untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1922-07-12


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wlOflth Y kaU fl fi i containing charts of ail races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of JUNE, Is Now On Sale r. 4 I tie Special Attention of Students of Form is directed to the method of indexing; the charts The index shows each and every start of ail horses that have raced, with firsts, seconds, thirds and track conditions designated on the occasion of each and every start. Ey means of this innovation it is ocssible for the user of the Form Book to instantly determine a horses ability to run on any sort of track concerning which information is desired. Single copie3 by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. e DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO, 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois 157-159 East Thirty-second Street New York, N. Y 74 Exchange Street Bnifalo, N. Y Thp iniorlpQfi Rapinfjr Manna! FOE 1922 NOW ON SALE i PRICES BY MAIL : leatherette Bound .G0 FULL PUECEASE PPvICE MUST ACC0MPAITY EACH OBBES THE 1922 LEATHERETTE COVERED BOOK IS A DEPASTUSE FE0BI THE OLD STYLE. IT IS MOST SEEYICEABLY BGUED, GOLD LETTERED AND FLEXIBLE DAILY RACING fORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court Chicago, Illinois. 157-159 East Thirty-second Street .... Hew York, N. Y. 74 Exchange Street Buffalo, N. Y. JACK FIELD "THE KAN THAT CAN MAKE YOU Will " ONLY 1 HORSE A DAY. PRICE ?1 DAILY. "I TOLD YOU SO," MR PLAYER Yesterdays BIG SPECIAL Was Lunetta .15-S2 Won My remark was: ET THE LIISJT WIN ONLY$, as LUNETTA simply cannot lose. nuff sed. TODAYS A LONG SHOT Dont let this slip by YOU or YOU never wEl forgivo yourself GET lE ? 00 Free Special Tomorrow THURSDAY This eoss at WINDSOR tomorrow THURSDAY, and -will pay 15-1 or hotter, so better order JACK FIELD today for tomorrow so YOU DONT GET SHUT OUT. Costs and is trorth 00. Now, dont forfret to do this NOW. JACK nELD sold in every city, , or sent to you by mail or telegraphed 5 weekly. J. FIELD 20 WEST JACKSON STREET CHICAGO. ILL. TVO BIG SPECIALS GOING THIS WEEK Terms : Winnings of Three Dollars Rush name and address. A. A. COLE 203 OGDEN STREET ORANGE, N. J. Phenomenal Proposition GOES SATURDAY, JULY 15. This is ono of tho safest propositions handled by mo and should lozd from start to finish. TERK3: Wira me after you collect yours tho winning of a ?10 straight play. Responsible parties caly wanted. Rush your namo and correct address immediately. L. ALLEN S22 East 89th Strcot, NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. WAKE UP GET ONE TODAY Only 35s All Newsstands Mailed Diroot, 3 Weeks. Todays Best: Brim-Southem-Out-Pay-Euy-Can THE AMERICAN THOROUGHBRED Baltimoro Bids. Estab. 1807. Chicago. HI. i SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM DAILY RACING TORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, ILL. RAILBI EDS HO TIPS, BUT GENUINE STABLE INFO Sold on all newsstands everywhere, 50c LOOK! LOOK! WE "CLEANED UP" AGAIN YESTERDAYS XHX SPECIAL: Straight Shooter . $ 1 8 . 7 5 - $ 2 Won YESTERDAYS BEST BET: Captain Scott . . . .50- Won Thoso wero yesterdays two cood thi-gs, and thick of it, this only cost 55o. Kcw can you go wronj following- such stuff as this is? TODAYS BEST BET AND SPECIAL win both be a bis: price and worth a cod play today. Tomorrow "OPENING XXX SPECIAL" at Windsor and comes from same source that put over Straight Shooter, 8-1, won, our special yesterday. They expect 15 1 or better on this ono tomorrow, Thursday, so order now tomorrows !t;iil-birrts from your newsdealer ONTA CASTS 50c. NOTICE You can buy RAILBIRDS 50a everywhere, or you can have it either mailed or telegraphed to you for week. RAILBIRDS 4918 WAVELAND AVE CHICAGO, ILL. LINA CLARK .4!- WON and a third wero last Saturdays LATONIAS SPECIALS. Dont fail to got nest SATURDAYS TWO LITE ONES AT WINDSOR AU They Cost Is .00. GET NEW BOOK ON SALE TODAY 35 CENTS AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Contains a Lin9 on tho REAL LIVE SLEEPERS AT WINDSOR. TODAYS TORI SPECIAL: Octob3r-Pear-51- 53 IS - -G3 - entry". Standard Turf Guide, 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago, IU. WE ARE DUE N. So mail your for two X Specials AfcjfcX iroins Saturday. July 15. Wired 3jiyXA dirsct from track. How issno RE- VyWa PORTER out. all nowsstands, 35c ryy Wednesdays special: -jiLs Wiro-Friday-ISad-Law-Ship-Law. THE TURF REPORTER Originator and Oldest Publication in Existence 22 W. Quincy St. Estab. 1004 CHICAGO, ILL. J. F. "LUCKY" BALDWIN Real, honost, genuine, gilt-edga information oa horses that arcywcll meant and barrinsr accidents should win. Dont hesitate; rush your correct namo and addics3 at onco. Only people having busiro33 standing or references need apply. TERMS Send me by wiro, after you coUoct, tho winnings of a f.10.00 straight "jlay. I CANNOT WIN IF VOU LOSE 1303 LEXINGTONVE., NET YORK CITY, N. Y

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922071201/drf1922071201_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1922071201_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800