Latonia Favorites Beaten: Only Two Out of Seven Reach the Winning Line First., Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-20


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| I ! 1 I ! j ! ! • I i ! ■ ■ ! i LATONIA FAVORITES BEATEN . * . Gniy Two Out of Seven Reach the Winning Line First. ♦ I Miss Jemima Takes the Feature in a Hot Finish and Dr. Clark Runs a Poor Race. • V.V J. L. DEMPSET. LATONIA, Ky., June 19.— Todays handi-j cap, a three-quarters sprint, gave opportu- I nity to the partisans of the two Pools to gel ! a fairly good line on the respective riding j ability of the pair. The elder Pool t i-umphed, but the younger rider, wio is still lacking in experience, did not suffer bj comparison. Earl Pool, a veteran in th * saddle and in years of experience, had the mount on Miss Jemima, while Willie Pool had the mount on Martha Fallon. The pair began a desperate drive just as they reached the stretch. Both fillies were ridden to their utmost by their respective riders and tried hard to shake each other off. to no avail, until about seventy yards from the finish, where Martlia Fallon succeeded hi gating a slight advantage, but with victory seemingly hers she began swerving out and Miss Jemima, finishing in resolute fashion, gamely got up in the last stride to win by s scant head. Dr. Clark was an outstanding favorite in the race, and may have been best, but was forced back several times in the early running and finally came wide In the stretch. Re closed a considerable gap, but was unequal to the task of heading the leading pair in the stretch, and may have trained off. Centimeter and Royal Palm, the other two starters in the race, were close-up contenders In the early running. but dropped back after reaching the stretch. IM.IiVMM; WEATHER lONDIIIONS. Pleasant conditions governed for the racing this afternoon and an excellent Monday program was supplied by secretary Shelley. It caused another big attendance and fi vcr-isfa speculation. Fast time was made in most of the races, the well-mat bed starters of good quality exerting themselves in strenuous sty!.-. Thomas C. McDowells Dream Maker suffered the loss of the sixth race, in which she seemingly was best, as a result of inability io get through in the running and this was responsible for Hopeless succeeding by a scant head. At one time, just before rounding into the stretch, Dream Maker was at least six lengths in hack of Hop less with ibis chances of even getting part of the purse only a remote possibility. But be moved up with a sensational rush after managing to get dear and just mi: red the victory, after having forced Hopeless to a drive in the last seventy yards. Vennie, a first starter here, ran a good race in landing third place. There was considerable crowding in the race and it was also responsible for the poor showing of luist Flower, she being completely eliminated after going the first quarter. The opener brought out an ordinary band of platers with Korbly an outstanding choice, but he threw his supporters down by failure to get any part of the purse. He went amiss in the race and finished badly lame. Archie Alexander had no difficulty in winning from MachiaveUi, with Doric in third place. Another upset came in the second race when Lou Widrig won easily from Willow Tree, with Flying Prince third. Lou Widrig was responsible for the bad jam which came laoon after the start n which Willow Tree was a prime sufferer. He also caused some in- terference on the first turn, but raced into the lead before reaching the half mile ground. Prom there on he easily held the others safe. EAST FOR TEH SIXTY. The inexperienced C. Palls made it easy for Ten Sixty to score in the third race. Pads hal the mount on Tokihime in this and he was unable to keep him up with the others during the early running. In the Stretch Tokihime raced into close-up contention, but by that time Ten Sixty had such a long lead that she could not be headed. Tokihime was a gjod distance in advance of Antonia at the finish. Mrs. Payne Whitneys at one time highly-regarded Bonus finally managed to score her first puns here, when she beat a fairly good band home that started in the mile dash, fourth on the card. She had to be ridden hard and was aided la hat victory by Use light weight she carried. Chacolet and Ifiily Brush were close in attendance on the Whitney filly at the finish. C. Ralls lost another race when he got Tulalip, an outstanding favorite, beaten in the final dash. Sir Thomas Kean showed sudden recovery of form here, and won from the much interfered-with Blarney Luulinuvtl oa twelfth oage. I i j ! 1 j ; LATONIA FAVORITES BEATEN Continued from first page. I Stone. Tulalip landed third, beating Tomahoi home in the last few strides. The overthrow of five favorites. Ten Sixty and Points being the only choices to score, proved costly to their backers. A. B. Hancock was among todays visitors, having just arrived from New York, where he had witnessed the running of the Carlton Stakes in which Morvich had his downfall. W. E. Applegat", while in Lexington Sunday, bought two yearling colts from Carr and Piatt, and a colt by The Manager— Natura, from W. E. Walsh. Earl Pool returned to the saddle this afternoon, having finished out his fifteen days term of suspension for rough riding. Jack Hare, Jr., which has been in the stud daring the spring, is intended for racing next fall, and will soon be back la training again. Benjamin Blocks Morvich, winner of the Kentucky Derby and unbeaten until Whisk-away registered success over him last Saturday in the Carlton Stakes, was an arrival this morning from New York to fill his engagement in the 0,000 Kentucky Special Saturday. Morvich was accompanied by Ifawrcoroa and Translate, their special car being attached to the fast Cincinnati-New York limited train that also conveyed his owner, trainer and the stables agent, Hart Dernham. He shipped in excellent style and was unloaded at the Latonia track this morning, the arrival being witnessed by a big crowd and moving picture operators, who worked their cameras industriously. Owner Block and trainer Buiiew did not feel in the least discouraged by the first defeat sustained by Morvich. "Just could not concede the big weight to a good horse." said Mr. Block. "I feel confident that Morvich I will reverse this decision with Mr. Whitneys! good colt in the race Saturday, when they i meet at even weights." Trainer Burlew felt equally sanguine. The defeat of Morvich by | Whiskaway has infused additional interest in the big race. There were many in this section who regarded the result as an almost foregone conclusion and counted on Morvich as an easy winner. With a meeting of Morvich, Pillory and Whiskaway assured and Olympus and Deadlock both factors that may furnish a surprise and carry off the prize, the race becomes complex and is occasioning fresh debate and considerable ante-post speculation. Jockey A. Johnson will not ride Morvich in his race next Saturday. It is likely that F. Keogh, who rode Morvich in many of his ! triumphant races as a two-year-old, will be called into service to pilot the colt. Morvich will be given his first Latonia track gallop tomorrow. Jack Phillips today transferred Guy. Pit, | Lorena Moss and Gourmand to the Devonshire track in Canada. Jockey Joe Kederis is still suffering from a ruptured blood vessel in ono of his legs and has decided not to ride any more at this meeting. A number of horsemen and jockeys who participated in the Omaha meeting returned today. Among the number were R. L. Baker, William Dondas and jockey Gruber. Charles Akers, a former jockey and who has recently been engaged la the moving | picture business with the Goldwyn Company, lias returned to racing and will shortly associate himself with a prominent stable. *

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