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KING EDWARD PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL, Que., Thursday, July 6, 1922. King lilward Part. Halt mile. King Ehvard Tart Jockey Club. Second day. Summer meeting of seven days. Weather clear. Steward representing Quebec Rrecders anil Racism Associations, AA. J. Morrison. Stewards of nfchvins. B. C. St. Pere. SI. P., aud W. AV. Lylcs. Judges, .Sheridan Clrtrt, C. C. Campeau and Sidney Render. Starter, AV. Snyder. Racing secretary, Hhcridnn Clark. Racing starts at 3:00 p. in. Chicago time 2:C0. 63263 riZlSX PACE About 5-S Kile. Eurse 09. 4-yeax-olds cud upward. Claim-inc. Net value to winner 25; sscond, 0; third, ; 525. ; liiv. Mils. Ind. Horse. AVt. Kin. Jockey. Straight. GaoiO Comment 113 VI S AVida 575-100 0292 1 - Clearfield 112 2J C Kames 140-100 03018 Split Silk 10S 3s S Boyle S7C-100 02088 Counsel 113 4l N Hurler 13S5-1O0 620S2aTvo Byes 1GS 5 N Collins 4S5-1G0 I G240D Mouse-car 105 6 T Bonham 0790-160 i 03005 Montague 11G 7s AV Bogowski li-lBO 03047 Margaret N. Ill 8 F Iiullman 5:80-100 I 4 3938 Kob. Bradley 113 le.J Kennedy 1070-100 i niuiiiels paid. Comment, 3.50 s:ruTg:.t, .3" place. .50 show; Clearfield, .70 place, .00 show.; Split Silk, .00 show. IJqnivsIent booking edds Comment, 575 to 100 straight. 107 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Clearfield. 75 to 103 place, 30 to 100 show; Split Silk, 100 to 100 thow. Time, 1:01. Track fast. AAinncr AV. Cedars cli. g, 4, by ITnele Saratoga llflle. by Henry of Navarre trained bv J. N. Jaekson; bred by Mr. AV. II. Miller. AA-nt to post at 3:13. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Robert Bradley. AAon handily: second and thild driving. Scratched 03O47sJaek Ilc.-sley, 113: G30S7 No Trumps. 10S; 62SS5 Old Pop, 103; 55643 Connecticut, 113; O3O0G Miss Malvenia. 105. Overweights Split Silk, 3 pounds; Two Kjes. 3. 63264 SECCKD 2 ACE Atout 5-8 Kilo. Purse S400. 4-yotr-oIas end tspward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 550; third, 5. Eliiiv. Odds. Ind. Howe. AAt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 02923Lueky Pearl 111 l J Connors 3S7J-10J OSO.SO Military Oirl 111 2 C Eames 195-1M 61005 Xay:nan 107 Sal AV Bogowski 26hm 030C7 Shipmate 113 4 S Boyle 3343-100 CS20-1 Flying Orb 113 6s S AVida G19-1M c;::8S Nick LondoullS Ci T Bonham 230-1CO 02054 Xatrum 167 7s X Burner 709-1M 63000 OJd Bed 113 8 II Chappell 4W-1 niutuels paid. iJicky 9.15 stiaigin, S3.S0 place, .10 show: Military Girl, .00 piae, .S3 how; Kayman, .15 show. H-luivnlent booking odds Lucky Pearl, "57 to 100 straight. 90 to 10i place, 55 to 100 saow; limitary Girl, SO to 10O place, 42 to 100 show; Kayman, 207 to 100 show. Time, 1:01. Track fast. AViuner J. S. Bstlilwins b. m, 6, by Toddington --Mrs. Hewall, by Masetto iiaiacd by J. S. Baldwin; bred by Mr. AV. AV. Harden. AVcnt to post at 3:41. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon handiiy; seeoud and third driving. Scratched 630S0 Morning Pace. 105; G2027sCava-lier. 105; C2921 Sari van. 105; G296G L. Gentry, 113; 5C222 Chandelier. 113; G2S32 C. O. Doren. 110. ftqOH", THIRD P.ACE Atout 5-S Hile. Purse 00. 2-yoar-cJds. Special heights. Net value to winner 25; second, 560; third, 5. Bqniv. Oilds. I ml. Ilore. A"t. Fin. Jockey. Straight. C:!00 4 Mi!d"d Ruth 102 lk AV Bogowski 6i5-10fl C30C1 I-ove Bird 112 22 S Boylo 155-100 G3004Q. Manonia 112 3 C Karnes -f23-100 i3004S. Lemon 112 4 J Connors j 02820 Patchwork 112 S1 J C Frost 320-100 03004 AVorm AAood 102 C B Atkinson C800-100 03004 Blarney Rosel02 7 T Bonham ci;O-10S CI0SC Miss Paige 104 S V Fulton 4SGO-100 f Coupled in betting as 13. E. Major entry. ?2 miiruels paid, Mildred Kuth, 5.10 straight, place, .05 show; Love Bird, .G0 place, .05 show; B. K. Major entry, .30 show. liquivalent booking odds Mildred Kuth, G5" to 100 straight, 220 to 1G0 place, 47.i to 100 show; I-ove Bhd, SO to 100 place. 32A to 100 show; K. K. Major mtry, 15 to 100 show. Timo, 1:02. Track fast. AAinner C. R. Millers b. f, by Trevieco Pitti, by Plaudit trained by C. R. Miller; bred by Mr. Kenneth B. Alexander. AAent to post at 4:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slaw. AAon driving; second and third the same. Scratched 02SS4 March Lad, 102. Overweights Miss Paige, 2 pounds. MOfiR FOURTH RACE Atout 6 1-2 Furlongs. uouuo Purss . 3-year-olds ted upTrard. Cloinsins Handicap. Ket value to -winner ?400; scona, ?70; third, SEO. Eijulv. Odd. Iid. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Straiulit. 63001 Assume 111 Is II Chappell 237i-100 63120A1 107 2 C Raines 640-100 6254 lCoekroach 105 V BoRowski 4-l 628S3George AV. 10S 4l E Atkinson S5O-100 G3051 IIuntress 111 5 J Kennedy 1410-100 03130 Gold. ChancelOS Cs J Connors 503-100 OSoSSFge Ahead 108 7 J Pitz 015-100 C2067 Oakn Belle 111 Pull.up. S Boylo SIand-100 mutuels paid. Assume, JO. 75 straight, $.4.20 place, .70 shew; Al, .30 place, .50 show; Cockroach, .90 show. E:iuivalent booking odds Assume, 2371a to 100 straight. 110 to 100 place. 35 to 100 show; Al, 105 to 100 place, 75 to 100 show; Cockroach, 45 to 100 show. Time, 1:24. Track fast. AAinncr J. Leonards br. g, 8, by Disguise Chancery, by Inflexible trained by J. A. Strode; bred by Estate of Mr. J. R. Kccnc. AVect to post at 4:29. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving. Overwelghts Assume, 2 pounds; Al. 1; Huntress, 3; Golden Chance, 3; Forge Ahead, 3. COO ft 7 FIFTH RACE Aleut S-4 Hile. Purso j j ti j 1 ?45,is tnd Bpward. Claim- ing. Ket value to winner 25; second, S50; third, 5. Eqnlv. Odds. Ind. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. C3092IHohokus 115 Is F Hunt 1C5-103 C3010Falr Lassie 113 2J S AVida 4S5-10i C3131 Xeeuah 113 3l B Atkinson 545-100 G3130sBuford 113 4l V Jenkins E30-100 03208 5S. Stalwart 110 5 J Connors 2490-100 63131 Kathleen K. 112 6l P Madeira 243-100 C3128F. and AVerlOS 7 V Fulton 770-100 rautucls paid, Hohokus, .30 straight, .35 place. .10 show; Fair Lassie, .55 place, .75 show; Nrenah, .00 sltow. Kquivaleat booking odds Hohokus, 165 to 100 straight, 07 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Fair Lassie. 127-i to 100 place, 37 to 100 show; Nee-nah, 50 to 100 show. Time, 1:18. Track fast. AAinncr R. Petersonls br. g, 6, by nessian Minnie Golden, by Bolero trained by K. Young, bred by Mrs. M. V. Haggin. AVcnt to post at 5:07. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving. Scratched 63134 Dairyman, 110; C3129 Last Girl, 106; C3005 Draftsman, 110; 62879 Brolaski, 105; 62571 Lady Harrigan, 10S; 63134 Lewis B., 105; 62007 Sol Gilsey, 110. OvcrweigUts Kathleen K., 4 pounds. CQOfiO SIXTH RACE Abcct 3-4 Mile. Purse ?4M 3.yelrids and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, ?25. Kquiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 63089Vlva Cuba H3 IJ W Bogowski 327i-100 C3133Top Rung 118 2 C Eamea 2S5-100 62927 Onwa 110 3i S Boyle 1700-100 63133 Dewitt 111 4 H Chappell 635-100 03087 Drapery 115 C J Kennedy 2S90-100 62925 Hay 105 61 V Fulton 1360-103 63000,Clean Sweep 109 7 J Connors 633-1CO 62021 Key Ennia 110 S S AVida SW-100 63050 Bter Biting 100 9 A Sandatrom 733-100 mutucls paid. Viva Cuba, .55 straight, ?3.S0 place, .20 show; Top Runs, .00 place, .23 phew; Or.w. hB.00 s!ow. B-iu!va!ei:t booking oilds Aiva Cuba, 327 to 100 straigiit, 90 to 100 p!ar. 00 to 100 show; Top Rung, 100 to 100 plare. C2 to 103 show; Onwa, 145 to 100 show. Time. 1:1S. Track fast. AViuner R. AAarfielda b. it;. 5, by Assigai Argosy, by C.iyug.i crjineu by It. AVatfield; bied by Mr. AA.iltcr O. Pamic: . AVcnt to rost ot 5:31. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AAun drh ins; second and third the! same. j Scratched C1207 Doctor D.. 115; C292-l,Sheha, I 113: 03204 Paganhii. 110; 032.:5 Chorlas A. Byrne. 110; 01700 High Olympus, 110. Overwe:ghts Dewttt. 1 iHi:r.d; Clean Sweep, 1. 63269 SlK RACE About 5-8 Kile. Purse 00. 3-year-oM tud upward. Claiin-iap. Zlet v.tJoo te wi-nsr 2i; soscnj, ?t0; third, 5. j ; Kfjuiv. Odds. Ind. loi-t. Wt. F!n. .Iwkcr. Stiairht. 1 02922 J. Hoffman 10S 1 K Atkinson 373-1G0 62C77 Ltalton 110 2 S AVida 12S-100 63006 Adelia S. 196 S Boylo 111C-1G0 Capt. Bob W! 45 J Conncrs 2150-18C C3129 Jacquerie 103 SJ AV Bogows?;! 3S0-100 0023 Cplimentary 107 C A Ftilton 2400-100 63206 Kiite 111 7s J Kennedy 2330-100 5750G Madame X. 112 8 I Madeira 1501-100 S2 mtitnols paid, Joyw Hoffman, 9.h0 straight. ! j .55 phec. S2.25 show; Ijllon, $;5.05 place, .95 j show; Adelia S.. .0 thaw. Equivalent hooking Joyce Hoffman. 375 to 100 straight. 77 to 10", 62 to 100 show; llton. Z" to 100 pkuc, 47V- to 100 show; Adelia ii., 0 to 103 show. I Tireo. 1:0114. Track fast. Winner R. F. Coppngs eh. f. 3, by Trincc Her-! mi Mary Genevieve, by Dick AVelles trained by J. A. Davidson; bred by Jlr. George L. Biackford. Went to post at 8:05. At pwt 2 minutes. Start: good and slow. AAon eisily; M?cond and third driving. Soratchwl 63406 Debnt. 115. Overweights Joyci; Hoffman, 1 pound; Dalton, 3; Adelia S.. 3; Blitc, 1 ; Madame X., 2.