untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-20


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psrs? 00 SPECIAL p?*8! fi rNTORMATIOK f: "IT ffj! M7 and? if | D0RVAT. | OrPCETVTCITT of the 1S?£ reader— .0 BXTT genuine "information." Our C0 Baaeial GOES THE at I crvj 1 rcxt V."e --!jr-?dar. June £1. Because of the fact that v?e have AN0THEE Sj 1 .-. **. pcuig — *t Laaaaia — tr. the tame day, we make pas our most wasaaahaaai effer. v.htch 13 These Two Rare Specials for 5 AEE going tc asO jou our D0KVAX SFECIAE for J£6 and i: elude our S1C0 EATCI-IA CrECIAE WE — aaaaa ay — EEEE. Eoys. heres a rare cpportuiiit; . we 1 elieve, to KAE1E A lAPlAV and a.cd citaii ur- *"e axe exr»e:t?. not eueeLers. SFECIAX — In older U ciiciuiTent the "pilferers." this infoimatioa will not te released unt.! il a- m. In riude your jhone BtmUr. Wf pieiay a!l telephone or fetkagrapk cl-argcs on Specials. Ku 1 ; our subscription — KOM*. NATIONAL NEWS SERVICE 4 Turf I lit. i SUITE 1O02 - lOO NORTH DEARBORN STREET - CHICAGO, ILL. CHICAGO itBiaPFER I M CEKTS AT AIL KrWSSTAKDS ETKKTWBZSI MONDAYS CEEAK-UF: Miss Jemima . ...70- Wen Archie Alexander. . 90- Won Ten Sixty .40- Won Hopeless .80- Won; SATEtRDAYS OCCASIONAL WON Reel Legs .10- Won AND LONG ONE Gangway 4.00- Won! I have made extreme effort to land another EIG LONG SHOT TODAY and take it from me that this is SOME BIG 0P-P0R1TJNITY for you. BEEN WATCHING OVER A MONTH for this SLEEPER to rtart, so gi riht now to yoar netrsueaier and ask for the CHICAGO HAN-DICAPPER. only 60 cents. PRINCIPAL AGENTS: CINCINNATI — Re7 Pierce, cor 5th and Vine Sts.; Fountain Hcts, cor. 6th and Walnut Sts. LOOTSVILXE — Eiler and Goodman. 287 Fourth Ave, ST. LOUTS — Wm. Laser, lobby. 705 Market St. ST. LOUIS — Foster Book. £10 Washington St. KANSAS CITY — Riecksecker. 9th and Walnut Sts. MAILED TWO WEEKS . Remit to CHICAGO PUBLISHING CO. 3S3 S. DEARBORN ST. CHICAGO, ILL. JACK FIELD Sold en All Lesdiu? Newsstands .C0 DAILY • VI. TLAYER I TOLD YOU CO Yesterdays One Hcrse Special Was: Bonus .10-S2 Won I advised to everyone to pluupe the I m t win only as I knew that Bonus was a .: -i.il aad again my foEo-xris woi a i;icc eaakvraiL. Ii yon waraat one cf Uasi then ycu have raazaalf to blame. Stirt from today and always :t-!low my Daily 0::e Hcrse Special and end of ii s» weak yea ■will be a big- winner, just as hundied, cf other JACK FIELD foilo-Acrs are. 10-1 SHOT TODAY All I am. permitted to say on this •a.C " is if ycu miss this one tcday why you may :s well qu.t playinp em. laff sed. NOTICE — Jach Field sold evcrywhsm. daily or mailed or telegraphed to you 1922.sh week. J. FIELD 20 WEST JACKSON ST. CHICACO. ILL. For WINNERS get a copv of BLUE BOOK. S5 CENTS AT ALL UWawlABTJM. TODAY S FORM SPECIAL: Eoo* ViS W. 107. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE 403, 22 W. Quincy Street :: CHICAGO TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA— Georgie-Sea -R:. in-Ivory. DORVAL — Maino-Duch-En-Ruin. FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35 CENTS GAR PUBLISHING CO., 332 Plymouth Court Ch/lcapo, HL Subscribe for Daily Racing Form

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922062001/drf1922062001_11_5
Local Identifier: drf1922062001_11_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800