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Latest Work-Outs 55 LEXINGTON, Ky., September 27. Todays training gallops here included the following: LEXINGTON. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 920-Bright Trash .39 46-Mom 35 49- Chlva 36 52-Onca 35 45- Finday 36 Half Mile. C2-Bendlta 49 51-Poppye 51 52-Cautions 54 31 -Quality 54 CO-H. Graham ...50 974-Begent Qneen.54 46- Miss Meise ...48 54-Uncle Sonny ..51 SCO-Phenol 51 46-White Boots ..51 Five-Eighths Mile. 52- AlIuring 1:0K 50-Lucky Run .1:04 53- Bello Amie .1:03 973-Manicure ...1:04 950-Cappy Ricks.l:05 43-Piedmont ...1:02 52-Distinction ..1:03 51-Power 1:03 Fame 1:03 46-Royal Palm .1:07 45rHcrald 1:04 971-Sportsman ..1:03 37-Harry Loewell:04 51-Victoire ....1:01 46- Isosccle3 1:03 4S-Viol. Mahoneyl:03 51- Klndred 1:04 Three -Quarters Mile, 47- Anna Tod ..1:10 54-Honor Man ..1:16 52- Briand 1:16 53-John Finn ..1:16 974-ClintonTille ..1:16 47-Judge Pryor.l:15 52-Chas. Henry.l:15 54-Lugs 1:16 21-Delusive 1:14 50-Sir Lawnfal .1:16 48- Easteslde ...1:16 53-Translate ...1:16 34-E. Pendleton.l:16 51-Triumph 1:16 52-Gordon Shaw.l:10 51-W. "Waiting .1:14 One Mile. 52- Brdalbane ..1:45 53-Rekab 1:48 33-Evelyn Whltel:45 51-Startle 1:46 44-Lou Widrig .1:43 46-Yoshimi 1:42 54- Lady Madcapl:41 Mile and an Eighth. 54-Badio 1:50 Victoire worked well. Delusive and Watchful "Waiting ran together in extra good move. Lady Madcap did an impressive gallop. HAVRE DE GRACE, Md., September 27. Todays training gallops here included the following: HAVRE DE GRACE. "Weather clear; trak fast Three-Eighths Mile. 42- Blackstone ...40 53-Lloyd George .37 29-Better Times ..37 53-Paul Micou ..37 43- Codina 35 48-Kosie H 37 53- Joseph Brant -.37 50-Servitor 37 53-Jock Scot 38 Water Lady ..38 Half Mile. 50- Bromelia ..51 18-Mint Stick 54 23-Hlndoostan ...52 11-Mock Orange .52 51- Jacques 53 53-Mercury 50 53-Knot 54 22-Plucky 50 50- Lady Zeus ....52 54-Bubidium 52 11-Little Ammie .51 53 -Hep 50 47-Martingale 53 47-SimpIicity .....50 i Five -Eighths Mile. 51- Doub. Cross .1:00 51-Simoon 1:04 779-lna Kay ....1:00 53-T. Wanderer.l:05 53-Silence 1:03 47-Zennotta 1:06 j Three-Quarters Mile, 51-Bigheart 1:19 999-Ly Baltiorel:19 49- Cormac 1:17 53-Meuse 1:19 53-Cur. Events .1:21 8S9-Q. or the Spal:17 43- Dr. Johnson .1:20 54-Titania 1:19 53-Harmonious .1:10 48-Tnrnabout ..1:17 47- Knighthood .1:20 One Mile. 930-Amaze ......1:45 50-Lunetta ....1:49 48- Billy Barton.l:46 898-Picrre-a-Feu 1:56 53-Blazes 1:43 53-Paul Jones ..1:46 50- Forest Queenl:45 23-Racquetta ..1:46 53-Gallagher ...1:52 47-Rummel ....1:47 50-K.a Champnl:58 928-Sunny Hill ..1:48 50-Keziah 1:51 1-Toodles 1:49 Mile and an Eighth. 49- Bunting ....2:10 Rosie H. is showing speed again. Jock Scot is in good form. Codina showed a fine turn of speed. Better Times has plenty of speed in the morning, but does not show it in the afternoon. Mercury ran well. Simplicity is training nicely and is about ready. Plucky showed some speed with something in reserve. Harmonious ran a good three-quarters of a mile. Blazes and Paul Jones worked together, Blazes four lengths in front. Bunting showed the best mile worked at the meeting. NEW YORK, N. T., September 27. -Todays training gallops here included the following : BELMONT TRAINING TRACK. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile, 53-Mary Patricia. 38 53-Whirlwind ....36 53-New Hampshire35 Half Mile. 53-Cyclops 50 53-Metal .........50 53-Cape Clear ...48 50-0n Watch 49 C3-Dream Maker. .48 44-Osprey 47 53-Bmotion 49 53-Pow Wow ....47 27-Kippy 51 53-Runviso 49 25-Liwaito 49 52-Rupee 52 16-Mirabelle 48 Five-Eighths Mile. 53-Ten-Lcc ....1:01 Three -Quarters Mile. C3-Athelstan ...1:21 52-LitUe Celt ..1:10 50- Fitzgibbon ..1:22 53-Toil 1:21 53- Gnnsight 1:16 52-T. Hottentot 1:16 54- Honrbel 1:15 52-Tryster 1:17 One Mile. 53-Bonus 1:43 45-June Grass ..1:45 Mile and an Eighth. 50-Mad Hatter .1:53 Hourbel worked fast. Ten-Lec seems fresh and good. Emotion is in good form. Dream Maker and Cape Clear galloped on even terms. June Grass was under restraint. Mad Hatter worked impressively. Tryster looks and acts good. Pow Wow showed good speed. Little Celt has a good way of going.- Osprey is in fine condition. JAMAICA. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 47-Dream Days ...36 Scisque 38 53-Runalvado 36 AVegie 3 Half Mile. 53-Ace of Aces ..51 36-Lackawanna ...54 53-Bctry Wood ..53 52-Panache 50 53-Good Night ...49 44-Spot Cash 54 44- Humboldt 50 Five-Eighths Mile. 53-Brother Pat .1:03 53-Mill Gate ...1:05" 41-Camoufleur ..1:00 53-Park Hill .. .1:0-1 CO-Idle Toy 1:03 52-Patsy H 1:03 53-Irene Swceneyl:03 53-Sir Sidney ..1:04 53-Lawn Mower 1:04 G2-Turbulent ...1:02 Three -Quarters Mile. 48-Allie Ochs ..1:16 48-Prelude 1:13 51-Blanc Being 1:16 52-Peter Brown 1:20 51-Consort 1:18 53-RejecUon ...1:24 53-Chief Flynn .1:18 63-Wise Dove ..1:22 51-Grace B. ....1:19 53-Zeus Lassie .J.:24 One Mile. 51- Carmencita ..1:42 C4-J. Paul Jonesl:44 53-Hephaistos .J:43 54-Sthera Cross 1:41 53-Irish Bgadr 1:43 52-Wynnewood .1:43 53- Juno 1:42 Turbulent was not extended. Blanc Seing and Allie Ochs worked easily together. AQUEDUCT. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 52- Chile 38 35-Scare Crow ...37 Half Milo. 50- Hughie 50 26-Quesada 50 48-LEffarc 4S 47-So It Goes ..51 Five-Eighths Mile. 21-West Pittstonl:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 46-Minima 1:15 50-Tlkeh 1:18 Seven-Eighths Mile. 54- Ethnca 1:29 47-Shaffer 1:30 One Mile. 54-Hercmon ....1:49 42-Ticacey .....1:47 51- Playfellow ..1:40 TORONTO, OnL, Todays training gallops here included the following: "WOODBINE PARK". "Weather clear; track fast Half Mile. 9-Daspair 52 47-Roseate 52 11-Hidden Jewel .52 53-Sun Brae 52 50- Lit. Blk. Sheep.49 17-Tamper 51 17-Rex Gaiety ...50 Three-Quarters Mile. 2-Calistoga ...1:19 52-The Lamb ..1:22 53- Sagamore ...1:17 . Seven-Eighths Mile. 42-Lads Love .1:31 One Mile. 51- Aunt Lin ...1:40 . 4S-Fcnclopo ....1:40 53-Fornovo 1:48