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Latest Work-Outs 13 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 15. The following work-outs were recorded here this morning: Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 9-Betty Beall ...37 9-Martingale 3S 2- B. Believe lie 37 10-Mylantl Belle 3Gand 10- Capt. Costigan 35 11-Kunelise 37 8-Cibru 36 8-Bouletto 3G 998-Cimbra 30 H-Sunsini ;3G 11- Drogheda 37 4-Snn Mist 36 10-Faith W 30 8-Smoke Screen 37 8- Hberry Finn 39 9-Valador 33 Half Mile. 9- A11 American -.49 8-Majority 48 3- Bon Fire 48 4-Messenger 4S 8-Bit o Black ..49 10-Miss Joy 47 10-Braedalbane ..46 997-New Orleans ..48 997-Bright Tmorow49 9-Paragon 57 12- Blue rcter- 51 10-Peddler 4S 8- Codina 52 11-Sun Quest 50 1-Crystal Isles .49 11-Sun Thistle ...50 10-Exterminator .54 8-Sercnader 57 6-Glentilt 53 1-Utah 19 rive-Eighths Mile. 10-Betty "Wood .1:02 10-Prince Regtl:04 10-Bo McMillan. 1:01 7-Pud 1:04 9S3-Cormac 1:02 Ragnarok ...1:02 9- Car. Pantagesl:03 Rosa Yeta ..1:03 990-Cliat. Thierryl:07 7-Runcarol 1:03 8- High Chief ..1:03 9-S. Ooldman .1:03 10-Horeb 1:03 8-Sky Line 1:02 10-.T. Q. Kelly .1:04 S-Slippery Elm 1:03 10-Nancy F. ...1:00 9S3-Star Court ..1:04 COS-Monardella ..1:01 11-Stony Point .1:01 10-Miss Smith .1:01 9-Wellfinder ..1:01 1-Miss Belle ..1:03 3-Wrangler ...1:03 10-Noon Glide ..1:04 10-W. Take A1U:01 Threc-Quarters Mile. 9- Barbary Bushl:17 l-Diamnd Dickl:10 8-Bedazzle 1:18 9-Ooshawk 1:15 10-Bellsolar 1:19 10-High Clond .1:14 997- Big William. 1:1S 10-Lord Allen .1:14 4- Black Fox ..1:20 8-Nofe Dive ..1:23 5- Calmity Janel:25 990-Picnic 1:18 8- Cartoonist ...1:16 10-Red Brand ..1:19 10-Catapult 1:19 C-Rialto 1:13 10-Crocus 1:25 S-Twaddle 1:20 Seven-Eighths Mile. 10-Dry Moon ..1:34 4-Pcn Rose ...1:28 10-Oil Man 1:30 One Mile. 10-BIuc Teal ...1:44 11-Modo 1M1 3-Bluffer 1:44 9-Mollie Barnesl:46 1-Carmeneita .1:43 10-Nedna 1:49 995- Consort ..:..1:46 10-Parader 1:40 10-Duncecap ...1:42 10-Princc Jamcsl:50 1-Fairway ....1:43 12-Pnidcry 1-49 998- Halu ,..1:45 10-Supercargo ..1:41 S-Jock Scot 1:43 10-Tangerine ...1:42 Mile and a Quarter. 12-Scotland Yet.2:09 Bluffer worked easily all the way. Scotland Yet worked well over the distance. Parader had an easy gallop. High Cloud showed fine speed from the barrier. Miss Joy worked with High Cloud the first half mile. Tangerine and Duncecap worked together all the way. Fairway did a useful mile. Oil Man was under restraint from the barrier. Runelise worked from the barrier. Barbary Bush had an easy work-out. Messenger galloped easily from the barrier. Modo showed good work. Goshawk was under a pull all the way. Braedalbane showed remarkable speed. 13 OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear ; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 996- Brumelina 38 11. Simplex 38 Half Mile. 3-Curtis 49 10-Pilgrim 51 973-Humboldt 51 10-Ralco 50 10-Knobbie 50 8-Rock Salt 51 S-Leghorn 51 7-Suweep 51 9- McKee 49 10-AVaterfcather .52 Five-Eighths Mile. 993-Ace of Aces l:r7 12-Romulus 1:033: 10-Cavt Emptorl:05 10-Rork 1:09 10-Heremon 1:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 10-Bnimado ....1:24 10-Jocose 1:24 10-Carefnl 1:24 8-Sedgefiold ..1:23 3-D. and Dkesl:22 1-Wilderaess ..1:22 Seven-Eighths Mile. 10-Mustard Seedl:35 One Mile. 10-Scottish Chiefl:54 10-Zed 1:49 Humboldt and Pilgrim worked together. Knobbie seems fresh and ready. McKee worked easily. Curtis showed improvement. Caveat Emptor is training well. Mustard Seed was worked easily. WINDSOR, Ont, August 15. Work-outs here today included the following: WINDSOR. Weather clear; track fast Half Mile. 92S-Anzac 49- 973-Lynmouth ....54 12-Curland 47 1-Pietnis 51 9-Dr. Hickman .49 9S3-Ragazza 50 12-Diomed 50 3-Kex Gaiety ..50 935-Jimmic Daw ..52 9S4-Topniast 50 992-Kewpie ONeil 49 Five-Eighths Mile. 12-A1 Stebler ...1:03 970-Drthy Bknerl:03 Buckwheat ..1:02 3-Fair Lavar.a 1:05 954- Citation 1:01 12-Hhes Grahaml:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 9S0-American Boyl:16 990-Minute Man 1:15 992-Bandeau 1:16 12-Mormon Elderl:16 98G-Billy Kelly ..1:18 983-Omnipotent .1:15 12-Be Good 1:15 12-Playful Miss 1:10 942-Botheration .1:18 12-Rekab 1-16 12-C. o the Rstl:18 12-Rky Mountnias 1-Claymore ...1:15 986-Selum 1:18 984-Donegal 1:16 958-Sister Josella 1:14 12-Friendly 1:10 12-Soldicr II. ..1:17 999-Keltie 1:15 9S4-St. Maurice 1:16 986-Marcel 1:18 12-Sweet Cookiel:14 12-Mart OHara 1:10 992-Trantula 1:14 One Mile. 12-Anglnm Maid 1:43 999-Fannie Bean 1:44 7-Attory Muir.l:45 12-Georgette ...1:42 12-Bunga Buck .1:42 9S5-Gern 1:44 12-Chnie Walshl:51 995-Harmonious .1:42 933-Damoris ....1:44 12-John Finn ...1:42 937-Doris 1:44 12-Radio 1:43 955- Easteside ...1:43 978-Tantalus 1:47 Mile and an Eighth. 12-Ferguson ...1:53 12-Sea Court ..1:53 Dr. Hickman galloped under restraint. Lynmouth only cantered. Curland is very fast and very fit. Anzac "was going ejuirjr. Kewpie ONeil appears to, be in good form. Citation was doing all she could. i - Trantula showed plentiful speed. Be Good seems fit. Georgette gallop?d a good mile easily.