Dates of Vancouver Racing, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-20


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BATES OF VANCOUVER RACING VANCOUVKR, 15. «.. June 19.— There wfli be twenty-eight days of rating hero litis; ye;tr and a tot;.l of SHil.000 distributt-i1. In parses. The first ln..tin will be held :u Briefaosss Park beerinnine; July 22. The order of the meetings follow : Brkshouao !a:k — Saturdav, Ju!v 1J. to July 29. Hastings Park — Saturday, August .".. to August 1-. Brkgbouse Park — Saturday, August 2C. to I September L Hastings Park — Monday, September 4, to Sep;- mber 11, ♦

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Local Identifier: drf1922062001_11_3
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