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Latest Work-Outs j i 51 LEXINGTON, Ky., September 23. Todays work-outs at the local track included the following: XEXINGTON. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 970-Avay 37 45-IIonor Man 38 956-Alluring 37 47-Mart OHara ..30 49- Bricht Leaf ..-.365s 47-Miss Britain ..38 44- Cliiids Tlay ...35 49-Poke Bonnet ..38 29-Fnntoche ..38 972-Post Ilaste 39 45- Great Luck ...35 50-The Clown 38 Half Mile. 47- Bo McMillan . . .50 35-Lucy Churchill . .49 50- Cash 49 44-Nulli Secundus.51 48- Distinction 51 44-Prcstolite 55 43- Gordon Shaw ..55 43-Uncle Velo ....54 45-Lavinia 54 Five -Eighths Mile. 48-Amcrican Acel:03 4C-Mr. Lee 1:03 37-Dulcey 1:05 44-Panna 1:04 47- nad . . . 1:05 931-Poppye 1:09 47-High Cloud ..1:06 45-Sam Keh ...1:08 - K. Carpenter 1:08 45-Swcct Lady .1:05 44- Kindred 1:03 50-Trinmph 1:02 48- Metric 1:03 46-Victoire 1:03 47-Miss Collettel:01 47-Watcli. Wait.l:02 Three -Quarters Mile. 45- A. Alexandcrl:16 910-Lot. Loraine .1:16 47- Banter 1:10 48-Jlay Bcdinc .1:20 28-Bllierly Lovel:18 926-Mountjoy 1:18 48- Best Pal 1:18 49-Princc K. ...1:19 49- Chacolet 1:17 50-Pegasus 1:10 49- Easler Bells .1:16 48-Pindar Peel .1:10 974-Free Market 1:17 46-Probable 1:21 28- Fighting Cookl:18 902-Power 1:21 48-Fair Phantoml:17 47-Sam McBride.l:19 50- Granitc Ware 1:16 48-Snrf Rider ..1:16 4S-Jimmie Daw .1:19 43-Settle 1:18 47- Lord Allen ..1:18 49-WhitIeatfcer .1:17 31-Lady Lillian. 1:17 One Mile. 48- Adonls 1:44 28-Cot. Blossom 1:48 43- Bill and Coo. 1:44 47-Cruzern . 1:43 47-British Liner 1:53 9G4-Pumps 1:44 44- Brilliant Star. 1:44 47-StartIe 1:44 Childs Play showed rare speed, considering track conditions. Easter Bells and Banter worked together in an extra good gallop. Pindar Peel ran easily. Pair Phantom was under stout restraint. Surf Rider and Pegasus did fast trials easily. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., September 23. Todays training gallops here included the following: HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 45- Camouflage ...39 50-Oceanic 3S 29- Jloiis Womam 37 30-Royal Gem ...37 995-Leochares II. .38 50-Silencc 40 49- Natural 39 44-Transom 39 Half Mile. 47- Calamlty Jane 50 29-Miss Michigan 53 49- Cle.m Gone ...51 49-Paul Jones 49 50- Double Cross ..41 49-Petite Dame ..51 48- Delhi Maid ...49 872-Zouave 52 20-Harmonious ...52 49-The Wanderer 50 26-Jacques 03 Five-Eighths Mile. 43-Bigheart ....1:04 704-La Bar 1:05 47-Champlain ..1:02 47-Sun Quest ...1:02 11-Crock o Goldl:05 Simoon 1:01 47-Irish Pat ...1:04 095-Ten Minutes 1:07 904-Kirah 1:04 49-Vitamin 1:05 Three-Quarters Mile. 49- Crocus 1:16 26-Duc de Mornyl:17 982-Bengalese ...1:25 47-GalIagher ...1:24 14-Crank 1:23 49-Prudish 1:16 49-Cromwell ...1:22 47-Tip. Witchet.l:19 47- Curt Events 1:20 50-V. -Chairman 1:18 49-Dunlin .1:24 49-Warlike 1:20 One Mile. 49-Bread Line .1:48 47-Myld Belle 1:45 49-Bellsolar ....1:47 47-Polly Ann ...1:43 49-D. of t. Valyl:43 48-Bacon teuse .1:52 967-Debadon 1:45 4S-Sunrose 1:50 48- IIobey Baker 1:47 Natural is training slowly and needs one ! or two gallops to fit her. Royal Gem showed speed from the barrier. Camouflage only cantered. Zouave was not doing much, on the slow side. Paul Jones appears to be rounding into his ! old form. Delhi Maid showed a good turn of speed 1 from the barrier. Harmonious only cantered. Polly Ann is fit and ready for her best t race. Sun Quest seems to be speedy and in good I form. Champlain ran well with plenty in reserve. Crocus and Prudish worked together oh 1 even terms. i ! ! 1 t I 1 Dream of the Valley worked from the barrier and was doing his best. NEW YORK, N. Y., September 23. To days training gallops over the local course included the following: BELMONT PARK TRAINING TRACK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 40- Borkc,s Drift. ..36 Vesper Bells ..38 990-Speedball 38 30-Whirl wind 40 19-The Hottentot .38 Half Mile. 39-Carman Pantagcs51 50-New Hampshirc49 47-Cyclops 49 42-Ilunctta 50 44- Dan Boiling ...50 3S-Kuddy 49 45- DDTastation ...49 44-Rockabye 51 47- Emotlon 47 915-Setting Sun ..49 38-Hoy 49 4C-Sakah 50 48- Lustrous 49 995-Venizelos 51 32-Mary Patricia .50 Five-Eighths Mile. 2S-Best Love ...1:03 40-Suwecp 1:00 47- CIoughjordan 1:00 4C-Swift Grass .1:09 48- Edict 1:00 47-Three Square 1:05 21-How Fair 1:00 15-"Vaterfeather 1:03 43- Margt White 1:03 Three-Quarters Mile. 44- Arrow of Goldl:14 46-MaJority 1:15 3C-Black Fox ..1:22 4S-Itaffles 1:17 29-Careful 1:25 45-Summit 1:21 47-Cliesterbrook .1:15 45-Sou Mint 1:17 37-IIell Gate ...1:20 45-Serapis 1:17 46- High Speed.. 1:21 24-Tall Timber .1:16 43- Knobbie 1:13 45-The Almoner. 1:15 One Mile. 47- Arnold B. ,..1:46 44-Orderl.r 1:47 41- Canyon 1:44 4S-Sennings Parkl:43 47-Feodor 1:49 48-Tangerine ...1:42 Careful was under restraint all the way. Tangerine worked fast. Tall Timber was not extended. Sennings Park looks and acts good. Cyclops had an easy gallop. Cloughjordan did his work well. Majority and Chesterbrook worked on even terms. How Fair showed a fine gallop. Emotion has all of her speed. Knobbie was not fully extended. Raffles galloped easily. Edict and Suweep did an excellent work together. JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4C-Blanc Seing ...48 17-Spugs 38 959-Forshala 35 Half Mile. 47-Lady Monmoutli54 44-Sea Tag 49 45- Park Hill 53 46-Scli Light III. 53 Five-Eighths Mile. 40-Daydue 1:03 44-Lucidius 1:01 45- Grace E 1:06 48-Trajanus 1:03 44- Juicy Fruit ..1:04 Three-Quarters Mile. 40-Buxom 1:17 4S-Poe 1:18 40- lien Wood ..1:19 43-Rejirtion ...1:22 4G-Gadfly 1:13 51-St. Isidor ...1:19 45- Kirklevington 1:15 44-Valcntia 113 47- Mawicoron ..1:15 50-Yankee TY1it1:21 50-Pluribelle ...1:17 43-Zeus Lassie .1:22 One Mile. 42-Bit o Black. 1:40 45-Irish Brijradrl :4G 46- Consort 1:49 Wise Love ..1:49 44- Carmcncita ..1:42 Gadfly did a remarkable work-out. Buxom was under restraint. Mawrocoron was under restraint. Valentia ran well with light weight up. Irish Brigadier and Bit oBlack galloped easily together. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Half Mile. 41- Shile 50 Three-Quarters Mile. 48- neremon ...1:14 41-Tlie ISolI Calll:19 47- Mag.Murphy 1:20 Seven-Eighths Mile. 46- Dry Moon ..1:26 43-Itcgal Lodge 1:33 One Mile. 50-Eliminator ..1:39 40-Pibroch 1:54 46-Horcb 1:40 50-Scot. Chief .1:44 46-Kings Belle 1:45 44-Sloivc-conard 1:43 Mile and an Eighth. 50-Flayfcllow ..2:03 TORONTO, Ont, September 23. Todays training gallops here included the following: WOODBINE PARK. Weather clear; track fast Five-Eighths Mile. 49- Aunt Lin ...1:03 29-11. P.iirgoyne. 1:0.1 48-Dorando 1:03 955-Iady Heart .1:05 49 -Elemental ...1:02 Purl 1:02 47-Guy 1:05 49-Thorny Way. 1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 49-Colonel Matt.l:19 47-I5edstone ...1:18s,. 49-Dark Horse .1:18 19-Witth Flwerl:17 17-Flag of Trcel:15 28-Yennak 1:1S 13-Keltie 1:15 One Mile. 49-Baby Grand.. 1:43 17-Gohl. Sphere. 1:43 45- Cotc dOr ..1:44 4S-Lion dOr ..1:44 42- Dcvonitc 1:44 Thorny Way and Elemental worked together. Thorny Way was ridden out. Elemental was under restraint all the way. Golden Sphere was under a strong pull. Baby Grand ran well. Lion dOr galloped under a strong pull. Keltie ran fast. Cote dOr is in good form. Yermak worked from the harrier. Flag of Truce is fresh and in good form.