Delorimier Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-29


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I : j i i ; i ! j I ! i ! ! | | ! ! DELORlMiER PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL, One., Wednesday, Jvjie 28, 1922.— Be.lorimier Park. Half t:i.ic. Park Racing Association. T.iird day. Summer meeting of 7 days. Weaihor clear. Steward re pre anting tiuebec Breeders an! Racing Asso-iaii jns, - W. J. Morrison. Steward* of meeting, E. C. tiL Pere, M. P., W. W. Iy: s H 1 F. Cal.ler. Judges, Sheridan "Lark, Ckaikf W. Gampau and Sidney Bender. Starter, W. i nyder. Ricing s*-cretary, Sheridan Cla:k. Racing 3tarls at 3.00 p. m. Chic.-.go time 2:00. fi9QP.9 £BST RACE— About 5-8 Kilo. Fuise wt/wi ?600 3 year-oUs and upward. Caia-dian-brods. Claiming. 17 t ■.-..lno to wianer y400; cecond, y70; third, *S0. E-juiv. OJds. , Ind. Horse. Vt. Fin. Jockey. Slrai lit. 62S85,Almirante 111 1» SWida 2471-1JO 62923 Rged Robin 107 2» R Pnuley 893-198 j «52883Joe S. 114 3» M iV.llon 940-!-%0 | 62885 L-uly Betty 115 4« B Atkinson 7J5-100 j C2484 Jamima 109 f»4 J Dawaoa t89*-M9 61987 P. Lawrence 107 6» W Bog*owaki 689-199 1 C257 3 Captain B. 114 Prpd.J Kennedy 59.-1O0 57543 Hip o Green 111 P.up.J Pita 10- r.-l» mutuels paid, Almirantr. 86 J8 ttrafcrbt, ?4.10 place, BBvSB show: Baggai liooui, »1.05 |.laie. %i SO show; Jon S., |5.» sliow. E.iuivalent hooking olds Alm;rm t 247Vj to lOi Ftraight. 1W to 100 pla.-e, C2V to 10 shosv; Bagged Robin, 147 to 100 place, ! 0 to ISO s!:ow; Joe S., 182 i to 100 show. Time, 1:39%. Track slo-w. Winceir — A. G. Dnnlana br. f, 4, by Dteaata— j Adoration, by Orn.-iment trained by C. B. Wil-on; | bred by Mr. BaaaH L. Nesbitt. V.ent to post at 3:02. At |* st 1 ■!— la Start good and slow for all bat C.H.iaia IS. Won easily; second and th rd diiviug. Sera iehed-- 02573**. hani our. 109: 82786 TOva Sonr. 107; 62835 Old Pcj . 109; 627S9 China. 103. Otarwcigkta — Aimirante, 4 pounds; Jamima, 2; Hip o Crpfn, 4. C9Qflq SrcOITD RACE — Abont 3-1 Mile. Purse u_i«you *5£0 8: year tTat aai UTirrl Claming. N6t value to winaer 77-0; secaeid, 0; th.rd, j 0. E |niv. Olds. Ind. nonse. Wt. T-u. BacBSCf. Btraigkt, 620«9*l.r.vasa 104 11 V Fulton 8389-109 02192 Golden Red 114 2* F Hunt 915-100 62577 Nan 117 31 C Hainca 896-KN 62495 Lng Byes II 113 4» H CtxappoB 199-101 6t62S*Starkader 114 5» B Atktnaaa 979-199 62879 NaoOH K. 102 f W Ho-owski 219100 62535 Loo Enfield 111 7* B Pauley 1840-149 C2a59sBibbltr 117 8 J Dawson 1499-149 *2 ■atacki paid, Laraga, 848.46 s-raiht, 816.79 pa.-c, ?0.35 show; Golden Ret!, 9.90 place, .50 gbaw; Han, $.1.10 ghnr. BTuivalcnt bookins odds — Laraga, ?1!20 to 190 straight. 737M, to 166 place. 3«7Vi *• 100 n!io.v; Colien Red, 866 to 10» place, 125 to 100 iiliow; Ban, 55 to 100 show. Time, 1:26. Track slow. Winner — J. A. BlackWeBa br. m, 5. bv Prostx-ro — Charleys Aunt, by ;-t. Florian trained by G. W. Crlppen; bred by Mr. S. A. Beckham. Went to post at »:3t. At post 1 minute. Start pro «I and slow. Won driving; second and third the gcratchea- -S27v4 Bacckaaallaa, Hi; r.2 :s3 Thirteen. Ill; 62927 Lava. 106; .LOS Di apery, 111; UJ403 Ramona II . 112; 02039 Humpy. 111. Overweights Iiviisa, 2 pounds: Ijiuliiag Eys II.. 3; Noami K., 5. POOfjA TI7JRD RACE — About 5-8 Kila. Purse UZiwrt j.50J g jar iMl and upwai-d. Claiming. Net value to winner 4:00; second, $.0; third, . E.tiiv. Odds. Ind. norae. Wt. Fin. Jo-key. Straight. CSSO-Avion 113 14 F Bant K»7i-190 62796 Cot Murphy i£9 24 W Boiiowsici ?65-!00 6209 »I.och Ivin 107 3* ■ Atki-son 9S5-H6 62it:0 lliaa BoU*a6 19 4"» J Dawson 989-101 61656*Hoah 111 5* J IAr. 1115 1,0 61863 rmil— 113 « R Pauley 419-194 .?-J iiM.t.:ela paid. Avion. .15 straight. .10 place, 50 siow; C»t. Murpliy, .15 place, $:!. .0 ■haw; Loch Ix-vin. .30 show. Bkrairalent booking; odds-Avion. 107A to 100 straight, 66 to 166 place. 25 to 10O show; Col. Murphy, 207Vj to lJO place. 65 to 10O thow; I»ch Levin, 65 to 109 show. Time. 1 lO-s. Track slaw. Winner— W. G OhaaphatTl b. z. 6, by Aeronaut — Princess Chic, by Potomac trained by T. Shcr-rard; bred by Mr. E. B. Cassalt. Went to post at 4:02. At post 1 mioite. Start ijood and slow. Won easily; Eccond and third driving. -S. ratched - BCST1F. O. Corley. 115; 02833 Run-inie, 113; 92SSB*Laeky Pearl, 104; B992I i:ack Bay, 10 : 6iai23 Josephine K., 107; 02923 Mcljane, 100; .V.04S Ch— 1 1 III Wt. 103 / COOCK FOURTH RACE— About 6 1-2 Furlongs. U4 0UU fmm CO. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net valuo to winner JlOO; second, 870; thro. $£0. Equiv. Oda. Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 6284S V:m. Dreaser 102 1« W Rogowski 8879-191 62C71 Forge Ahead 109 2:i J Dawson S9S-198 62488 Dot Varden 1C2 3» F Bonham 1410-100 62303 Last Girl 107 4=* ■ Atklnaoa i.9D-100 62922 T. Clk rider 107 5* R Pauley 67.5-100 62SS1 WhM lidy 111 6 8 Wida 60-100 61759*Naiaco 108 I.up.C Eamca C60-100 n.iituels paid, faalty J»r:-. Eer, straight, 66.96 pla"e, 15 show; Vhrga Ahead. .10 Pteca, $;;.4 show; Doiiy Yard U. Ju.HO show. F.iuivaient od6h Vanity Dresser. 237 to 100 straight. 95 to MB place, 57 to 100 show; Fort,-e Ahead, 106 to 100 place, 70 to 969 show; Doily Varden, 240 to 166 show T5me, 1:35. Track slo-w. Winner-M. It. Poas b. f, by Ijoogh Foyle — I.jda A., by Si- Wilfred trained by M. Clark; bred by Mr. Samuel Roes. Went to peat at 4:30. At post 9 minutes. Start Co.! and e!ow. Won easily; second and third drirtti r. .; Dratchea— 6SSSS1 Midnight Stories. 104. Orerwaighta— For; e Ahead. 5 poaaoa; The Clock-nien.ler. 3- Wise Ix.dy. 4; Navlsco, 1. fiQOpA FIFTH RACE— Alioat 5-8 Mile. Purse * -.«/ VU $£00. 4-ycar-o:di a-.d upward. Claim-in?. Net value to winder £400; second, 0; third, •JB. Eqnlv. Odda Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 62812 Fair and Wrl07 1 R Pauley LS5-100 162412 Military Girl 108 2* C BkMBMM 896-199 618:19 C. A. Byrne 109 3 W Bogowski 7t0-h 1 69661 Dinly Moore III 4» J Kennedy 230i-190 62054 i heka 111 5» J Dawson 9MS-19I 6*089 Flying Orb 111 6--*- S Wida 9W-100 62303 Cannor.ball 112 7"» F Hunt 2T.65-100 6I7212No Truia[ie 109 S J Fulton 915-100 62571 L. Gentry HI P.up.J Connora H80-100 mutuels paid, Fair and Warmer, .90 Straight .70 place, .10 ahow; Military Girl, .10 Stsca, .30 show; Charlea A. Byrne, .10 show. E.iuivalent booking odds—Fair and Warmer, 295 to 100 straight, 85 to 100 place, 55 to 100 show; Military Girt 105 to 100 place. 65 to 100 show, Charles A. Byrne, 55 to 100 show. Tiroo, 1:104. Trark now. Wircer — J. Rr.rris ch. m.- 0. by First Sight— FTir Arnie. by 11 r, iwicfe !;-•■ red by J. 8, Whatley; bre.i by 1" rucl ffa Stable. Weat to post at 5-14. At peal l sihsBts. Start go -d aud slew. Wen i ..s i;. ; SM s6 ind third driving. Beratchsd- 02410 Our Kate, 1C7; 63051 1 ilDaa .., 167; ;-7X Merasag race, 107; 62611 T re. 107; 57866 Cays lavrite. 109. Orerwelghta — Fair ::nd Winner. I ; wads; Military Cirl, 1: Dinly bfosta, - . Plying Oth, 2; L. Geatry, 2. fiOfjCJ SIXTH RACE— Abort 7-S MOs, Pus u j-_/ui . ; ,,_ .. i upward. Claim • ■:■■. I7ot v?.lua to T.i.iEcr 03: st-c-ra, y70; tk r :, tn, Bsair. 0 Ida Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Is* key. BtralEht. 6Z879By Jove 115 1* li Chappefl 62645 1 tloneful U5 "2* J Ksaaafy 8989-198 C2817Chaw 1M 3* J Dawson H6-8M 686260awa Belle 1!7 P S WMa 869-899 G284! Flypoi-er 110 5 J Colliiis 1896-1M «2ii8 Smite in B| v Bog*owskl 8491 : I t"2."36 Blondel 1!4 7 V Huat 149-199 C17G0 Sol Qilaey 111 S B Atkinson 8499 899 snMaels paid. By Lie, 617.36 straight, .2n place, .75 sow; Hopefil. 12. SS BSSCC, S-J -how; ChOW, 66.96 show. Eqirivaleat beoktag o Iy lore 77"! t 166 straight 00 to UK place, T1;. to u* show; B pe-ui. 6271 to 100 place, 115 to B»j show; Chaw, -~t to 10J s!mw. Time. 1:41%. Track s.ovv. Wianer -J. o. Byrnes br. g, 1. by •: Ma mna. by MaxiaM trained by J. . Byrs . bred by llessr:;. White A Garnet . Weal I post at S !!. At pest 3 ma ■ • . I gOOd SSd ili.v. VoS tr. .::;,, . SCCOUd lad :: rd the Basse. Scratched — 62883 Vrastaatiae. U-: 62573 Dewitt 111; 62 » ST salon March, 111; 62 :i Bcford. 1 1 -; Ci2.vS0 Twenty Seven, US; ii-i.O Katklsea K., U3. OverweighU Fly] iper, 1 p sad. fiOCtHft KLVKSTH EACE — Absut 5-S Mis. ujuo Pt,__o ?rC0 4.. .-,-..,.;, ar.a BTward. C imhay. Bet sabas ts srianax 9466; second. .70; . Baatr. OI is. Ir.d. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 6281 8* Waac S9 l» .1 Tbomaa 449-109 61854 H. Go Leky 1 4 8« B Pauley 4S 628S8 Bd. Tranter B6 3 C Barnes HI 61761 D. Fairbanks 107 4 E Atklnaoa 1569 I I 62443 Polygamlst IM 9* W Bog*owakl !8 " KB 66923Auat Deda 111 fi» .. Wida -M9 62867 slarjorie M. 111 7s .1 Kennedy ■ 1925-198 61576Paganial l.S 8 H CbappeU C 109 •J uji.u. Is dm:!. Waac, 6 M sUaight 65.«i6 :;.-.■. 83.16 show; Gappi ... Lucky. ? -0 p: . • . .;-..; ," ihow; Bddie Tranter, $ 7.". skew. i: .-ii-aieut bssklug odd-* V..i--. no to 166 straight 186 to 106 place, SS i 109 show; U . ;■:• , ■; Lucky, 223 to IjO place, 87 H to loo show; I Eddie Tranter, 137% to 100 show. Timo. l:93*i. Track slaw. Winner — A. Warners ch. f. 4, by T/ie Curragh -I Mary Street. l y Onondaga traiaed by A. Wareer; ori I : y Mr. J. IS. B. Itos. Weal to post ut 0:20. At p st 1 nraate. Start ■jft 1 and slow. Won handily, see -n 1 an.l thitd driving. Umltlii 91866 Rervice ITag. 166; 62571 Buoa, ll:?; 63993 Phhsy Jane, BM; 62735*9*11 I re m.d ■. Ill; o9. ;7 Tom Nocrta, 166; 626S6*Tey Mha, UL Gssiaotglils Eddie Tranter, _ pounds; Douglas Fairbanks, 1; Auni Deda, 4. Pagaulul, 6.

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Local Identifier: drf1922062901_10_3
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