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AKCH B. OD OM Irlarion, Virginia. MONDAYS INFORMATION: WILLIAM TELL WON Abovo horse sent to everybody ths.t answered my advertisement. Am in a position to furnbh valuable information to reliable men. Send ycur nam and address arid let ma know how mui.ii yuu wwl bet for me. Have mzdo arrangement: to handle same information frcm Canada. Have been ia racing gnie tct over iaronty years and am in touch with the shrewdest men on the tcrf. HEXT ONE GOES SOON. RUSH ANSWER. TURF TOPICS ALL NEWSSTANDS, 35 CENTS EVEP.Y AVEEK. NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY. TODAYS FREE CODES: LATONIA Streara-46-GO FORT ERIE Ocean -44-20 AQUEDUCT Ocean-18-14 111 NASSAU ST. ROOM 64 NEAV YORK CITY A winner and a losSvwaa last Saturdays XX Specials. Dont fall to gtnest Saturdays Getaway Specials at Latonia. jWI they cost is . Todays Form Special: October-Eanandna-40.11.19-83. STANDARD TURF GUIDE Room 403, 22 AVcst Quiacy St. Chicaco, 111.