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; 1 j It i I j l 1 j I I j t , j j M i I , j ! ! - 1 ! i £ j i ! t 11 I j j 1 I I j 1 I J J I , * • B I i " , I ! ! LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 935 LATONIA. Ky., Jose 23— Todays work- 1 ! outs here were as follows : LATOXIA. Weather cloudy ; track slow — Three-Eighths Mile. 053-Bit of White. .30% 950 Hysteria Sft M2-Bristsw "3i 717 Ida MeCaa 38v, ■62-Baya P.elve Ma8 % WW Oiistlilgs 35*i •SB-Bias Nose 30 M-Parassr 30.i MS-Fall Ppoan ....38i US BtStclSW 35% 053-Fi:st Oail 38 9:51-.Sp]it Crass ...3S-5 900-Crecn Gold 37 950 Tulalip 39% Half Mile. 929-T5it o black ..56 937-Opnlent 55 929 -Hanker Brown 56 9 2-Repeat »r 52% 959 Bullion 52% 9G0-Tokihin.e fit % BS-Osaateas 5:1% BM-Wssdttap 56% 961-Clinionville ...52% 947-Wayward I.ady 53% Five-Eighth-. Mile. 963-Aliec B. Gownl:03% 95S Gangway 1:06% 956-Blue Deep ...1:07% 950 Greenland ...1:02% 959-Braedalbane .1:07% 963 Jankn 1:06% 904-Dust Flower 1:03% 004 Miss Jemima 1:03% Three-Quarters Mile. 9rB-Birdie O. ...1:18% 9G3 Una Clark ..1:17 960-Cot. Blossom 1:19% 957-Lady Madcap 1:17% 901 -Com. UAmoiirl :17% 961-Kckab 1:15 963-Cenn Jonett 1:20 932-Bandel 1-2 Eersn-Eighths Mile. CoS-Cinderella .1:33 903 W. McLemerel:15% 962-Matinee Idol 1:37 One Mile. SBs-aM— Jr l:4S% 962 -laweBaasa ...1:40 962-Amanda 1:51% 9ii0-Paris Maid ..1:47% 952 -Inquiry 1:38 938-Troilus 1:51% Mile ar.d and Quarter. 904-Yoshiml 2:13 Itoneclaw and Ormzlsigh ran together and showed good speed. Miss Jemima galloped ! nicely, llekab is partial to the going and d.d exceptional work. NEW YORK. N. Y.. June 28.— Todays 1 training gallops over the local courses in-eluded the following: i JAMAICA. Weather cloudy ; track slow— Tkrse-ElKfttaa Mile. 957-3. Eei-htcn ."7 9C.3-0. and Gone .35% 90.".-R. Sawyer . .3-i% ■SB-Otyatk— 41 953-Idle Toy 41 9G3-Palruba 41 Half Mile. tSS-BsBst Mark ..52% BBI-Psks Bonnet... 49% tSS-Brlgkt LigiitB 52% MJ Bark 51 9o3 -Ben Wood 51% 933-Twaddle 48 903-Camoufl«ur ...51 953-Woodland 43 904-Gen. Thatcher. 4S% Five-Eighths Mile. 953-Cr;mk 1:12 9:;i-Rebuke 1:07 Btt-Ptkfal Cirl 1:06 903-btony Point 1:03% Three-Quarters Mile. 957-Dr.lly 1:23% 956-Sim. Simon .1:26 933-Prclude l:17-i OOO-Koath. Cross 1:19% Cna Mile. OCTCromwell ...1:50 953-Bainbow Boyl:45 9o3-Uoro!oge ...1:46% 901-Tan II 1:51% Poke Itonnet galloped easily. General Thatcher did a creditable work. Twaddle and Woodland showed line speed In the mud together. Prelude is training welL Horo-j loge was under restraint all the way. A qui: DUCT. Weather cloudy ; track sloppy — ■ Three-Eighths Mile. 901 -Destination . . .3S% 758 Miss Vanity .41% 95S-Dalby 3S% 963-Baleo 37 MB-KJrk Eady 38% 962-Hock !Sait 39% Half Mils. Ht In eel— s 51% 959-Paisley 50 950-Cav. Emptor .55% 963-Uoy. CliarUa 51% Carol 55% Five-Eighths Mile. 9s53 Athetstooe ..1:05% 964 .Sunferen— .1:02% Three-Quarters Mile. 957 -Liberty Girl 1:18% One Mile. , 947 Cahalan 1:15% Mile and a Quarter. 904-Extermator 2:09% HI.i.MONT PARK THAIXING TRACK. Weather cloudy; track slow — Three-Eiahths Mile. Sel-AstretttB 41 RU-Msaa 41 953-Bantry Pas3 ..36 SCS-Kaaey Slianks.37 tja-Bqaiaactial ...41 PHir— aMs 38 9u3-Links a8 0 5:i-iloutieds;e 38 H?if Mile. 9"!-Blue China ...."l/6 Kfl Nijrht Bridge. .55 963-Cspt. Costisan.57 WS-BesI Wreath .51% 9J3-Bcciijohu 52% 98S-Bup«e 52 9.,S-D.irk Magic ..Si it MS-Bectsrtssra ...52 Gra-ltode 53 Jo3-8-anc!ay Best ..51% B6S-6alaatsaaa ....St 935-.S -o;:rKein;in ...56% 9i51 Ixjiu-rer 53% SSl-TMet Blue ...52 9UJ-Miss Jsmitii ...57 J;;:.!-Win. Take A1I51% Five-Eichths KiW. 95S-Autnmn Bell: 1:01 OUC-Prodiious ..1:06% S57-Bsaraprit 1:06 Pony Exptsssl:M KSS-BrUUaaes ...1:06 950 Silk Tassel ..1:03% 950-Croviiet 1:06 9ii3-SaleIlite 1:08 Three-Quarters Mile. Sag Black Fox ..1:25 HI" fjissais 1:25 ■CS-Ckarry Pie ..1:20 962 Kportiboy 1:28 9«-Emot;on 1:27 952 fiolisa 1:20 961-Krigate 1:15% 9G3-Sedge 1:23 9 3 Ira Wilson ..1:22 HI Tka Almoner. 1:17 958 Mocardella ..1:20 One Mile. 962-B:ttle Chief. .1:18 Mile and an Eighth. , ; . 9r.O Lord Herbert. 2:00 Mile ar.d a Quarter. 9Gt-Grey Dag ...2:13% Orey Lag seems fresh and good. Frigate was under restraint all the way. Little Chief bad an easy gallop. Pantry Pass showed speed. Possible showed good speed in the going. Cherry Pie and Soiisa ran easily together. HAMILTON, Ont., June 28.— Todays training gaiiups here included tl:e following: HAMILTON. Weather cloudy ; track heavy "dogs up" — Three-Eir,hths Mile. BM-Atva 43 91.2 Durante 40 SlUJ-C. Leydeeker ..43 9:51 Sagamore 40 Half Mile. 963-Billy Kelly ..54 B3S-assH Cntp::r?e..56 fi47-!ayinore 54 SM-PbsatsSB Fair. .52 OrS-Giillivant 56 SSS-8ca Tale 55 117 nisslsrtllt 53 lJ3 St. Maurice ..55 957-Kick Wieksy...58 Five-Eighths Mile. 902-Fair Gain ..1:10 uTTTl sTlHsaiS ..1:07 »I52-Kuk!ux 1:09 ITT ITssluslj 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 9:il -Attorney 1:22 Old Jus ....119 SOS-CM Cho 1:13 One Mile. 957-Algardl 1:58 9G3-Onr Birthdayl:57 andI52-Coolgardie ...1:54 SSS-BayaJ Gift ..1:55 9r 3-Lunetta 1:47 931 Tailor Maid.. 1:59 951-L. Goodheart .1:55 1