy 1:15% 952-War Spirit .1:17% 955 -Supercargo ..1:15% Seven-Eighths Mile. 937 Charline 1:29% One Mile. tBa-Anaeaa — 1:45 953 Make Up 1 3B% 638-By f.osh ...1:43% 952-Nominee 1:43% 858 Blue Beep .1:15 952 Sea Court .1:45 953-Com. dAmourl :45% 952-S. Friedman 1 46 947 Dr. Bae 1:45% Mile and an Eighth. 952 Harlock 1:50% 936-Jordan 1:5.8% Jake Berger showed good speetL Billy Star showed much improvement. Ruby was only cantering. Donges and Buddie ran together for five-eighths. NEW YORK, N. Y., June 19.— Mondays gallops over the metropolitan courses were as follows : AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy ; track slow — Three-Eighths Mile. 954-Anna M 37% 951 Barer ta 38% 66a Bersajrliere 37% 954 Nat 8 33% 666-Bahy Boy 38% 954-Pastoral 35% 930-Bareelona 38% 954-Balco 30% 952 Exterminator ..40% 953-Valor 36% Half Mile. 953 Dalby 49% 953-Paisley 50 Bit flllBlBI 49% 954 Becount 50 953-Iidy Myra ...GO 903-Uungrand 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 950 Pride of Indial:03 9o3-ThimbIe 1:02% . 1 1 Three-Quarter* Mile. 953 Atlelston ...1:17% 954 -Bay Jay 1:15% 855-IIoreb 1:18 953-Serenader ...1:17% 656-Hastard See 11:15 Seven -Eishths Mile. 952 Oaata AkcH-kl:31% One Mile. 954 Witehwork .1:46% 953-Yankee Star 1:50 Mile and an Eighth. 955 Scottish Chief2:15 Serenader ran wen. Exterminator was only cantering. Ray .;iy ran Cast. Mustard Seed was driving. Lady Myra. a/as d ivi.g. Thimble had an easy galiop. ItSM.MONT PAliK TRA1KIBO TIIACK. Weather cloudy ; trac; good — Thre-EigMhs Mile. 910 Ittick Pas ,...68 951 Mas Smith ...37 642-Black Basra] . 37% 647-Mad Hatter ..40 939-c.ipe Clear 3 654-Naaaaa 3H Giarre 38% SSO-Kupee 36 931 Ilaidre 37 658-8aaday Best ..38% 924-Hay 3S s.r,; T:i sol ...35% 951-Mjnirdeiti ...85% 954-T!ie Almoin r ..::«% Half Mile. 831 - II iddia 68% 646-Lori Brigataa 51 840-roatact 52% 717-alnakalloage .49 951 -Baaini ;ue ....51 652-Merry Mara ...52% 940 Bad n:;v 942-PosaiMe 5. 853-Dove arjaat 31% 854-Ptraaua 51% 95! I!-, 853-BisTl 19 !r. •42-Prigate 52% aStUblble lit 934-BoMea Bala ..51% 941 -Hiorkssar 18% riT ITanlihit 19 % BSt-Taageriae 53 Iive-Eighths Mild. 833-ABoayaMBS . lit B37-Patea 1:07% IIH-Arnold 1:82% 833-rU-De-Per . . I ::■»; 928-neIpuriaoata 1 03 Kigkl Bridge 1 M 834-BriUiaace ...1:67% 932-l*a:ity 1:10 730-troasleaa ....1:06% 6R6-PapUlua 1.05% 647-Ctrachet 1:02% 853-Bcalette 1 : »! 838-Cliakeriaa ..IKK 831-Boap. Home 1 « 95Vnuagboregaa 1:62% 833 Bed Wreath 1:05 851 -Dark Magic .1:06% 845-Soa a Dae .1:03 833 Rrrand B*.y..l 16 944-Kaoh II 5! % 858-Paith W. ..1:68% D03-TaaaH 1:03% Three-Quarters Mile. 95l-;:r Tiihania .1 18 851-Mer. Markot 124 832-Paahlt Crasa 1:18 txX Boat ledge ...1:18 653-Ir. onfetti 1:17% M7-Bevriaal 1:28% 846 -1 mins 1:24% 836-Kaarr 1:16% 842-Marde/l 1:18 953-William A. ..1.19 One Mile. 858-Bxrelsia 1:38% 951 Saanke Screea lrS6 832-High Sjiee.i 1 i6% 636-Hpearleaje ...1:45% 854-Bord Berbert.l:48% 952 8/aaipaa 1:49% The track was not Cast thi.-; morning and do fast wrork re orded excepting Snob II. lie .!: 1 ved line speed itt the going, but pulled uy a little lame. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track slow — Throe-Eifihths Mile. 841 -Al Boyd 30% Patraha 37% 934-Baxona 3S % 986-Poke BoaaH ..36 ::::rink :.9% 847-Befraia 10% 634 Bpiaode 38% 851-8irea Maid 56 934-raithfol ,irl ..48 BM-Biatplk-ily . . . .37% 954 Meiv-nry 86% 888 hiaiple Simon ..38% 951 Pat Casey M% Half Mils. 852-AUie O.-ha 50 943 I -a tin Caffney 53 9-17 1 rom.veil 50 =4 833-Leat 50% 847-Clovaly 53 IIIBdale 53 842 lordlier 52 654-rae ■" !% 664 :■ mbala 58% 851-Bearch UghtIII.%1 836 1 Be Toy 52% 953 Wei. gtraage* 51% 853 Leghora 51 Five-Eightas Mile. 943 Air Biihhli .1:68% BoS-HaHabaloo .1:68 854-4 Testa 1 .01 a 654-Btrtai 1 1 kta t 36 % 951 Draft I :85% Three-Qaarters Mile. 854-CaUasity Iaael:16% 633-Nonaal 1:18% 858-Craai 1:17% 662 Heaths Croat 1:16% 934.lyniee 1:17% 864-Wat Note ...1:18% 652 Mi.--.ion iry .1 18% Sevea-Eighths M.le. 955 Ticklish 1:34 One Mils. 954 Mephaintos ..1:44% 952-J Pnnl Tonea 1:14% 852-Hoaorahle ...1:54 880-Jag 1:53% Milo and a Quarter. 354-BroooBoter ...220% 852-Waiakaway ..2:88% Hullabaloo was not fully extended Cresta worked well on the slow tragic Jyntee ran easily. Calamity .lane is in fine condition. Hephaiatos was end;- restraint, John Paul Jones looks ml acts good vrliiakaway tud Broomster galloped together. MONTREAL, Ou -., .Itine 19.— Mondays work-outs at Dorval included the following: DOitVAI. IUK. Weaher cloudy; tt i.-k lieavy dogs ur " — Threo-Eishths M1I0. 668-Alez IT 43 866-Proaagaada .41 sol -Aateaa BoliieHS 933 P-.-x Gaiety ...43 687 Archive 11 » ■ lic:,; 43 636-Blae Ribbon ..63 Qneniiu ...41 954 Duke Buff 14 634 -Sailor 14 Ihn.iiiK Cirl .14 888 St. .last 43 669-Bva Baag ...-49 B64-T. POi tag at as.. 69 :.-ir.. Flypaper 40 765-Treadejetl . . . .69 934 Fifty Fifty ....43 952 -Thunderstorm .45 953 I.iicky Pearl ..41 954 The CUter 41 9-53-Marie Blanche 44 Kalf Mile. 94 4 Bill Ilunley ...99 999-afM IClt ffl 6Til Ballh K 99 954 Pietrus 56 954 -Crass Tree 57 Five-Eighths Mile. 943 t BaSSSBB 1:10 947 Jewel V. B..111 Three-Qaarters M.le. 941 Care Pree ..U99 851 Oaklwn Bellel:27 570 Citizen 1:28 954 Sir Clarence. .1 :20 One Milo. 953 -Borneo 1:59 Viva Cuba... 1:57 953 Thirteen 1:58 Alex H. did not seem to like the luavy going. Rex Caiety only cantered. Kva Song showed great speed. St Just appeared to favor the soing. St. Quentin wtis at home in the soin.. Propaganda was under restraint ; seemed to favor the heavy track. Chasseur showed he liked the mud ; was hard held. Viva Cuba ran eveniy all the way. ,

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Local Identifier: drf1922062001_10_3
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