1st Race [1st Hamilton, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-29

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! j : I i j 1 1 I ! j j I . I I j 1 ISt RAE C~S ?l."-e "-y081"-©1*!*- Cluimic. Jane 21, 1012 SO 4-r 2 Index Courus Dist Time TVk Odds Wt St »i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of rir.ish ILLUSIOinST, ch. f. 2 112 By Von Tromp— Illusion, by Mesmerist. Trainer, R. Warficld. Owner, E. C. Bellow. 62820 Dorvai 5-8 1 :0S%hvy 10 112 5 J PJ? R HoPway 6 Patchwork. Pl.Brer. R.Murray »26o7 Dcrval 5-S 1 :0u%slop 17 107 3 7 7 7» S Poylc 8 Hughie, BBaJeweU, II.Set-nndBl r.c.567 B.Bnneta 5-8 l:0:%fa.st 4i 112 1 3 2* 4* T Pargton 5 Fight. Cook, T*ppawa, The I er 32871 Connskt 5-S l:02,T.fast 23-10 112 3 1 1« 1*1 II Bricks n 6 Tiippswa, BtShooter, . 0.1 tooa C2191 Conn-.tht 5-8 1:03 fast 21-10 111 1 J J 6*1 W Bogski 8 tlameScpper, Tripwi. MiaaTafl 61748 M. Heights 12 49 faet 9-10 111 2* J Groth 7 leanllahaa, Argo, Raymond W. 61557 IL Heights 1-2 51%slow 9-10 112 2 J Groth 0 BiebTea, CCnadiin. Jnllahaa 61423 H.deGce 1-2 «8%taal 9 112 6 1 in Z] Q Walls 9 St. An-, la. Ray.Oak, S-Uoodasaa 61468 H.dand :co 1-2 48%fast lOf 10S II 13 13 12"5 G Walls 13 B. Leightoa, Josephine C, l -ak 01355 ILdeGce 1-2 4S%fast 7-6 106 4 2 5J 5* C Lang 12 Baal Mate, Soviet, Gold Mount KISS TAFT, b. f. 3 M 107 Ey Kaltmont— Naxtura, by St. Siinonian II, Trr.iror, B. S. Michell. Owner, A. V. Tboroas. 82323 B.Bnneta 6-8 l:02% ood 15 114 6 1 1* 3J J Wi!liamFl2 Lliz. Jewell. J.riand, Patchwork 62365 B.Bnneta 5-8 POl-fast 15 1C-4 3 I 3 3" M Andsoi. 8 Heettapa, Priaasar .2304 Connght B-8 l:01%s!ow 6 1C3 6 6 5!1 M AadSO* 0 Heeltaps. Aremial. Magic Red" 62191 Connght 5-8 1:03 fast 4 111 5 3 1* P J Williams 8 GameScpper, Trlppawa, Radlaal 62137 CaaaajM 8-8 IM fast 13 102 4 4 5 P« A Qaataar 8 AreadaL C.Pantages, S.*sLeaaai 02049 V/oodbine 41 f 55%fast 10 105 3 4 31 3J K Partoa 6 Lady Bos. Lilt, Miss Bdaa LILAC TliLE, ch. f, 2 X 107 By Kastsr Robert— Welcor, by Dick Welles. Trainer, A. L. Kirby. Owner, Waldech Stahe . MEM I.Gn.ls 1-2 50:/0hvy 21 10-9 3 2 : :J P Weiner 11 Bear**, Iftaa Claife, Plasiur.-at 6"4-Sl F.Gnds 3-8 36 mud C 109 3 31 3"l F Weiner 12 Aataada, Bears*, Aasate MgM P.Gnds 3-8 35%hvy 15 3M 5 3* 33 F Webser 12 RosicH., HuL-hie, AaitaHaaspjai M8M F.Gnds 3-8 35%fast 10 113 t 61 6* P Wefts** 12 Aliie Ocbs. Dearie, Kewpsf 8. 5S779 P.Gnds S-8 3S%mud 4 113U U 11" H J Burke 11 AiiitaHaniptoti. l;.ar:e, DclusiT* 79553 P.Gnils 3-8 36 Blow 15 114 9 8* 8:1 P Weiner 11 Baster, Carta, Kewi.it 3. 5S452 F.Gnds 3-8 36 slow 15 112 1 5°* 5* F Wefaac 10 Prince K.. Delusive. Old Tsp KICKNAME, b. f, 2 K 107 By St. An:ant— Niakla Neck, by Carbine. Trainer, W. H. Bringloo. Owner, Seagram Staale. 62872 Baaataa 8-31M8%taat 37 IX 5 6 5* 4!5 P W.-.lls 8 Peratsteaee, Tapaaga, Brtaai 61G12 Pimlico 4i f M%taat 63 110 3 3 4 331 C Thpsoa 8 liaidee, Topingo, Patehwatk ALIEN, ch. c, 2 U 110 By Fit--Grafton— Eaodas Priie, by Pride. Trainer, FL Oots. Owner, Riverc*al© Stzbie. IC2914 Ilamtoa 6-8 1:02 food 12 115 5 5 «* 7* L McDott 8 WagaTTtata. WBd Ufa, SiyFoT VERONICA, b. f. 2 M 107 By Brettcnhana— Hcatle;: Day, by HeUotrope. Trainer, J. Jenkins. Owner, 3. W. Heady. 62523 B.Bnneta 6-8 l:02%good 27 112 2 S 8 HK B Ewerl2 Bii i..Te:vell. Brlaai Mkai Tafl 161388 H.deGco 1-2 48%rast 60 106 U U 11* liv3 R P.ice 12 Seal Mate, Bsriet, GaM Maaat 61303 ILdeGce 1-2 49 good 171 107 8 7 7* f" It Pice S True I lier. Wccdland, Daniel DR. KcARTHTJR, ch. c, 2 M 110 By Leo Etolney— Bachelors Blend, by Tredennis. Trainer, W. C. Wcant. Owner, W. C. VTeantL 62872 Hamton 5-8 l:02%fast 74 108 2 6 8 S-1? T Wilson 9 Persistence. Toparro. Brtaai 61870 Churchill 41 f ;4%;.ast 64 115 1 «J!0" K Mirtin 11 Its lzor.i. Metric, Traa Aaaerieaa 61774 Churchill 1-3 47%fast 83 115 4 I 8* S" B Martin 11 ■"liilsalM. J k Bauer, Bb afOeM

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922062901/drf1922062901_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1922062901_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800