6th Race [6th Dorval Park, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-20

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: i • 1 r I 1 Ci U D»pr 1 Mile and TO Yards, n-j ear-olds and upward. Clalmins. Aug. Din nAUL 1:4;; 5 114. 7, liiui — — — MAT ROBERTS, ch. m. 5 1C3 By Master Robert — Rose Prim, by Potomac. Trainer, W. J. Sheehan. Owner, W. Newman. 162610 B. Bnnets 1 l:41%fast 41 107 2 6 3 2* F Wdstek 14 PeacePal. C.Rblcr. H.M Steveaa | 62528 B. Bnnets 1 l:43%good 8 107 4 2 2 6" J McTagt 9 Weary, Alma Wasser. Natural 62443 B. Bnnets 11:42 fast 6f 106 7 1 1* 4i J McTagt 14 I* Aminie. Peace Pal, Staunch 615011 Pimlico 1 1 :43r.mud Sf 112 7 7 tl 9" J Mooney 12 Sister Flo. Laughter. Antilles SM88 Pimlico 1 1-16 1 :53«£hvy 31-10 112 6 4 2 1 l5 1» C Borel 6 Trader, Sparkling, The MacNaa 58509 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:5lUgood 9 110 3 8 3 1 V 2* C Borel 8 Ailliro, May Girl, Vesuvius 6S349 Empire Ab 3-4 ldl%faat 10 113 8 7 7 4» 31 C Borel 8 Rhinestone, Trader, Bnrley j 57508 Wdbine 1 1-4 2:12%hvy 64 106 2 4 4 4 7 7" S Boyle 7 MormonElder, AluiaB., LaayLea 1 67426 Wdbine 1 1-16 l:4S%fast 6f 105 9 7 6 6 7» 9-" S Boyle 10 Gol.Dawn, Deekmate, LosyLoa 67402 Wdbine 11-16 1:48 fast 16f 112 10 8 10 11 10» 10" W Eelsay 11 MadgeF., Joan of Arc, Greenland FLIBBERTYGIBBET, blk. g. 5 1.2 By Fcter Far.— Paintbrush, by Broomstick. Trainer. V. Caywooi. Ov.-r.er, V.*. Cavwocrll . 62SG3 B.Bnnets fcj f l:0€S,fast ,3 lift 1 10 9 :.! |M BchwtxU Camouflage. Messinos, KtGrnsi 61911 Woodbine 3-4 1 :12«-„fast 9 KO 6 10 7 6- R RomeUUl Wraith. Actress, High Gear 61130 II. d Gee X-4 l:13%faat 7 111 G 5 7 | 43 .! II r! ice 13 LEffarc. Arr.ih Go On. F.Tirour 01370 II. deGce 1-4 103%f* 4 llf 1!5 7 7 7- 1*1 J Merimoa IS Jock Scot, Tidings. Tiantnla 65755 F.Gnds 1 1-K l:47%cood 10 11* I 4 t 4 64 711 J Mcrlmee 8 The Wit. Day Lilly. M arse John 86688 F.Gnds "-4 l:ll!-.mud 6 Io9 6 2 I 8" 2s . U Mney 8 Col. Taylor, Paaaasaa, Sagamore 69577 F.Gnds lrr.70y 1 :4.r.good 8 10S 2 5 6 6 8 8** .1 1 M ney 8 Wynaewo, O.OiMn, BaJ Lilly B947 F.Gnds ltnTy l: 6mud 12 106 1 4 4 4 31 3« K Beobta 5 Thimble. Wynuewd, R. Traveler 68283 Joffbon 1 1-1C l:46V.fast C 106 2 4 4 3 21 1»* J D Mney 8 SisterFlo. tnr.Eventg. Cote dOr 86887 JtfftOl 1 1-11 l:46fast 10 Mi 2 3 3 6 I | 56 A Cantn.r 8 lean tione. Haider. Verity Eand033 Jeffson 3-4 1 :] Onslow 8 106 3 4 3 31 3 J Vcilmff 7 Fanaman, Grayson, Translate CARE FREE, b. g, 4 107 By Colin — Bomino Xoire, by Kingston. Trainer. J. S. McDonild. Owner. J. A. Harrer. 193 ; laaaaica 3-4 l:12*4£aat S IIS 11 10 10 10*u G W Chr* Oil ManjSmiles. Sherando. Excelsis 61899 Jamaica : t-4 l:I2%faat U-5 U9 4 4 :: 3*3 G W CroUll Bright Lights. Qnesada. Ogarite 61478 Jamaica . f ]: .« fast 1". 1!6 Left at post. L Lyke 1.2 RouiidRohin. S.Mint. Cnmuflage 8681 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10=.faf-t 1 I 110 I 1 1 I1 l3 G W "roll 7 Hard Guess. Fluff. Titanium 88SE3 Empire Ab 3-4 1 : : -. r.-st CO 95 Left at the post. A McLhlinll K.of thelleather. Valor, TbeBoy RHUftlM 8-4 1 !::-: fast 10 115 Left at the post. J Zoeller , Monastery, A. Hamilton. Rolo £7865 Jamaica 3-4 1 :13 fast 12 106 3 7 7 € €• J Zoeller 7 SoaCoTO. Montery. WT Grivos E77S5 Jamaica il f lltiHrmi M 105 6 4 4 6 «• J Zoeller 6 K.of t.Hther. F.Cchill, Mavrn 67709 Jamaica 67 f I M%ffcst 12 118 7 7 6 6* 6 F Wilson 7 A Hamilton, Monastery. Sq.Maa 67266 Aqduct 3-4 1 JSKfavt 8 H2 5 4 3 Si 2 » G W Croll I Ruddles, FceJames. GldcnFUat 670CS Belmt 3-4 MC 1 JJKfMt 18-5 103 6 2 1 21 2i M liar son S Lampus. Esquire. Arapahoe riTZ-BCODLE. ch. f- 4 100 By Fitz Herbert— Lady K. n., by Meddler. i Trainer. P. T. Richardson. Owner. P. T. Richardson. 62646 B.Bnneta 3-4 l:ll.last Cf HO 2 4 47 4-J J Wallace 14 Hidden Jewel. Rolo. Trantula 62142 B.Bnnets 7-3 l:27%fast 9 99 3 4 4! V .7 Wallace 9 L Ix.raine. TanSon. May House 4-2253 Thndilfe : 4 I I3%faa* 7 101 ?J C Ralls 7 Icon, Different Eyes. Kolo f.2173 Thn-.liffe 3-4 1:1: fr.st 84 M 45J C Halls 7 Sundial II.. Cardale. KomeRahy «; »979 Havaaa 1 l:4fi.mu i 4 105 1 2 21 2« B Keundy B Tony Beau. The Tirate. Molinero NM2 Havama H t IK%s*od :,i US I 4 2i lJ B ■"Ulllij 1 M— ■■?— l»ll. Gratian. Archive SOSM Havana 1-4 lM%tmM C-5 112 2 1 Is lJ B Konndy ■ D Frbks. TheHelcnII.. Primve H.2" Havana H f 1 : 8 fast I 113 5 4 3 4J 3t H Myers 8 MorroCastle, Molinero. Sevillian K S3 Havana 3-4 1:15 good 8 100 7 6 5 61 6»1 B Kenndy 7 EdGarrison, Gratian. War Map IWS1 Havana 3-4 1 :12-„iat 6 lol 4 4 4 ft* 6T J tlialmer? 8 End Man. Ramkin, Koran OEV/ELL V. D., ch. f. 3 5C0 By The Manager— Chilia, by Alvescot. Trainer. G. C Brenton. Owner,. C. C. Smith joa. :.!1 B.B*Bnetfl 1 lM%t**t 5J S". I 1 1 2J J WalUee f Joaquin:;, Promelia. W.d.P.e otte «.1S8 B.i:nnc;s 1 l:45%hvy 4 105 5 2 »* S*| J Wallace 7 Mlles.S. E e lyr.WI.ite. Mad Nell «• I Gl -t Piadico 1 l:4A%fast 23 t 105 3 2 21 P J Rowan 7 Fannie I.ean. Sword, Our Retsy !■ 9 Ilmlico 1 l:43%mnd 2S 105 o 5 6s 4i J Rowan 11 Sister Flo. laughter, Antilles C13CA I-:.::«Gcc 1 1-1S l:4t%fa«t 21 Iv4 12 12 12 12" R Rice 12 Hull* t. K.r.rummel. Bills Luck fl!89 Bowie 5J f :07--.fast 7 104 4 6 6 61 J Hcupel 10 GraceMaycrs. Ilucky. Bountiful 4.114.5 Bowia C f 1 :;f.isi 23 99 6 6 61 6* S Lowe 8 Hullabaloo, Sweepy. FannieBean Mfil Bowie lm70y l:5f.*,hvy 39 95 12 2 Fell. It McNaee 8 Fly. Cloud, MyldBelle. Dphnnt 6i £4 Bowie 3-4 HlCbvy H 115 6 5 4 21 2 J bulwell 13 QuickKun. Chewink. Chaiegay THE DESERT, b. g. 6 107 By Black Sand— Partheis, by Parthian II. Trainer. J. Hill. Owner. H. W. Barnes. S27ftj Dorval 1 1 -16 1 :5Sv..hvy M Ml 4 5 6 6* H Stearns 9 Austral. Asterisk. Duke Ruff C25S3 Duff, r.n 6i f l:2«i fast 7 112 !! W Tavlor 7 Panaman. Old Sinner, Sea Way F2122 Thcliffe ln,70y 1:4". fast 61 109 10 « J Thomas 10 Fiusey. Eternity. Evelyn White IMS0 Maploll. 11:53 hvy 11-5 104 6 4 2 S 3* 3» J McBrktt 5 Eoisteier. Franklin. Stimental K414 MaplcH. i-Sl::3ti!ow jl 102 4 4 4 lJ 3!J J M -Bride 5 Sentimental. M. Garner. Bardora IMC7 MaptoH. 11-8 1:53 fast 30 102 d»i J Hunmcr 7 Franklin. Breeze. Fornovo K2I9 MapleH. 3-4 1:18 hvy 2i 107 3« W An i f on 4 AppleJacklL. Fornovo. Perhaps 6.:.6 K worth 1 1-16 1 :57-.h y E 107 3 7 6 6 41 i ] E Tavlor 7 Wkeficld, DtdlyC. T.F.MMahon EANGRAD0, b. c. 3 M 106 Bv Sweep — Anme Williams, by Ltzzarone. iTiaaner, D. Woineldorff. Owner. W. A. McEjur.ej. 62C70 Dorval lm70 l::.l .vop 3C 9« 4 2 4« *47 N Swart 7 Moco. Clansman, Biff P.anj: 4.2307 B.Bnnets 1 1-S 1:55 fast 4 105 6 3 3 4" F Wd--tck 6 RleanorS . Tantalus. KentishBoy 62221 Gonnght lm70y 1 4t%fas1 3-2 106 3 4 4" 2» M Andson C Finery. A pu!tic. Kings Court C::i:;9 Cor.nfht 3-4 1 :13%faat 11 100 6 4 41 2 F Wdsfck • CkMris, Caretaker, Quanah « 19.50 Mt. Royal 1 l:09»ofatl 31 101 2 j F Wd fck 6 V. Chairman. Murray. DukeRuff C1921 Mt. Royal 3-4 l:14 :.fast 16 103 8CJ F Wdstclc 8 Vice Chairman. KlGrass. 1/kyP C1713 Iimlico 11:42 slow 16 111 9 11 11 11 * J Mooney 11 Teddy R.. Mayorllonse. ClnGone 4 1G18 Iimlico 3-4 1:14 f:.st 21-10 112 12 7 31 2J E Josiah 14 Imfclltl If. Futen. Radiuetta B1M4 limlii o 2 4 1:11 fast 66 112 7 10 91 6*2 N Huff 11 Bromelia. Mayor House. Ettahe 4,1503 Ptaliea 3-4 l:13inud 4C 106J 1 4 6and 6J» N Huff 7 Ln dOr. W.ofCorman. K.Loane II MM Latonia 51 f l:47%.fast It! 112 3 7 7 1" !•■ S Huff 8 BiUyBrosh, Hephaibtos. Pegasus VEILED COLLEEN, ch. f, 3 and9 By The Fim — Scenery, by Sain. ■Tmirer. A. Swike. Owner. A. SwinkeV tZCl Dorral 1 l-M 1 :."7-. sl.ip 7 91 4 2 21 6*1 P Walls 8 Serbian. Rouen. Edith K. 4, iJ0 B.Bnneta 1 l:41%faat 27 M 4 3 2= t 6 J Wallace 14 PeacePal. M.BeMrta, C. Rambler S2S28 B.Bnneta 1 1 :45;.KOod 67 91 1 6 61 7" J WaBace » Weary. Alma Wandseer. Natural 02188 Thncllff, ." f 1: 7-: fast 9 94 7" R Flyr.n 7 Crest. Bc-y. Iad.Star. I. Enfield S1237 Bowie ln 70y 1.. f:ist 119 96 4 8 8 8" J Wallace 8 MiraeleMan. Nighiboat. M Mary 61148 Bowie IroTOy l:49%faat 13 104 1 7 7 7" R Rice I Mat.Marjr, H.Kemlle. Ja «iu lia ■ ■■ . F.Gnu.s lm7y 1:41 inu l M 9tl 4 1 2 3 32 2-1 J Wallace 10 Evel. White. Adventure, E.Bold MS4S F.Gnds lm70y 1 :.".*-.fast 8 97 10 7 6 7 6 1*1 C Lang 11 H.Kemhle, BrassTka. I/kyGir 6015 F.Gnds Ue7fty l:44%faat 12 9» 2 6 6 8 8» 8a J Owens 12 Bill Block. M.Mary. K.Brummel 6- 4.; F.Gnds lrr.70y 1 :5G:ihvy 41 107 o 7 7 6 61 32C Ponce 8 BillsLnck. H.Kemble. F.eDcvil PLTJRJO.ITY. b. c. I P* By Pluvious — Farewell, by Ossaxy. Trainer. S. T. Boeder. Owner, S. T. Bender. v:.- 6.- B.BnaeU 3-4 l:14%fast 6f 97 10 12 ll1 10»J L Gregon. 14 Hidden Jewel, Rolo. Trantula .Wrf 9 Havana UnMy l:44Hcood 5 9s 1 8 8 87 I, Penmaa 8 Cosoorron. Haran. Hush 66977 Havana B| f l:.i Dmu l 21 110 1 5 4 4; M Garner 9 Bu. kghain. MadNe.l. Athparven f."J13 Havana 3-4 l:M«ialOW 4 110 9 7 5" ii W K :say 11 Articl.X.. taimito. Swiftcriket 63S6S Havana 2-4 l:Wi,h.y 6 1CS 2 6 2 3* H L Pemran 8 Cosoorron, Stonewall. Aleso 6 16 Havana lmMy l:51.hvy 6 94 1 Lost rider. D Prlbie « Acosta, Bianca, John. OConnell 6M3I Havana 3-4 l:l?«t.hvy 8 106 3 7 7 61 6»J J Maiben 7 Fictile, Molly Puff, Navisco tiM Havana 61 f 1:0 Vast 6 101 7 8 7 7-i 8» E Josiah 11 Butler, Mike, Machine Gunner llfno Havana 1 l:40Sast 16 llw 3 i i 6 7» 6« D Pribi* 8 Diversity, Caimito, Bounce

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922062001/drf1922062001_6_6
Local Identifier: drf1922062001_6_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800