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1 1 I 1 I KEMPT0N PARK FORM CHART MONTREAL, Quo., Wednesday, September 27, 1922. Kempton Park. 3-4 mile. Seventh and last day. Manitoba Jockey Clubs autumn meeting of 7 days. Weather clear. Stewards representing Quebec Breeders Association, W. J. Morrison. Stewards of meeting, B. C. St Pere and W. W. Lylcs. Judges, J. F. Ryan, C. C. Campeau and S. Bender. Starter, Edward Tribe. Racing secretary, Sheridan Clark. Racing starts at 2:45 p. m. Chicago time 1:45. CKK07 FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. July 29. 19211:075110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. G5503 Kling 107 1 W Smith 1010-100 65503 JMontperri 103 2 P Gross 1740-100 65543 El Coronel 112 31 N Collins 2260-100 65547 Nick London 110 45 E T Moore 2305-100 65407 Roy Ennls 107 5 C OMahoney 2420-100 65543-Hush 107 LeftR McAlaney 340-100 G4578 T. Belgn IL112 LeftR Ball 105-100 G5544 Lady Iono 113 Left.W Heinisch G30-100 mutuels paid, Kling, 2.20 straight .70 place, .00 show; Moutperri, 3.20 place, J.0 show; El Coronel, 0.90 show. Equivalent booking odds Kling, 1010 to 100 straight 385 to 100 place, 250 to 100 show; Mont-pcrri, 500 to 100 place, 305 to ICO show; El Coronel, 445 to 100 show. Timo, 1:09. Track fast Winner Indiana Stables ch. g. 6, by Hilarious Anna L. Daley, by Lissak trained by H. E. Davhi; bred by Messrs. William Bros. Went to post at 2:51. At post 7 minutes. Start bad and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights Nick London, 3 pounds; Rey Ennls, 3; Lady lone, 1. fiKCQQ SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Sept 1, UUUOO 1916 1:01 6 110. Purso 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 5413:Joe S. 113 1 W Heinisch 2121-100 05454 xSmiI. Thrgh 113 2l J Simmons 1610-100 65547 Runnan 109 R Ball 300-100 65542 Propaganda 113 4 E T Moore 165-100 G5358 Josephine K. 108 P.up.C OMahoneySSOO-100 65542 Pittsburg 108 L.rid.R McAlaney 1080-100 mutuels paid, Joe S., .25 straight, .03 place, . .15 show; Smiling Through, 0.40 place, .00 show; Runnan, .00 show. Equivalent booking odds Joe S., 212 to 100 straight 102 to 100 place, 57 to 100 show; Smiling Through, 420 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Runnan, 100 to 100 show. Time, 1:04. Track fast. Winner G. Roses b. h, 6, by Tremargo Jcsie S., by Golden Garter trained by W. H. HaU; breeder unknown. Went to post at 3:21. At post 1 minute. Start ragged and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Scratched G5547 St. Just HO. Overweights Runnan, 1 pound. fiPiiRQ THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. July VOUOV 2 19211:075110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Eqniv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 05102 Honokus 112 1 R Ball 871-100 G5541 Nan 112 2 W Smith 2440-100 65410 Drapery 107 3k P Gros3 1320-100 64452 Carrie Baker 102 4 A Sands tram 1015-100 G5409 Complimeny 105 5 N Collins 850-100 654083Lady Betty 105 6 E T Mooro 865-100 65457 Flypaper 107 7 C OMahoney 460-100 mutuels paid, Hobokus, .75 straight .00 place, .50 show; Nan, .50 place, .70 show; Drapery, .45 show. Equivalent booking odds Hohokus, 87 to 100 straight 50 to ICO place, 25 to 100 show; Nan. 275 to 100 place, 135 to 100 show; Drapery, 122 to 100 show. Time, 1:08. Track fast. Winner W. A. Youngs br. g, 6, by Hessian Minnie Golden, by Bolero trained by W. Cedar; bred by Mrs. M. V. Haggin. Went to post at 3:46. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched 65543 Automatic Red, 107; G5454 Lava, 112. Overweights Complimentary, 3 pounds; Lady Betty, 3. 655fl FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Sept. 1, 1916 1:13 3 107. Purse 00. 3- year-olds and upward. CHaiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight C5542;H. Go Lucky 120 1" R Ball 721-100 65502 Starkader 117 2 H T Mooro 700-100 65505 Parol 112 3 J Simmons 790-100 65542 Heliocros3 117 4s W Heinisch 610-100 65544 Tan IL 117 51 P Gross 940-100 65544 Viva Cuba 112 G C OMahoney 12SO-100 mutuels paid, Happy Go Lucky, .45 straight, .15 place, .40 show; Starkader, .70 place, .90 show; Parol, .10 show. Equivalent booking odds Happy Go Lucky, 72 to 100 straight 57 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Starkader, 135 to 100 place, 45 to 109 show; Parol, 55 to 103 show. Time, 1:16. Track fast. Winner C. V. Places br. h, 7, by Hamburg Wonder, by Disguise trained by W. Higginbotham; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 4:13. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. flKKQI FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Sept 23, 1522 1:51 7 110. Purse 00. 4- year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valne to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 65544s Homam 107 11 N Collins 3271-100 65503 Edith. K. 112 2l J Simmons 790-100 G5505sRamona n. 112 3 E T Moore 235-100 65455 stRed Post 107 4 W Smith 2150-100 65545 Polygamist 112 51 W Heinisch 760-100 65456 5 H. Olympus 117 G3 R Ball 605-100 65544 Shenandoah 107 7" C OMahoney 790-100 65324 Royden 107 8 P Gross 1700-100 tSent out in entries as Riposta. mutuels paid, Homam, .55 straight .55 place, .30 show; Edith IC, .80 place, J5 show; Itamona IL, .85 show. Equivalent booking odds Homam, 327 to 100 straight, 127 to 100 place, 65 to 100 show; Edith IC, 240 to 100 place. 107 to 100 show; Ramona II., 42 to 100 how. Time, 1:53. Track fast Winner O. Tuggles ch. g, 8, by Star Shoot Sosega, by The Commoner trained by O. Tuggle; Continued on twelfth page. KEMPT0N PARK FORM CHART Continued from tenth page. bred by Mr. M. Overton. Went to post at 4:39. At post 1 minnte. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scrathcod 65216 The Portuguese, 107; 65507 Plantarcde, 107; 65544 Draftsman, 112; 65455 Mary Brb, 107; C5456 Kehoma, 107; 65410 Silex IL, 107; 65543 Timothy J. Hogan, 107. fiQ9 SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Sept 1, VOOVA 1916 1:13V4 3 107. Pnrso 00. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net vaine to winner 25; second, 0; third, 5. Equtr. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65542 Attoo 105 1and W Smith 612i-100 65460 Mike 109 22 J Simmons 235-100 65458 T. crkrader 102 3 A Sandstrom 1600-100 65504 Captn Greet 105 4 C OMahoney 230-100 653543Sea Board 103 5 B. Ball 1030-100 65544 s Uranium 104 61 P Gross 840-100 65501 Crest 109 7 E T Moora 870-100 65501 Wiso Lady 109 8 N CoUina 820-100 mutnels paid, Attoo, 4.25 straight, .00 place, .85 show; Mike, .05 place, .45 show; The Clockmender, .95 show. Equivalent booking odds Attoo, 612 to 100 straight, 200 to 100 place, 142 to 100 show; Mike, 102 to 100 place, 72 to 100 show; The Clockmender, 147 to 100 show. Time, 1:143. Track fast. Winner O. A. Mouldings b. c, 3, by Hesperus Simonda, by St. Avonicus trained by J. Shine; bred by Mr. A. K. Macombcr. Went to post at 5:08. At post 1 minote. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third tho same. Scratched 05357 George W., 107; 65323 Lillian G., 104; 65505ICounsel, 109; 65503 Triomphant, 104; 65541 Aunt Deda, 104; 655472Kayman, 104. Overweights Attoo, 3 pounds; Captain Greet, 3; Wise Lady, 2. flKRQQ SEVENTH RACE 3-4 Mile, Sept. 1, kj 9J and j j I9i6l:13ii 3 107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Canadian-bred. Claiming. Net value to winner 25;. second, 0; third, 5, Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 65506 Bona Fide 109 U J Simmons CSO-100 65546Almiranta 112 21 R Ball 500-100 65413Broadview 113 3ll W Heinisch 180-100 65360 Br. Morning 105 4" W Smith 650-100 65506 Hip o Green 101 5 P Gros3 4G0-10Q 65456Jamima 112 C E T Moore 465-100 mutuels paid, Bona Fide, 5.60 straight, .50 place, .45 show; Almirante, .40 place, .35 show; Broadview, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Bona Fide, 6S0 to 100 straight, 275 to 100 place. 72 to 100 show; Almirante, 170 to 100 place, 67 to 100 show; Broadview, 20 to 100 show. Time, 1:15. Track fast. Winner O. A. Razons b. c, 4, by Dorante or Bwana Tumbo Destitute, by Inverness trained by W. Walsh; bred by Mr. Charles McEchran. Went to post at 5:31. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 65360 Chantonr, 112. Overweights Bona Fide, 2 pounds; Broadviftw, 1; Bright Morning, 3.