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. , . Latest Work-Outs 25 I SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. T., August 28 s Sundays work-outs here included the follow- ing: 1 1 "Weather cloudy; track heavy SARATOGA. , Throe-Eighths Mile. i 21- Belphrizouia ..12 23-Miss Smith ..37 18-Cioi-lut 3S 19rPrince Rcgcnt.37 1 22- Gohawk . 30 23-Scarlct Buglcr.40 23- K. Sol.s Seal. .40 21-True Flier ....42 Half Mile. 22 - Coat of Arms. .50 20-Runlcigh .....54 23- Crugie 52 21-R. and Pretty. 54 22-IIigh Prince ..53 23-Two Feathers. 52 23-Liwaito 52 23-Wild Heather. 51 . Fivo-Eighths Mile. 21-All Aniericanl:00 Three-Quarters Mile. 21- Cood Times. .1:21 997-Sedgc 1:27 17- Leiterman ..1:27 22-Sh Light H.l:- 18- My Reverie .1:23 21-AVynnewood !:- One Mile. 23 -Can Free ...1:53 926-Jimmie 1:53 23-June Crass .1:55 20-Overtake 1:50 The track was heavy and holding this morning and no fast work-outs were noted. OKLAHOMA TRAINING TRACK, Three-Eighths Mile. 23- Iay Dear 37 20-Tuxedo 30 2-Slockmar 37 24-Zev 37 Half Mile. 24 - Arrow of Gold. 51 18-Lueky Antoine.53 22- Hest I-ove 53 21-Morvich 52 12-Brink .... 55 20-1olly Ann 51 Hi-Chile 53 23-Suweep 50 21-Cyelops 51 20-Valentia 52 23- Flagstaff 50 23-AVhirlwind ...u4 21-lnsulate 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 23-Audaeity ...1:0S 21-Sunnyland ..1:0S 23-lieam Star .1:0S 12-Tarn .......1:07 21-lleremon ...1:09 Three-Quarters Mile. 19- Anterior 1:23 23-PiIgrim .1:19 21-A11U; Ochs ..1:22 21-1rudish 1:18 21-Calam. Jane.l:19 21-Quanel 1:19 24 Enchantmt .1:21 23-Itunviso 1:19 23-lIourbel ....1:21 20-Sakah ......1:19 23-Knot 1:21 23-The Almoner. 1:19 23-Mollie Barnesl:22 23-Thunderclai 1:21 23-Picketer 1:21 23-Timbrel 1:23 Seven-Eighths Mile. 21-Italco 1:30 One Mile. 23- Brumado ....1:53 23-Mad IIatter.l:49 24- Klimiuator ..1:50 23-Modo 1:4. 23-LittIe Chief. 1:51 18-Scot. Chief.. I:o0 Milo and an Eighth. 23-Emotion 2:00 23-Kai-Saug ...2:03 Mile and a Quarter. 21- Nedua 2:14 WINDSOR, Ont., August 28.-Sundays training gallops at Devonshire Park included the following: Weather clear; track fast DEVONSHIRE 1AllK. Three-Eighths Milo. 9S2-Ablaze 34 22-Tippo Sahib ..3S SCO-Hall; new 30 992-Wild Flower ..38 Half Mile. r05-Bobby Allen ..4S 957-Old Chap 50 J91-CIean Cone ...51 18-Quiek Run ... 49 C30-Different Eycs51 23-Siroceo 50 880-11. of the Nth49 lS-Tarantula 49 23-H.irrignsMaid 51 911-Tingling 50 10-Lit. Blk Sheep 49 998-Top Notch ...49 22- Oakling 53 22-Wm. Oldt 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 14- Air Tan 1:04 lS-Oo La La ...i:02 932-Crey bourne .1:05 S-Zack Terrell 1:02 992-Jeals AVomanl:03 Three-Quarters Milo. 23- IIany Maximl:14 23-Roy 1:10 15- .limmie Daw 1:15. 17-Sirsn Maid. 1:15 994-Petit Dame 1:10 Seven-Eighths Mil. 19-Dottas Best 1:32 One Mile. Cavaledr 11.1:42 17-Pit 1:42 891-Damzie .....1:45 993-Sanuy Heal. .1:40 9SU-Comme Ci ..1:42 0-Solid Rock ..1:43 17-Cciirmand ...112 24-Voogeria ...1:53 23-June Fly ...1:50 Ablaze, on a lightning fast track, showed " wonderful speed. Wild Flower looks like she is in good form. Ballynew showed some speed. Little Black Sheep seemed to have plenty of speed and appears lit. . Trantula was undjer restraint all the way and had plenty in reserve. Bobby Allen is as fit as he can be made Oo La La ran well, seems to be in fine condition. Harry Maxim and Sikhim worked well and evenly together. Solid Rock ran a good mile easily. Pit, Gourmand and Comme Ci worked head and head for a mile. Cavalcadour II. showed no distress after working a good mile.. 26 SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., August 28. The main track was closed again thismorn-, ing to have it as good as possible for the afternoons racing and all training was confined to the Oklahoma track. No fast works were recorded, owing to the slow condition of the course. AVeather cloudy ; track slow OKLAHOMA TRAINING 1RACK. Three-Eighths Mile. 23-Due ile Morny 38 3-King Albert ..40 22- lJtliiiea ...38 24-lA-ghorn 3s 23- EuIala 38 23-Owasko 40 24- Huinl:oldt 37 23-Wildrake 38 914-Keziah 42 Half Mile. 22- Anonyinous ...51 951-Montalvo 57 24-I!Iaek Monkey 50 24-Mustard Seed .51 O91-15ravo ."...57 20-Poor Puss 515 23- Capt. Costigan.51 24-Priimis 53 24- Contact ...52 24-Purity 50 9-Firm Friend ..54 24-Komping Home51 Cil-Georgie 50 23-I!omulus 51 21- HeIl Gate 55 24-Tiajanus ..03 10-IIejliaistos ....51 20-Violinist 51 10-IIot Muffin ...50 24-Wbite Star ...50 087-Jug .: 51 24-William Tell ..52 Five-Eighths Mile. 25- Bcst Love ...1:07 25-Pay Dear ...1:07 23-Blosm Time 1:07 12-Pony Expressl:09 23- Cape Clear ..1:05 24-Quaint 1:09 24- Deep Sinker 1:00 10-ltotk Salt ..1:00 24-D. and Dkcsl:07 2:i-Routlcdge ...1:01 22- Dr.T.S.D.iby 1:10 24-Runmath ...1:03 24-Cr. Tliatcher.l:07 24-Runetta 1:08 23- High C 1:04 23-Tag Day 1:07 2-Homestietcli 1:05 23-The Colonel .J:0S 8-Opperman ...1:09 20-Utah 1:03 Three -Quarters Mil. 20-Arapahoe ...1:24 23-Kellerman ..1:22 20- AvaIanche ..1:25 24-Mark Twain 1:18 21- Bantry Pass 1:27 24-Martingale ..1:19 24-Castanet ....1:23 23-Mawrcoron ..1:25 20- Curlis 1:22 21-Nassau 1:25 23-Daniel A. ...1:20 24-Passamaria .1:23 23- Dream Makerl:25 18-Pow Wow ..1:20 24- Dunlin 1:19 S-Quesada 1:24 23- Excelsis 1:21 23-Rork 1:27 19-High Speed 1:25 23-Summit 1:21 15-lIillliouse ...1:25 24-Wildeniess .1:19, 22- Hobgoblin ...1:20 20-Ykee Tvelerl:25 Seven-Eighths Mile. 24- Knobbie .....1:35 One Mile. 13-Black Fox ..1:54 24-Prince Jamesl:55 10-Chateaugay .1:55 24-Sedgefield "..1:48 22- Loiterer 1:57 24-Tangrine ..1:48 21- Naturalist ..1:57 22-Cnited Verdel:5l 24-Philosopher .1:54 20-Vendor .....1:55 Dunlin and Martingale did their gallops for the Hopeful on even terms and both seemed little distressed when they pulled up. WINDSOR, Ont., August 28. Mondays training gallops at Devonshire Park were as follows : Weather clear ; track fast DEVONSHIRE PARK. -Three-Eighths Mile. Blue Wrack ...3S 24-Rockery 37 503-Delhimar .37 24-Salton 38 10-Flame 37 24-Silver Springs 37 Half Mile-. 19-Bees Wing ...52 989-Marse John ...51 Five-Eighths Mile. 24-Cape Pillar .1:01 Little Less ..1:04 Charley Boy 1:02 24-Plutrel 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 17- Croupier 1:19 731 -Last One 1:22 23- Cuba Eneantol:lS 19-Pastl Swain 1:10 9S9-Frk Fogartyl:18 10-Servitor 1:10 21 -Jacques .....1:22 22-Toe the Markl:10 19- Kirk Lady ..1:15 900-XTltimata ...1:15 One Mile. 22- Arrow Point 1:53 30-Lord Wrack.. 1:45 20- He Cood 1:42 17-Lunetta 1:42 18- Bullion 1:43 S07-Mnry Maxim. 1:42 992-Bygone Days 1:43 24-Stantey .....1:40 24- Cb. Stonehaml:55 21-Suave Prince 1:45 23- High Cear ..1:42 24 -Tan Son 1:45 9S9-dIendrie ."...1:55 25-Voogeria 1:5-1 23-IIope 1:50 24-War Zone ..1:44 25- Jimmie Daw 1:47 Silver Spring is training well again. Rockery ran well. Blue Wrack is not doing much. Plutrel ran well all the way. Charley Boy showed some speed. Kirk Lady was only cantering. Cape Pillar ran from the barrier. Stanley is on the slow side yet. War Zone galloped a nice even mile. Be Good worked from the barrier ; showed a good mile. Mary Maxim showed good speed all the way.