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I i I I l | ______ LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA. EY., MONDAY. JUNE 19. 1922. I -. tenia 1 Biile. TnsMBi day. kj Jockey Club. Sl.rin HeethM "f 2fl il s. Wc-ather clc_r; tcmi.era.ture PC . Stewards. Chattel I". Price, S. C, Knchata, Jr.. A. i. Ix-onard and C. W. Ilay. Judges. W. H Shelley, N. II. MedeBaad aad J. B. Wallace. Starter. A. B. Dade. Racing Secretary, W. H. BhakW] Uacing starts at 2:00 p. iu. Chicago time 2:0X p. m.. W indicates whip, 8 spun-. It blinkers Tiv-•jros in psientbmea ISBawisS Bn distance af cadi race indicate date, track record, age of horse _wl weight carried. Indicites apprentice aBammm. . — riEST EACE— S-4 llile. June 7, 1921— 1:105s— 6— 110. P-rso Sl.SOO. 4-ye_r-oWs ers.-Qfi-feO _«VandcF«3 —d upward. Cl_ir..inff. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00: third. flOO. I lnJ:-x Horses AWtPPSt V* Vs %. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bqniv. Odds Strt |62601»A. ALEXANDER w C 10S 6 10 6" 3* lh 1 I J Owens J Randolph 245-100 02034 MACHIAYBU-I W 4 110 2 6 2l 1" 2! 2* V Wilson t Arvin 1750 »0 6335S*tDO_UC w 4 100 1 8 7J 4i 3 3J AV Pool ; J Long- 1285-MM 61SSS*BRmSH MAID w 4 107 5 I 2" 61 4J 4- E Pool W L Iwia 1410-100 I dSS13*BLAXBB w S 112 11 9 9 8J ;"._ 5l J BsepsJ W I, Drake BBMBB G221C SK1I.ES KNOB n 10 110 3 4 10IIOi V 6* G Fields W Feuchter 11020-KH ! C2470KORPEY w 7 113 4 3 4 V 8* 7* C Ralls M Shields bSf.-MO 62323 *_*I_MTOQM wb 4 100 10 7 51 5 6» 8« H Stutts Cain and Sanford _37i-M» t.1829 GIPSY QUERN wb 7 107 7 2 8» 91 »* 9* J Francis J P Baker ItiKi 100 142174 MARION ADLER w C 109 9 11 11* 11= 104 10» D Connelly Mays Lake Farm Stable t3450-k» 62109 FLIP w 4 186 12 1 li » 11= 11* R Harton L O Cotner t ,2326 MARJIE V...KA Y »f. lfc b _ 12121212 B Kenndy L Kleenan ■fMutucl field. tScnt out in entries as Doris. Time, 23%, 48. 1:13%. Track fast. mill nets p:ii.l, Archie ill ■■■ill. ?6.j; straight. .00 place. .30 show; MachiaveUL 2.00 place, £ 50 show; Doric. .80 show. ■«■!*»] nt hooking odds— Archie Alexander 245 to 100 straight, 100 to 100 place, 06 to 100 show; . Machiavelli. 500 to 100 place, 225 to 100 show; Doric, 100 to 100 show. Winner fli. g. by Harridan Anytime, by Yankee trained by J. Randolph; bred by Mr. Benjamin p A. Jones. i Went l« post at 2:01. At post 1 minuter.. SI irt good and slow. Won easily; second and third driv- -inc. ABtCHIB Al.EXANDBR moved up with a rush after joins tlic Prst tliroc-eightl.s and passed MACHIAVELLI in the stretch to win going away M ACHI AVELU showed speed and finished well, bat tired after taking tlie lead. MHMC rleeed I gap and finished gamely. ltltlTISll MAID finished well. ■ KOKP.LY r tired in the lirst yaai ll I Bad hMM lame. BLAISB came fast in the last quart-r. Scratched 02322 .Mabel :.. MS; C251SCharlea Henry. 113; 61550 Plain Hill, 105; 61S72 Philanderer, £ il:»: KSM Promising Tom. HO; t,i7M CraalSaa, loo. * n ei -weights— Marion Adler. 1 paaada; Qaeaa, 2. g — ; — SrcOND RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Nov. 3, 1917—1:41% — 3—126. Purs* ,5C0. 6AAAJ Mxi%3£j?~3: 3-year-old.; Bad upward. Kaideus. Allowances. Net valua to winner ,150; second, C 25. third, 25. * C bars Barara AWtPPSt Vi s BtrPla Jockeys Owners Bfarv. Odds Mr*l J 62601 LOU WIDRIG w t 115 1 S C P|l 1* I* B Kenndy A J Gorey 2190-100 [ •BBSS ,i LOW TRKB wa I lli I 10 8| S1 41 V- B W Pool J B Cloher 265-100 625 l;i : flNG PRINCE wa t 109 » ■ 10 9* G1 4 P G Fields Dortch Bros Mb-IM J* 2:!ft5 Mil H i. I DALY »a 4 US M C 7» V V 2 4* N J Bmes H D Byrne 2x5-100 J KW I HI ZERN W I Pit I i 1 :! 7 "1 S» J Owens Santa .Anita. Ranch Stable 0-100 . S21S7*PRANK BOYD we.:: 109 E 1 24 4s 8* i I •" H Gray G P Mattin.gly Htt-IM ■ S2S1S CONCENTRATE wa 4 US 7 4 S" UrMl 7! A Roach W velman Bros PMU5-M0 62600 l TO HAT w 2 Hi 4 7 9» 7 9- :» V* D Connelly H II Hewitt SMS Mi . 62632 VULCANORA wp. : 104 I 3 1» 1* l» 7: H r Wilson J II Nkhols ESM-1M 58491 NORTHROP su 4 US 6 2 4* M 10 10 1 B Anthony A G Robertson tMRV-SM , Tune, 23, 47VL. 1:14*5, 1:40, 145. Track fa-it. * 13 mope!- paid, lou Widrig, *45 su straight, SltUM place, Hi. 10 show; Willow Tree, .50 place, $:Vbt iiow. Flriai Priace, . so ahaw. Bqalraleat hooking odds Lea Widri.. 2100 to 100 str light, 700 to lot | ! tee, 205 to 100 show; Willow Tree 129 t 1iit place, 70 to Mi show: Plying Prlare, M to loo shear. Wlaaar B. g, by Marathon — Creata Ma are, by Traaaraal li atari by A. J. Gorey; bred by Sir. A. J. Garey. W-nt to post :it 2:34. At past 1 wi—lra. Start goad and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. I ir BTIDBIQ rough.- I Bad btterfered with several of the others afler the start, but moved up raaddly after goiag the lirst qaarter Bad, taktag ■ laai trad, held the race safe after reaching the stretch. WILLOW i It: • K wis taBCbrnd ! .:ck at the st..rt and bad to .lose a big gap, bat finished namely. IXTINQ ri::M i: began alawrjr and was far ».n W for t:»- tirst gairter. but ais elaatd a great cay and finished aat. HICHAKL I. DAI.Y ran well. VULCANORA art a gaad pace, but tired badly in the last quarter, j PRANK BOYD was alwajri oatraa. H rmtcbed SStm 1-iV.y M-t ray. Hl9. BOH Dr. IT ill. Itw; tV.riiir. May Bee, 110. 0M"" BUS SACE — 5-8 Mile. June 22, 1910 — o9 — 2 — 109. 51.000 Added. 2-year-olds. 6fg5 *vS«3 iiUios. Claimuiff. Net value to winner ,090: seooad, 30; tiurd. 20. Imi.-v Oaraai AWtPPBt H 4 KStrila .lackeys Owaeca waala. Odds strt ItdBliTSN s[ty w IM :. 4 1« l l* l» ■ bfartia H P CTardlaar im-ioo gggBj »TOKIHIlf will 3 2 4 U :.i PI C I.alls C W.-elemann HS-Mi SS4II ANTON I A w 110 4 5 :!i P Li ::» J II t: irke McGowaa and Taylor StlS-U* P 6t4SI MANICURR MAID w lti 1 3 6S 5* 1 4« J HeapH H P Whstnoy B**-MI P biWt ANNA T 1 w 1114 2 1 »■* V .". V V WTlor J W Bailey 2010-IM | bzr,.y.t PANNA wa 110 G G 7 G1 Gi6! J /.oeller R H Anderson BS-W ; 8S1M CREDIT W 107 7 7 5J 7 7 7 G Braatag J H Woouford 102j4.j-110 I Time, 24Vs. 431-.. 1 01. Tra..k fu.t. BMrtaeta paid. Tn SU y, 41 Btzalght, liO pine. 0 show, T.kiliime. .00 place. .40; Aataai ■! M haw. ■ :a;-...:. ai baakiag aida Tea Bixtj. 12t to IM -.traictit, 30 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Tokihime, 80 to l€B place, 7 to i n abaw; Aataaia, 235 to IM aaaw. Winner t ii. i hy Trap Bark Pilaceaa C«g, by Laagtuuiwaga traiaed t y B. Cbaaaadg; bred by Mr. Berber! P • ir in. n. W.iit !• ! o.«t «t 3 01. At i .v.l 1 minute. Start raod Bad llaw Won easily; second and thinl driving. TKN SliV was rushed io a goad lead at Bare an I, inidr a nood ride, set a fist par-c and won e a .up: apt. TOKUflUB droafted back in the early raaaiag, bat raiae fast and gaaaeljr through the stretch. ANTON I v ran 1 forward!* .1! toe way, bat was Uriag at the end. MANICURB blAID was racing gaaaetj ■ when baanif 4 bf rOUBUfB m the last eighth. ANNA TOD tired badly 1.1 the last quarter. PANNA wis 1 1 .-. .j. s far back. Scratched BaM3*Oearie. IM; S2SM MabK, 107. tU13.s Keaaaaare, 107; fr2tsi Miss Jane, 107; B3S23 i lerr ■. i n He a 4g ita Ann.. To.l, 1 : L. pounds. "OP-Til RACE— 1 Mile. Tu.y 3. 1919—1:30—4—100 Georgretown Purse. ,500 6S?££aCt5i* dal ?5 1 Added. 3--car-cMs and upward. Allowances. Ndt value to *L:Cir ,150; second, 259.50: third. 48. lades llors-s AWtPPSt K Vi % Str Pin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odda Strt BBBSI BON1 9 w : 91 3 E 5 4 P 21 1 U Owns OtaeuUraa Stable l-.-lOO SSSBB*CHACOLXT WB 4 Ml 1 6 4 6 6" J* 2| G PV Ids Hal Price Headley UM-MI BtBM ltll.l.V BRUSH WB I IM 5 I 6» 2» 1» l«| P J H-upel R I, Hubble EM-MI BtSM ttED fPINGPIBLO w : ■ : 1 3 3" 3= i* 4* 4» G Prening M and J liiiwrnatrila 1255-100 «i:299 RAGAlfOOK 4 107 6 7 7 7 4* P T « B K " G II Reodrte 505 100 Bt4Kgaj*JIU dais.: m 4 IM 7 1 1 l» 2" G"» P« W Pool R L ,t A Baka* BB-MI G7«7iit Ml- w 3 91 I 4 2 51 7 7 7 C It ills T P Hayes 71G5 ISO TiBlB. 2415. 48-s. 1:13,. 1:39V5. Track fast. K3 mut a I paid. Bonus. .10 atraigkC, 10 ; ia .-. .70 show, t In olet. 90 place, .50 show; Billy Braah. $:! M show ■gulraleal haaklag olds Baaaa, IM to ltn atraight, 70 to 100 place, 3.-, tu 100 show; hacolet, 295 t-. 100 pi i.e. 135 to IM Bkaw; Billy Braah, si to 100 -how Winter It. .. bf All . -i.l Uetueiiihraix e. by Baoibarg or BraaaaaUck trained hy M. ioldblatt; bred l.y Mr Uarry itiym- BTkitaeyl Breat la paat it 3:35. At iv st 1 minute. Si art .rood and slow. Won driving; second and third the hame. BON I d moved up fast after gaiag three laartera and gaaaely aalitajtd tH Vtui.l-.T in the final clriviv I II OI.PT sived BMBCh «roand on the taraa and eaBBe witii a rash riht at the cud. BIId.Y BRUSH showed a gaad order of qpeed, bat began in the last eighth after raclag into a . 1 l.-d. Ki:i» BflNGPIBU had aa mishaps. BAUASfOOK waa riddea wide and tired iu the last eighth. JiM DAISY badly after M-tting the pa-e to the far turn. Mcral ted BBR Bib Braaa, :" Orerweighti Baaaa, 1 paaad; Billy Braah, B; Bed Wiagfield, 4; Paaaga, 4. FIETII RACE — 3-4 Mila. June 7. 1921 — 1:10 :5 — G — 110. West Bad?n Springs Handicap. 6fJ»py eiJ.-/ a Fur -1 .09. 3-year-oid and upward. Net value to winner ,350: second, 00; third. 30. [■del Horses AWtPPSt ., % str Pin Jackeya Owaera Kquiv. o.ids Strt c;tf:;i-ii-s ikmima w :. IU 2 E I* l» J , :« B Pool r 1; Howe MS-1M 1 S256I-UARTHA PAJuLONw 3 R 12 P 9 I* P V Pool J Uriagatoa 475 100 1 g2399-DIt CLARK W S U1 . 4 El P P D Connelly M GoldhUtt niii 1 S244B CENTIMETER wa til E 1 !" I P 4" A Wilson G I. Kla.-kford 2M-1M 1 S25M itnAl. PAI.M w S Mi 1 3 2t :.: :. :. ■ blartia L. Lewia 3217.-100 » Time. 23%. 47. 1:12. Track fact. ui :M.eis paid, JIv, Jeinimi. KS 7 itraight, $■ : 0 place, $:;.h» ahaw; Martha Kalian. .90 dace, $ ! ii shaw; Dr. t.nk. t2 M chaw. i: i;.i!eii baakiai odd- Miss Jeaaiaaa., h, I Ii itraight, -. to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Martha ratios. 14ft ta 1 ;• pla e, M I 1 IM atoa Dr 1 lark, !-. u !■.- haw. v. aaet Br. at, by Black Taaejr Valla, by Pariaaaa trained by 0. K. Bawe; bred by Mr. Bdwird It. Brad v V,ei:i :o ;h t at 1 i»4 At ; o-t S Miieit.-s Start gaad and slow. Won drivinr;; seeond and third the • aaaar iiiss JKllllfA hard riddea traaa the itart, ahawed Kae M*ced in aettiag a fast pa.-e and BBaaaed 1 heatea in ihe l.-t e.-liih bat raaM ay mi right at the end. MARTHA PAId.oN. ,loo a* from the start. raced lata 1 uosll bead, bal tired whea ahe appeared! to have t!i.- raea won. DR. CLARK was always aatpaecd tad fiaallj came wide, bat ftatafctd rasaely. CRNTIMKTtnt was done after ?omg a half Bails. BO If AI, i*l M I. n 1 fast halt, but quit 111 the stieleh. Oaarwaight*- Bayal Palm. 2 paaaids; Haitha Palaaa, 1. if* £ !J Q SIXTH RACE — 5 1-2 Earlons. Juna 7. 1909— l:05J/5 — 3 — 93. TJalmouth Purse. Purse 1 6 ««iji 0 2-ycar-olds. Allowances.. Bat value 10 winnor 51.15*7; second, 25; third. • 25. Indei Horses AWtPPSt % H Str Pin Jo key» Owners P..-,uir. Odds Strt t BtSSl* HOPELESS W 111 2 1 UP 1* P-k W W Tier Ha! Priee H.-.niley MB-MI BBBSI DREAM MAKER W EM 3 5 7» G 2! 2 B Martin I C EfcDawatl EM-1M iJ3PJ I".Ni: w 109 G 3 6- 4 V J5 B K.-nnily J Liriagataa L74.-l0 «2l77.l K BAUER w 13 9 2 4 P V 4" A Wilson R I. B A Baker UM-KN BBBBBDUST PlOWsW w EM 1 4 51 5i 5« 5» E Iool J C Milam is EM ASPIRATION w EM 4 7 9 9 7 G- D Connelly H H Hewitt 42O5-J0O VOR1CK w 10; 8 6 81 P Si 7* ■ Bobbins G I. Blackford 20575-100 J 6i5:9 BATON W la4 7 8 21 2» P S1 H Gray R B .t B 0 Hickman lt9201J0 I C-ii3:5 ORMONT w U7 5 3 3i 7i 9 9 ■ Beahla Maatfart Jones 13710100 J Time. 22%. 47!5. 1:00%. 1:07%. Track fast. lalarlB paM, ESsSjeteaa, BS.M straight, #3.70 place. .ti0 show; Dream Maker, .50 place, .40 ahaw; feaaie, .Si M show. ■ piival. ait bockiag adds Hapeleaa, 240 to IM straight, S5 to 100 place, M to 100 show; Dream Maker, 125 to loo place, 7 i to 1 « t ahaw; faaaria, 2t o to IM show. Winer B g, bf Basa ElalkflBkp, by I ade rained by W. Buford; bred by Mr. WiPiam B. Miiler. Went t psal .1 1:40. At post Z minutes. Start good and slow. Win ..riving; and thirl the aaaae. UOPKLE8S begaa well Bad, rackag iai the Eaad at aace, set a faat para and Baashed gaaaety t under a gaad rEie, bal scored a lucky win. DRKAH MAKPli was repeatedly forced back until raachlag ; the stretch, whl re. under strong riding, he came with a rush and just missed getting up. VKNNIK ran 1 a good rare aad aarrhrd fast. JACK BAOBB tir-d. Dl ST PI.OWKU had a rough race. tltAlON and 1 OBMONT quit badly in Ihe last quarter after showing speed. BliaUhlid K2S6S First Call, U 7. Overweights Hope, ess. 2 paaada; Aspiration. 1. r ~ =z : Q*yC±€4 -7FNTH RACE— 1 1-16 Mites. Oct. 7, 1916— 1:43%— 3— 122. ,000 Added. 3-yeax-vJvJvjO aida and upward. Clauning. Not value to winner ,200; second, 22; third, 98. Indei Uorsea AWtPPSt % M % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equlr. Odds Strt t C20G1."IR THAS KUAN ws 4 Ml 4 I 3* 41 1» 11 l| W Fool W Perkins 295 100 0 fi-2«04 BI.ARN Y STONE w4 107 136 6 5l » 2*G Fielda Balaar Bras 1450 100 ■ BitiUlTllhAMI w 3 97 3 1 1" 21 V 4h 3* C Ralls G Dramheller 125-100 1 BB1H HIMinOI wal 95 2 2 41 3t 41 21 4« J Owens M Goldblatt OGu 1 W 0 SSSSS*AhtERIC*N BOY wb E 102 6 I 21 1» 21 5« 5* G Brening T W llountjoy 1725-100 8 62604 WAPITI wit I1U E I E P I 6 6 T Murray M and J L,owenstein 805-100 0 Time. 22%, 47%. 1:13%. 1:39%, 1:46%. Track fast. mutuels paid. Sir Thaaaaa Kean, .90 straight, .70 place, .00 show; Blarney Stone, 0.40 1 place. .70 .show; Pulalip. .50 show. Bquivalent booking odds- Sir Thaaaaa Kean. 2C5 to 100 straight, 135 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; ; Blarney Ston-. 420 to 100 place, M to 100 show; Tulalip. 25 to 100 show. Winner B. c, by Golden Maxim Ouion, by Dr. Uice trained by W. Perkins; bred by Mr. T. M. . Murphy. Went to post at 5:14. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; seeond and third the e same. Slit THOMAS KEAN meed into the lead with a rush after being restrained to the last quarter r aad outstayed BKUNKY STONK. The latter suffered severely when be attempted to go through next to o : the inner rail and had to race wide afterward, but finished fast and gamely. TULMJP was given a weak k ride. TOMAHOI also bad a weak ride and tired. AMERICAN BOY tired after showing much speed for r three-quarters. Scratched— C2638 Lady Lillian, 101; 62522 Eastcside, 111,